Saturday, February 06, 2010


I received this quote in an email from "Simple Truths" I loved it and want to share it here.

"Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass...
it's about learning to dance in the rain!"
-Vivian Greene

I have a magnetic board at my place and like to put motivational quotes on it, this is one I will save and have on there. I am planning on changing them weekly. Last week I had National Wear Red Day on it, for womens heart health and it was so neat to walk into a room full of women wearing red and beaming at me yesterday! They were so excited to have this little event.

I am not going in today or tomorrow, and my real test starts on MOnday, I will start working open to close on Monday. I am keeping one part timer, Paula, and she will work Tuesday night, the rest is up to me. I have enough to do to keep me busy when I am there. The back room still needs cleaned out. I am still trying to learn all the computer stuff and now have added quick books into that. Our first payroll will be on Feb 19 and the accountant will come down and help with that.

My first Curves order came in yesterday, so I have Curves shirts and a water bottle along with 2 bottles for sale. Things are falling into place. I also now have heat and hot water thanks to Tommy. If the paperwork goes as smoothly as everything else has we should be okay.

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