This blog is about the happenings in my life and those around me. It will contain information about fitness, health, web sites I enjoy, Relay for Life and other things of interest and importance to me. Please feel free to leave me a note in the guestbook or a comment on the page you are reading.
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Today was my long day, and I didn't get any exercise in today. I always hate that and had thought that maybe I could at least get out and walk around the store building, but that didn't happen either. Had also thought that maybe I could have had time to use the paper cutter at work and cut the "raffle tickets" I had made.
think our next fund raiser is going to be a 50/50 drawing and am making up the tickets now. Drawing to be held on May 1, and I am hoping to sell enough to have it be a good amount. I guess we won't know if we don't give it a try, and the worst that happens is that we don't sell very many. I think we can do okay with this though.
Am thinking about going to see my mom and dad tomorrow and already know that my sister won't be around. she is heading to Salamanca with friends to play bingo..boy, does she ever love that game. Good luck, sis.
Friday, March 30, 2007
"My best advice is to just ride. Ride consistently. Uphill. Downhill. Level ground. Push yourself. It's better for fitness. Better for the long term. Don't stop, then start. You want to stop? Have some caffeine. Then have some more. Don't concentrate so much on your time. Focus more on your frequency. Oh, and of course, have fun.
Still here? What did I just say? Go. Get out and ride."
- Lance Armstrong Can you guys tell John is working and I have time to play on the puter? LOL
Took me three pair of curtains to find the ones I actually wanted in here. But these sunflowers are perfect!
I got out of work a bit early today, and could not have been happier, we had sunshine and 60's and yes, the top was down in the little red convertible. How nice it is to have spring. After getting home, I went for a ride on the bike for a mile and then took a walk for over 1 1/2 miles. Felt great to actualy get some exercise for the first time in a few days. I have missed my goals for the month and I hate that, but a new month starts soon, so will go for it again. I love the walking and the ipod and it gives me so much time to think, its funny how much I enjoy that. In retrospect there are things I would change if I could turn back time and do it all over again. For example, I would not wait until I was 52 to quit smoking and start exercising. I would have done it sooner knowing what I know now. I just cannot believe what a difference it makes in the way I feel. It is a great stress buster. I think I woul dhave worked harder and longer when I was younger too, and then maybe I could have relaxed a bit more now. but probably not, I guess, it seems I sit much less than I used to. Maybe that comes with age also.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Relaxing on the pond bench Jeff made us last year. Needed to relax after today. I did 2 mile watp video with weights, 20 minutes core secrets on the ball with weights, 1 mile on the treadmill, 1 mile real actual outside walk, 2 mile bike ride on the new street bike, and am heading out for one more walk before dark. It is utterly amazing to me how much I enjoy this active busy life style after the laziness of my youth. Youth was totally wasted on me. Hope to stay this active for a long long time.
Enjoy the day everyone!
Friday, March 23, 2007
have a great day everyone, I'm heading for the treadmill.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Yesterday was not such a good day for me, my neck was pretty sore all day long and I ended up taking one of the stronger muscle relaxers late in the day. Couldn't keep my eyes open and ended up on the sofa at 6, slept till 7, then dozed off and on till bedtime, went to bed at 10. an entire hour earlier than normal, still didn't want to get up this morning.
I did get over to Northwest and picked up the clock for in the gift basket and the manager gave me a check for her personal donation. Also, stopped at Delullo's little gas station in town and talked to Rick who is going to try selling the sun and moon cards for us. So at least did something for the relay on my day off work. this morning its back to work.
Enjoy the day everyone.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Wow! Spring starts tonight according to the news I just heard. never even realised it was here! How exciting is that! Think we are all more than ready for it.
Enjoy the day everyone!
Monday, March 19, 2007
Today we had gumbo for the relay lunch and boy, was it good. Barb did a wonderful job on it and we took in $36.00. Betty brought the fudge in that we all ordered and we made $45 with that, and then I got home to a check in the mail. An absolutely wonderful donation from our minister and his wife.
Greg told me today however, that he thinks it would have been cheaper for me to just give a $1000 donation. we are all buying lunch every week and fudge and other goodies, its not good for the waist line, but I sure am enjoying it. Until time to get on the scales. think I'm going to put together a 50/50 raffle and get the gift basket ready and do somethig that will bring in $$$ besides just food.
Enjoy the day everyone!
Back to work
On a bright note we had a visit from Paul and Nikki and that was nice, enjoyed seeing them. they were both on their way back to school with spring break already being over. I thought they still had another week off.
Yesterday afternoon also, Rick and Kathy stopped down and that would have been nice if i could have been to visit with them. they came right as I was leaving to go help a customer from work. I did get to see them for a few brief seconds..and thankfully, did get the problem from work taken care of so I can get that living room ordered this morning.
A chilly 18 degrees out here this morning. Where the heck is spring?
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Happy St Patricks Day!
Thanks Laura, for the contribution to the relay! It came in the mail today and much appreciated.
Friday, March 16, 2007
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Going down on the treadmill, I need to move a bit..oh! new countertops coming tomorrow morning yippee! Watch for pics..
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Home from Brendas'
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Just got off the phone for the second time today with my darling daughter. I sure am one lucky lady, have got two of the absolute best kids..and one pretty good son in law. OOps, and some pretty terrific step kids too.
I've had the sirius radio on this morning and have found a new station that I really like, its shuffle mix and has some pretty good stuff on it. I've found a few that I'm going to put on the ipod from itunes. they have everything from Elvis, to Pink, to Bon Jovi, to Melissa Etheridge, to Cutting Crew...
Okay, enough rambling, back to work. And the sun is out!! May have to get dressed and go for a walk yet today. High 40 degrees, we're having a heat wave
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Everyone that I worked with today bought with the exception of one lady. I have worked with her before and she is just strange and doesn't really know what she is doing or what she wants. At any rate she left today with a quote again on a framed picture. it is so strange how sometime you can sell everything and other days nothing. It's like you can either do everything right or nothing right. I am glad that it was my turn to do it all right. I needed a good day like that. I ended up working late again and then stopping at Ross's on the way home and found some pictures to hang in the bedroom. I am doing some spring cleaning tomorrow and wanted somethng new to put up. Am really looking forward to the day off and home.
Oh, and Chet left today for Sweden, he is to be gone about two weeks for work. I told him to send a post card, about the closest I'll ever get to Sweden.
Friday, March 09, 2007
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Our team was not the first place prize winner for the most donations turned in tonight. I'm not sure how much they turned in or what they beat us by, but do know it wasn't us...darn it. Oh well, maybe next month. I am just so pleased with our team though. Everyone else has been doing this such a long time and then there is us, and its our first year and our first time. I have never done anything like this before and think the only one who has ever participated in the Relay in the past is my sister. she has been a big help with some ideas for different things.
I really need to get to the park and see how big it is, how much space we will have for our tent or campsite. At the meetings everyone else knows everything and then there is me..
I stopped at Ross's tonight and left a letter for Cook, was hoping she would be there but she wasn't. I am wondering if they would like to form a team or if not will help us out with fund raising. i left the letter with the die cut cards. Hopefully they may decide to help us out with that.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
The relay bracelets that Sharan and I ordered came yesterday, so I am wearing mine already. they are really pretty, but kind of heavy. I imagine I will get used to it, but not sure if I want it on the right arm by itself or on the left with my gold braceletes, this one is silver and purple. Purple being the relay color.
Monday, March 05, 2007
I still go for tests yearly, and this is the first time that I don't have to go every 6 months. Normally I would have been doing the test and going to UPMC this month, but they have decided that things have been good for long enough that we can wait to Sept this time.
This tumor is a strange thing and they cannot tell if it is cancerous or not. No way to determine that except through the urine tests or blood tests that they do. So we watch and we wait and we pray. And we thank God for all of the wonderful doctors and nurses who gave me back my life.
Oh, and its also now 2 years since I quit smoking. I was determined after those 9 days withhout a smoke to not start again. It's been tough. there are still days where I would love one. I'm hoping that now that I finally put thought and words to all of this that maybe it will vanish..or at least fade a bit and quit haunting me. Some things I am always going to wonder about though, like John telling me that I was quite upset and couldn't talk because of the tubes in my throat but I was quite aggitated trying to tell them somthing. Of course they had me quite drugged up, I guess the nurse finally gave me paper and pen and I scribbled something unreadable but then went back to sleep. Or what the reason could possibly be that within days of getting home I had to have the fish tank set up..the one that Adam and Paul had bought me years before for Christmas, It had been in the basement for years and not used but it had to be cleaned, filled and have fish within days of being home. I wasn't even allowed to drive yet the day i went to walmart for those fish...Some of these things we aren't going to ever know. It is funny how emotional it all still leaves me. I remember the doctors and nurses telling me that after a heart attack patients get real emotional and it can last quite a while, well I can tell you I'm ready for that to go away any time now too. I am very tired of the emotional roller coaster i feel like I'm on a lot of the time. I do think that has gotten some better however, I am not quite as quick to laugh uncontrollably. Still easy and quick to cry though.
I never realised how much I do look forward to my little ways of doing things. I guess we all get into our little routines, the different ways we do things. I do know that I was always pretty much a homebody and really didn't much like being gone. I think its even worse now that I'm older, work more and have the new house. I really do need to realise that there is more to life than that though.
Today I waited on a lady and her adult son. the son was 36 years old, and he has a 10 year old daughter. His wife died 2 years ago. The wifes name was Jennifer and they talked about her to me. The son, Bill, needs a new mattress. He hasn't slept in his bed since Jennifer died. He hates the mattress and we found him a new one, he's supposed to be coming in tomorrow to get it ordered. He's been sleeping on the sofa since losing his wife. he is trying to decide what size to get and if he should give his bed to his daughter and get a new one. I am thinking through all of this and afterwards, how sad that his daughter has to grow up without a mother. she is only 10 now, she lost her mom when she was 8 years old. Apparently she remembers seeing her so sick and going to the hospital etc with her. Makes you wonder why life has to be like this. The grandmother says that Jennifer was sick for quite a while. My heart goes out to this poor little girl. I find that I cry easy since the heart attacks two years ago. They warned me about that actually and it hasn't really gotten any better yet. I can cry at the drop of a hat and it can get darn embarrasing sometimes. Seems its one of those things that I cannot control. thank God, that the tears didn't let loose talking to Shirley and Bill today. Its hard to explain and I usually don't even try.
WE had hot sausage sandwiches for the relay lunch today. Not to sure how much we made for it today. Pam has the money and we still have some to collect and then she has to take out what she wants to pay for the ingredients. I'm figuring we should hopefully have at least another $30 though.
I have a relay meeting on Thursday night this week and whichever team turns in the most donations wins something. Not to sure what, but you know me! I sure would like to win! doesn't matter what it is, just want it. Competition you know.
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Was a nice day and i'm glad that I went along. Day off sure went fast though. Hey sis! I found a smiley bingo!! think this lady pounds her cards as hard as I do...LOL
Thursday, March 01, 2007
On a bright note, the new stove is really nice and works extremely well. Cooks a lot quicker. that old thing was next to useless.
Back to work today.