Sunday, August 05, 2012


I have made a decision. I have decided that yes, even though I now own Curves, I do still want to be Certified Personal Trainer. I have been so back and forth on this for the past two years. To study or not to study? To find the time or not? To make the time or not? A goal or not? I think I have finally decided that yes, this is what I want to do. I had been considering just studying the nutrition part, which is the biggie for the ladies at the club, however, why not just do it? So, here is my plan. To continue to study my training material, to do the work, the video's the labs, the study guide in order and then to watch for a 3 day workshop somewhere in the area in relatively close location, not in the winter. And to get registered for it. I AM going to do this!

Thursday, August 02, 2012


Still trying to think if I want Curves Smart at the club. Think I would really like to add this but the price is high.