Saturday, March 31, 2007


Kind of neat after such a rough month at the store, but I finally finished first in sales. Which really isn't saying much because it was such a lousy month at work for all of us. Some day I may truly be able to compete with Sharan and Val. They have some awesome numbers most of the time.

Today was my long day, and I didn't get any exercise in today. I always hate that and had thought that maybe I could at least get out and walk around the store building, but that didn't happen either. Had also thought that maybe I could have had time to use the paper cutter at work and cut the "raffle tickets" I had made.

think our next fund raiser is going to be a 50/50 drawing and am making up the tickets now. Drawing to be held on May 1, and I am hoping to sell enough to have it be a good amount. I guess we won't know if we don't give it a try, and the worst that happens is that we don't sell very many. I think we can do okay with this though.

Am thinking about going to see my mom and dad tomorrow and already know that my sister won't be around. she is heading to Salamanca with friends to play bingo..boy, does she ever love that game. Good luck, sis. Bingo

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