Friday, May 11, 2007


At last nights relay meeting the publicity chairman announced that he had created morning spots for the relay at 8 am on thursday morning and then he volunteered some of us captains with the time frame and date. I was one he volunteered, recruited or commanded may be more like it. On the morning of May 31 I will be live on the radio to talk about relay and what we have going on. this coincided perfectly with our Park Bench Raffle and yardsale on June 3. Actually he had me down for the 24 of May but I asked to switch to the 31 for this reason. Should be interesting and I need some time to get my thoughts in order. Have a great day everyone. OOps, wanted to mention that the digger guy comes today to enlarge our ponds but I won't be here to see it, I have to work...wahh. John is supposed to get us pictures.

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