Saturday, May 05, 2007


I am off tomorrow, finally a day off and I can just be home. I have got thousands of plans, from working out, to raking the yard, a bike ride, a walk, working in the flower gardens, want them ready for planting. Also, I just got in four more exercise tapes and want time to work out a bit. This isn't even to mention the housework that needs done. Although, I actually did two loads of laundry tonight so i didn't have to stay in and do it tomorrow...grin. I want outside!! I want time to sit on my bench and watch the birds and bees, and fish in the pond. Time to relax and unwind, its been a heck of a week. Worked the last Two SAturdays in a row from open to close, last Sunday at the mall for the relay and Wed when i was off was spent running from town to town. I really plan on not going anywhere unless its a walk or bike ride. Hope it works out that way. While I'm hoping, I also hope to be up early. Gives me longer to enjoy being off! Hummingbird Fish Sure do love this smiley central. All these cute little critters that work on the blog. Darn funny looking hummingbird though.

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