Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Why is it that we are resistant to change? WE are afraid of the unknown, we dread doing something different and its easier to just keep things the way they are. Why is it that instead of trying a different hair cut we'll keep the same one we had 10 years ago? Instead of trying to quit smoking we will sit and talk about how we want to but its to hard. Instead of trying to lose weight we will put down someone who has? Why is it that we will stay at home or go to the same place on vacation year after year instead of trying something new? I realise I am speaking very generally here and not everyone is like this but it seems to me that the majority of the human race is.
These are all thoughts on my walk late this morning after running errands in town. First off let me say I have been trying to grow my hair longer for the past year. My hair stylist doesn't like it but I am going to try it anyways. She prefers it short like I have it worn it for at least the past ten years. I want something new and up to date. Next stop I ran into an old neighbor I hadn't seen in years, almost didn't recognise her, she has a new hair style. Its in style, fitting the times and looks nice on her. Not afraid there, however, she made the comment that she had quit smoking for 3 months, felt great but started smoking again because she was always hungry. I mentioned I had quit 4 years ago, her comment was that I hadn't gained weight, she didn't listen long enough for me to tell her of my ongoing battle. She started smoking again because she was afraid of gaining weight. 3 months isn't much time to adjust to changes. Let me say here that her son just moved back home after living out west for one month. One month. Not much time to adjust to changes either.

My turtles come to mind here also and they point out one of my faults, my new red earred sliders are in a 3000 gallon pond. These two turtles are staying in a small area probably no bigger than maybe 4 feet across by about 2 feet wide. Not much space at all going by what they could have available. They are afraid of the unknown. Kind of like me I guess. They have free rein in the pond, nothing to stop them or hold them back but yet something does, could it be fear or resistance to change?

What do you resist changing? What would you like to do that you have never done? What would you like to change most about yourself?
I am working on the new hairstyle, finishing my class to be cerrtified personal trainer, and learning yoga. Still thinking on some other changes too. I think we need to learn that not all change is bad, alot of it can be for the good.

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