Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Day

We had such a nice Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. We woke up to elk in the neighbors front yard yesterday morning. What a glorious site to see out of the kitchen window. Three huge bull elk, have to be the same ones that were here the day before.

Today we spent most of the day with Johns brothers and their wives. Didn't really do much and worn out tonight. I am not used to just sitting around doing nothing all day long.

Santa was good to me again this year though.

Hazel, these magnificent animals were in your yard! Imagine if still lived there and I called you to look out your window!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas is Coming

Well, its here. Christmas Eve Day. I woke up this morning at 4 am. Just couldn't sleep any longer, too many things to do before everyone gets here tonight, and I have to work 9 to 3. One of these years I may take a few days vacation. I had lots of stupid little things I wanted done, things like change the scan cards in the digital frames. Mail the payment to Kohls for my credit card, put name tags on the last few gifts and get them under the tree. Get the laundry going etc, etc, etc. My husband is just as bad, he is already at walmart for a few last minute grocery items. He must have left about 5:30 or so. Thats 5:30 a.m. We are both nuts. I can only imagine how much more excited I would be if my kids were going to be home. God, I miss those kids.

The elk were here yesterday. During the day and I got some beautiful pictures of them. They were bedding down in the backyard and were here from 8 am until I left for work at 11:30. Three huge bull elk. I hope they don't try to walk through the gazebo though.
Have a merry Christmas everyone.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Happy Birthday Dad!

The Santa picture is my mom and dad. Paul and Nikkie found a computer program and put their faces on the pictures. I loved it. This is my dad wearing the hat we bought him for his birthday. It lights up. He is going to see if Miller Light will pay him for advertising their beer. LOL
WE had Christmas at my folks house today, sure do miss my kids being there. Maybe some Christmas soon we can have them home.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Christmas is coming

I normally love this time of year. Christmas has always been my most favorite holiday, I'm usually worse than the kids, but this year its been a bit different. I am realising it is our first Christmas since Mike passed away and I hate it. I do remember how he loved to tease me with the presents.

At any rate, it is finally coming together. I have been shopping before and after work for what feels like months now, but think we finally have it mostly done. I am going to get some of them wrapped tonight. John got some of them done yesterday.

Our gazebo looks absolutley gorgeous with the lights on in there. I never did find a tree for out there but there is always next year, and will give me something to look for.

I love my new treadmill, it is awesome. I tried to do an endurance workout today but forget that. I went back to a weight loss program. Not quite up to endurance yet, but think I will be working towards that.

I love days off too, but back to work tomorrow.

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Jammie Day

Ok, I'm having a jammie day. About time too, its 21 here today and snowing and blowing. I don't have to go anywhere and doubt that anyone will be here. My hubby is working nights and is sleeping so I am doing a bit more decorating.

have been busy, walked the new treadmill, put some more decorations up downstairs and just came up to eat breakfast. Breakfast at lunchtime today, its 11:45.

I have some housecleaning I want done, in my jammies, some more decorating to do, in my jammies, laundry needs finished too, in my jammies. Get the point? Pink flannel jammies to be sure. Warm, comfy and not leaving the house.

I miss my kids.

Friday, December 05, 2008