Sunday, August 21, 2011


I know that changes aren't always bad, however, I also know that I am very resistant to change. Always have been. There are times when change can be very good. For example, starting a new healthy lifestyle is a change, for some people, deciding to eat healthy and following through is a change. Going back to school or learning a new job, or starting a new hobby, those are all changes and they are good. Getting married, getting divorced, or having a baby are all changes and I guess again depending on the circumstances could be either good or bad.

I am trying to think of some changes that could be bad and guess it all really depends on what lead to the change, what circumstances brought you to it and how is the change going to affect your life and the people in your life.

I do believe that we are all where we are meant to be at this moment in time and that all things lead us to where we are supposed to be.

Sometimes, even things that make us sad and unhappy can be for the good in the long run and I guess that's important to remember. Easy isn't always better. Alot of people are so afraid of change that they stay. They are afraid to move out of a bad relationship, a bad job, change locations, so they stay even though they are unhappy because its easier to deal with than change.

Change can be good, it can be scary, exhilarating, fun, and always different. Always remember you have options and keep those doors open. Sometimes, I guess we just have to close our eyes, plug our nose and jump in feet first! Have faith that you can do this!

My little girls divorce is final.

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