Think I'm going to fix a big plate of fudge to take in to the store. I have got to get this out of here. I ate 4, count them, 4 pieces yesterday. Not a good thing. Let me tell you, if you are trying to watch what you eat, do not, repeat not, get on the scale the morning after 4 pieces of fudge!
Yesterday was not such a good day for me, my neck was pretty sore all day long and I ended up taking one of the stronger muscle relaxers late in the day. Couldn't keep my eyes open and ended up on the sofa at 6, slept till 7, then dozed off and on till bedtime, went to bed at 10. an entire hour earlier than normal, still didn't want to get up this morning.
I did get over to Northwest and picked up the clock for in the gift basket and the manager gave me a check for her personal donation. Also, stopped at Delullo's little gas station in town and talked to Rick who is going to try selling the sun and moon cards for us. So at least did something for the relay on my day off work. this morning its back to work.
Enjoy the day everyone.
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