Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Day at P.T. Got that in and done. And came home with a pink souvenir tshirt with the outpatient pt logo on it. On the way home I stopped down at the little pharmacy to pick up the $$ from the sale of the cards. I have a Relay meeting tomorrow and want to have the money ready to turn in. they had $55.00 and are still selling the cards for us. The team that turns in the most money at the meeting tomorrow night is going to win a prize. I have no clue what it is, but would sure like to win..just the competetive side of me, I guess. I need to update our $$ collected and our goals etc, but won't do that till tomorrow night more than likely. I'm not sure how much we made with our relay lunch this week, but believe it was close to$45

The relay bracelets that Sharan and I ordered came yesterday, so I am wearing mine already. they are really pretty, but kind of heavy. I imagine I will get used to it, but not sure if I want it on the right arm by itself or on the left with my gold braceletes, this one is silver and purple. Purple being the relay color.

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