Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I slept in this morning and it felt wonderful. Its a day off and for about the past week or so I can't seem to catch up on sleep. Have just been tired, which is so unlike me. I have even gone to bed before the end of my favorite tv shows. I know that I have missed my exercise this week. So today that is my plan, both weights and cardio and hope it picks me back up.

Also, I think I have spent enough time on the Medical Terminology book and plan on doing the test for that one soon. I am sure that I will come back to that book time and again, the class says that one is the most read and hardest to learn, so it makes sense. It also says that it gets easier the more we learn because we will actually learn the use of those words as we go. At any rate I am ready to move on the next one which is Fitness Anatomy and Physiology 1. It should be interesting.

Sometime today I may get outside, the sun is shining and looks beautiful although its really not all that warm. Hopefully sometime soon it will be warm.

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