Thursday, March 04, 2010

Club Development

This should really be interesting. Curves Int now does a 10 week Club Development program via computer and phone. We are starting mine today. Curves Int called last night and had me print out tons of things that we need to start training today. We use a computer site that lets us both be on at the same time and train that way. I am excited about it, however, most of the training to start looks like things I have been doing for the past month. I realise my situation is a bit different considering the fact that most owners don't just up and leave before its final. Curves Int was surprised to hear that I have been running the place for the past month. I don't feel like I have done too badly either. I have gained 9 new members, finished the reports that needed done, cleaned up the entire place, changed locks, cleaned carpets, ordered business cards. 'and the list goes on. We even have a reporter coming to do a story on the Food Drive.

I have set up a facebook page also for Curves. Not much on it yet, but it will take some time to get it running. I am looking forward to starting this training, it gets me one day closer to being done with all of this.

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