Sunday, May 27, 2012


What an absolutley gorgeous day yesterday was. We took off early for some shopping and breakfast. Stopped at My Garden and bought two new koi and a new turtle, named her Sammi. John from My Garden says this one is female. Sammi and Tyke soon became fast friends, they shared dinner on Turtle Island and then swam most of the afternoon and evening. It took them about a half hour to discover each other. I think it was the most relaxed I have been in ages. I sat and just watched them and the fish most of the afternoon. it felt wonderful and I am looking forward to that time again today. The pond is somewhat a mess again. We called and ordered a replacement bulb for the uv light and sure hope its the right one. They make it so difficult to find which one you need. WE called the Pond Guy and they helped. It should be arriving in a few days. I had ordered chemicals which should be coming also. Next year I need to remember to just order the darn light first.

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