Sunday, July 17, 2011

Numerology Report

I had a free on line numerology report done the other day. It interests me and I found this kind of accurate. They send a small reading daily. Sure that eventually he will be wanting me to buy something but this to me is kind of interesting. This is part of what my report for today stated.

Peggi, I sense that you are a very busy person who is
always on the go. The more you have on your plate, the better. At
times you wish you had less to do, but you would be totally lost if
you woke up one morning and found nothing at all to do! This
couldn't happen, of course, as every time you get a space you seem
to fill it up very quickly. You'll be just as busy in late life as
well ... in fact you won't get time to grow old, you'll just simply
keep on growing!

I liked that.

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