Friday, July 31, 2009


Have been thinking of a few different things I wanted to blog about so this one is just that. Tidbits of different things.

First off, let me say to my darling daughter that I cleaned out partially, some of my closets. I didn't do them good, but I did them. She was getting on my case while she was home, Michelle, yep, the same daughter who we didn't know the coloring of the carpet in her room until she married Bo and left home. Fact is I don't think we knew if she had carpet. Bo will testify to that I am sure. Anyways, like I said I got rid of a few things, took some to Val at work and have a bag here ready to go to Goodwill. Problem is I need to go through that bag, I looked for a shirt I wanted today and can't find it. Afraid its in the bag. LOL, I learned some things while going through those closets. I cannot through out things with sentimental value. I am a sentimental person and cannot bring myself to get rid of a jacket my mom bought me, although I outgrew it and wore it out long ago. I have a short set that I was wearing the day I bought my little red convertible, that was in 98. What do you suppose the chances are of me wearing that again? its now in my cedar chest. Speaking of the cedar chest I don't think either of my kids knows this but my grandma bought me a sleeper when my son was born. She bought it in red and blue, its quite unusual. We didn't know if he was going to be a boy or girl and my gram was really sick, she died 3 weeks to the day after he was born. Anyways, its in my cedar chest too. Both of my kids wore it and maybe someday a grandchild will get it, but for now its safe. Back to the closet. I have mine and my daughters wedding dresses in there. I have a dress Michelle bought but never wore, the tags are still on it. Michelle hasn't lived here in what? About 8 years? Anyways its a start. Like I said I gave somethings away. I was reminded of my daughter who when cleaning out her closets once when she was little wouldn't let me through out her favorite dress. She had gotten to big for it, but I wasn't allowed to give it away. I am really not sure but that could be in the cedar chest too. Okay, enough on the closet. Oh shoot, lets not forget my son, I have a variety of his winter coats, Leather jackets, mustang white jacket, Rusty Wallace etc. Just can't seem to part with things. Going to have to work on this.

Next thought, I am doing extremely well with this detox we have been on. Don't miss the sugar, the meat, or anything except maybe the coffee and am doing well with a cup or two of decaf. I even had the energy to run 2. 62 miles tonight. While down there I watched a man get out of his car with a little boy, I am thinking his grandson. I watched him light a cigarette and go over the playground with this child. I am thinking this used to be me. I would sit and smoke while the kids played. Up until 4 years ago when I got sick and started to eat healthier and exercise more. I just want everyone to get up off their butt, turn off their computer, put down their book and go move, just move.

His grandson couldn't sit still, he was on the swing, on the slides, on the merry go round, he knew that bodies are made to move, this little 2 year old knows more than most of us adults. I am going to turn off this computer now, go eat and then am going to move some more people. Get up and get moving!

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