Monday, December 11, 2006


Well, as you can tell from the bottom of the page, I deleted one of the tickers. I deleted the one tracking my steps. I ended up doing this because the ticker site changed things around and needed a password, and now it updates automatically when I update that site. It's a nice convenience not to have to copy and paste it in the blog, however, I cannot figure out how to have the two different tickers. I'm sure that my sister will get a chuckle out of that, but I have tried everything and it doesn't seem to work.

Anyways, my steps for the month are posted in the little blocks by walker tracker anyways. I must have had awful lofty goals when I set those goals anyways. So far this month I have walked a total of 103,992 and my goal is 600,000. I missed that big time. I'm going to blame it on the accident.

had a great day at work today, everything just seemed to fall into place and everyone bought everything. I love days like that!

I talked to Michelle for a minute tonight and Mike's cat scan went okay and he should know something from the doctor come Thursday. Thanks for all of your prayers.

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