Took me three pair of curtains to find the ones I actually wanted in here. But these sunflowers are perfect!
I got out of work a bit early today, and could not have been happier, we had sunshine and 60's and yes, the top was down in the little red convertible. How nice it is to have spring. After getting home, I went for a ride on the bike for a mile and then took a walk for over 1 1/2 miles. Felt great to actualy get some exercise for the first time in a few days. I have missed my goals for the month and I hate that, but a new month starts soon, so will go for it again. I love the walking and the ipod and it gives me so much time to think, its funny how much I enjoy that. In retrospect there are things I would change if I could turn back time and do it all over again. For example, I would not wait until I was 52 to quit smoking and start exercising. I would have done it sooner knowing what I know now. I just cannot believe what a difference it makes in the way I feel. It is a great stress buster. I think I woul dhave worked harder and longer when I was younger too, and then maybe I could have relaxed a bit more now. but probably not, I guess, it seems I sit much less than I used to. Maybe that comes with age also.
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