Sunday, June 22, 2008

Bake Sale

We had a bake sale today at the store during our special friends and family day sale. We raised about $275 for our relay team. We have about 3 weeks to go. We are not doing as well as last year, but the economy is worse and I know people are having a harder time making ends meet.

I am glad that the friends and family day is over, that is always a big pain for us, and a good feeling to get it done. This was the first year that our relay team did the bake sale and the raffle tickets there. I think it worked out well and sure glad that my sister and Trisha could come run it for us.

I do wish we could come up with a big fundraiser but we are running out of time. The yard sale is here next Sunday and we are getting some nice things for that from fellow co workers.

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