Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Still running

Did some running on the treadmill today, it felt wonderful. Used the gymboss, check it out here. Set it for 2 minutes walk/ 1 minute run and did that for about a half hour, it felt wonderful. Walk was at 3.3 mph and run was at 5 mph, I liked running on the tread and will keep that up for the rest of the fall and winter. Got some recording done for my class. Some of you may know that I am trying to record my class books so that I can listen to them while doing other things. I am behind on it, but recorded sections on Protein and different diet plans today. Quite interesting reading about the Dash, Ornish, South Beach diets etc. I found it quite interesting to learn about the role protein plays in our body systems. I usually do have a bit of a problem keeping my protein levels in range, its one thing I do watch closely. We are not big meat eaters and I eat a lot of complex carbs. They really don't recommend protein powder drinks but yet I do use them at times. Like today after workout when I just needed something. Had a chocolate protein drink after my fruit and yogurt. Still need to get my pushup, situps, squat challenge done today. I have been doing that for weeks now and have recently incorporated intervals of cardio on the bike or eliptical in between. I am loving it. I have a new interest also, would really like to be a WATP Walk Leader and may take the class for that when I am done with my certification.

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