Its early Saturday morning, Halloween morning. Some of us are dressing up for work today. Here is my not so unique Halloween costume. thanks mom for the wig again.
This blog is about the happenings in my life and those around me. It will contain information about fitness, health, web sites I enjoy, Relay for Life and other things of interest and importance to me. Please feel free to leave me a note in the guestbook or a comment on the page you are reading.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Gym day

It's off to the gym this morning for my sister and I. We are really enjoying our Sunday and Wed mornings at the gym. Wed was great, we played our game of racquet ball, worked out in the ladies gym and then even went for a walk down at the park. It was such a nice day, we finished with lunch at Hoss's and had the soup and salad bar. Unfortunatly we ruined that great workout with dessert. LOL, it was great!
The shadow of sisters picture was taken in front of the gym, I'm the short one. LOL, looks pretty chubby here to. Darn it.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
A short story
My husband has been laid off for a while now, most of the summer actually and he's been home quite a bit. I've been working and if you know me at all you know how much I enjoy my time at home and some time alone once in a while. I am never bored, let me say that right up front. I always have so many things that I want to do whether it means playing on the computer, studying, reading, exercising, cleaning, laundry whatever. There is always something I want to do and not enough hours in the day to do it.
My husband, his son, and his brother had plans for camp this weekend. Leaving Friday morning, coming home SAturday night. I was scheduled to work 9 to 5 on Friday and noon to 8 on Saturday, so at least I kept thinking I have Friday night to Sat morning to myself. Whatever I wanted, peace and quiet and just some quiet, alone, me time. I could play on the computer, study, workout, etc all without feeling guilty. Mind you, I do these things even when he is home but its different!
Let me tell you I looked forward to that all week. It did not turn out that way. Yesterday afternoon around 2 the phone rang at work and it was a customer who wanted to bring her husband in to look at the furniture she wanted, they couldn't be there before 6. I ended up staying, her husband didn't come with her, her daughter did and I got out of there at 5 minutes to 8. This happens to me more often than not. Our schedule is either Friday or Saturday till 8, the other to 5. Every time I am scheduled out at 5. I end up there late. To make it worse she didn't order the furniture yet, she has to get the "script" from the school. The pay for the furniture through the school, and then they get discount on their tuition.
I surely hope this lady does come back in to make last night all worthwhile. I gave up my night at home alone for her.
My husband, his son, and his brother had plans for camp this weekend. Leaving Friday morning, coming home SAturday night. I was scheduled to work 9 to 5 on Friday and noon to 8 on Saturday, so at least I kept thinking I have Friday night to Sat morning to myself. Whatever I wanted, peace and quiet and just some quiet, alone, me time. I could play on the computer, study, workout, etc all without feeling guilty. Mind you, I do these things even when he is home but its different!
Let me tell you I looked forward to that all week. It did not turn out that way. Yesterday afternoon around 2 the phone rang at work and it was a customer who wanted to bring her husband in to look at the furniture she wanted, they couldn't be there before 6. I ended up staying, her husband didn't come with her, her daughter did and I got out of there at 5 minutes to 8. This happens to me more often than not. Our schedule is either Friday or Saturday till 8, the other to 5. Every time I am scheduled out at 5. I end up there late. To make it worse she didn't order the furniture yet, she has to get the "script" from the school. The pay for the furniture through the school, and then they get discount on their tuition.
I surely hope this lady does come back in to make last night all worthwhile. I gave up my night at home alone for her.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
5:00 AM
Don't know what is up with this, but for this past week I have been getting up at 5:00 AM. I seem to be done sleeping and raring to go. Bedtime is 11 to 5 and it seems to be enough sleep for me. What happened to the years when I'd sleep in, and take a nap? Now it seems I hate to sleep at all. I know life is short and don't want to waste it sleeping. I do know how important sleep is to our bodies. We need sleep to heal and refresh ourselves, but I do feel great and am sleeping better than I ever have. Perhaps cutting back so much on the coffee and more water has something to do with that. Speaking of the water, we were talking about that at work just yesterday. I used to drink coffee all day long, from morning to night. A few years ago I started with water and carry a water bottle with me all day, every day. I have recently restudied water in my class. Our bodies are 60 to 70 percent water. Fat tissue has about 20 percent water. The body cannot conserve or store water. Water helps to regulate body temperature. It takes about 600 calories to evaporate 1 qt of persperation. Water helps dilute waste products and helps to move the products out of the body. Water is a large portion of your blood supply and other body fluids such as lymph. You lose water even when you breathe so its important to keep replenishing your supply. Caffeine and alcohol are the enemies of water, they are diuretics . Diuretics tell the body to get rid of water even though they it is needed. I believe the water I drink daily is what keeps me going and part of the reason I am sleeping so well. I know of quite a few people at work, who never drink a glass of water, yet they complain constantly about constipation. They will take a pill and wait for that to work, when something as simple as adding more water to their daily intake can help to move that along and help them to feel better in the long run. So pour a glass or a bottle and have a drink with me!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
This came in an email from Sparkpeople this morning. I enjoyed it, hope you do to.
Here are 11 things children can teach you about healthy living:
1. Everything can be a game. Why slog through the same workout routines in boredom, when you can add a little fun? Make up rules, shoot for personal records, and regain your competitive spirit.
2. Don't walk when you can run. Every day is full of opportunities to increase your fitness. This rule is closely related to "don't drive when you can walk."
3. If you don't like it, don't eat it. Chances are, your eating habits won't stick around long if you hate what you're eating. Healthy eating involves balance and moderation.
4. Laughter feels good. Kids seem to inherently know that laughter can ease blood pressure, help your brain function, give you energy, and help you reach your goals.
5. Playtime is important. We get so caught up in work, and "have-to's" that we forget to take time for ourselves. Not only does relaxing make life worthwhile, it has real health benefits.
6. The world should be full of color--especially on your dinner plate! Splash it with as many colors as possible; paint it like a rainbow with food. It's more fun to look at, the most colorful produce options often pack the most nutrients, and chances are you'll be eating a healthy, balanced meal.
7. It's always more fun with friends around. Children tend to gravitate toward other children. It gives them spirit and makes them want to play all day. Working out with other people is almost like having your own little playgroup.
8. Adventures are found outside, not inside. Every kid knows that the good stuff is in the great outdoors--fresh air, wide open spaces, limitless possibilities. You can't find those things cooped up in a tiny, stale gym. Open the door and start a new adventure every day.
9. It's important to use your imagination. You can be Major Fantasia or Stupendous Woman any time you want. Give yourself permission to believe in your own super powers and let your mind take you wherever it wants to go.
10. Anything is possible. No fear, no self-doubts, no negative self talk, no self-criticism, no worries, no destructive anxieties or thoughts of failure. To a child, he/she can do anything. And do you know what? They're right.
11. You have your whole life ahead of you. Here's your chance to do it right.
Here are 11 things children can teach you about healthy living:
1. Everything can be a game. Why slog through the same workout routines in boredom, when you can add a little fun? Make up rules, shoot for personal records, and regain your competitive spirit.
2. Don't walk when you can run. Every day is full of opportunities to increase your fitness. This rule is closely related to "don't drive when you can walk."
3. If you don't like it, don't eat it. Chances are, your eating habits won't stick around long if you hate what you're eating. Healthy eating involves balance and moderation.
4. Laughter feels good. Kids seem to inherently know that laughter can ease blood pressure, help your brain function, give you energy, and help you reach your goals.
5. Playtime is important. We get so caught up in work, and "have-to's" that we forget to take time for ourselves. Not only does relaxing make life worthwhile, it has real health benefits.
6. The world should be full of color--especially on your dinner plate! Splash it with as many colors as possible; paint it like a rainbow with food. It's more fun to look at, the most colorful produce options often pack the most nutrients, and chances are you'll be eating a healthy, balanced meal.
7. It's always more fun with friends around. Children tend to gravitate toward other children. It gives them spirit and makes them want to play all day. Working out with other people is almost like having your own little playgroup.
8. Adventures are found outside, not inside. Every kid knows that the good stuff is in the great outdoors--fresh air, wide open spaces, limitless possibilities. You can't find those things cooped up in a tiny, stale gym. Open the door and start a new adventure every day.
9. It's important to use your imagination. You can be Major Fantasia or Stupendous Woman any time you want. Give yourself permission to believe in your own super powers and let your mind take you wherever it wants to go.
10. Anything is possible. No fear, no self-doubts, no negative self talk, no self-criticism, no worries, no destructive anxieties or thoughts of failure. To a child, he/she can do anything. And do you know what? They're right.
11. You have your whole life ahead of you. Here's your chance to do it right.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
agonist? antagonist?
OMG, I am having a rough time with the class on Flexibility. It talks about agonist and antagonist muscles. I have read it, reread it, looked up the words, read it again and may still call and talk to my instructor on this one. I understand it has something to do with the muscles working in conjunction with each other, example would be the hamstrings and the quads. One is agonist one is antagonist. Yikes. It apparently has to do with the stretch being done and the agonist muscle can become the antagonist muscle depending on the stretch. Okay, maybe if I read it once or twice more I'll have it. Not quite ready to move on yet, however, maybe if I do and come back to it I'll understand it?? This is one of those times when I wish I was sitting in a classroom learning this stuff.
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Still running
Did some running on the treadmill today, it felt wonderful. Used the gymboss, check it out here. Set it for 2 minutes walk/ 1 minute run and did that for about a half hour, it felt wonderful. Walk was at 3.3 mph and run was at 5 mph, I liked running on the tread and will keep that up for the rest of the fall and winter. Got some recording done for my class. Some of you may know that I am trying to record my class books so that I can listen to them while doing other things. I am behind on it, but recorded sections on Protein and different diet plans today. Quite interesting reading about the Dash, Ornish, South Beach diets etc. I found it quite interesting to learn about the role protein plays in our body systems. I usually do have a bit of a problem keeping my protein levels in range, its one thing I do watch closely. We are not big meat eaters and I eat a lot of complex carbs. They really don't recommend protein powder drinks but yet I do use them at times. Like today after workout when I just needed something. Had a chocolate protein drink after my fruit and yogurt. Still need to get my pushup, situps, squat challenge done today. I have been doing that for weeks now and have recently incorporated intervals of cardio on the bike or eliptical in between. I am loving it. I have a new interest also, would really like to be a WATP Walk Leader and may take the class for that when I am done with my certification.
Running and running
Ok, there are different kinds of running and today I am focusing on two of them. The first one is running errands. I did that starting at 7 am this morning. I needed my blood work done,, I am back to UPMC next month for my yearly checkup for the pheochromocytoma. Please say a prayer that all is well. Had a hair appt at 8:30 and decided to run and get groceries in between, didn't need a lot, thankfully John had gone the other day. Needed to stop at the credit union also, so all those errands and finally got home somewhere around 11. Tried to get a self portrait of the new hair but somehow keep cutting off the top of my head so that is going to have to wait. I want to do the other running. My hair is finally longer than its been in years, not long by any stretch of the imagination but longer, its at least chin length finally and growing.
To windy, wet and cold to get outside so I am heading down to the treadmill and with the use of my gymboss, check out I am going to run on the treadmill for a while. I can't believe how much I miss it. Also today is the day for the pushup, situp, squat challenge so that will be happening sometime later today with intervals on the bike or eliptical in between. I am missing the gym, my sister and racquet ball today. Cher had to work so no gym today, darn it. We will be there Sunday.
Ok, enough for now, I can't sit still need to get moving, want some study time later today too, my book right now is on Flexibility.
To windy, wet and cold to get outside so I am heading down to the treadmill and with the use of my gymboss, check out I am going to run on the treadmill for a while. I can't believe how much I miss it. Also today is the day for the pushup, situp, squat challenge so that will be happening sometime later today with intervals on the bike or eliptical in between. I am missing the gym, my sister and racquet ball today. Cher had to work so no gym today, darn it. We will be there Sunday.
Ok, enough for now, I can't sit still need to get moving, want some study time later today too, my book right now is on Flexibility.
Sunday, October 04, 2009
I promise to..
Lose the gut! Eat cleaner! Stay within calorie range and lose the gut by spring. How can I be a Certified Personal Trainer and expect to help people lose weight and get healthy if I cannot do it myself? You know what you need to do, now Just do it! The gut is the only place with fat on my body. The last place to lose it but it shouldn't be this damn hard!
I took the test last night for Upper and Lower Body Strength. I was a bit disappointed that I missed two questions. I got 95% for that test and that is what I am carrying for the class. Guess thats not to bad but still wanted to do better. I am about finished with the course for the fitness and nutrition, have about 3 more tests to do before I start on the certificiation for Personal Trainer. That is going to take a while. I have until May to finish it and be certified without needing an extension so hopefully can finish it up in time. I do think it should be abit easier to find study time with winter coming. Winter is coming fast to Pa this year. Its cold here already. Dark and gloomy too.
I am considering taking on some duties with the Relay committee this year. They suck at advertising and I have often thought about volunteering my time to help with this. I am considering it still. Just not to sure that its what I want to do.
Gotta run, we are off to the gym this morning for a good workout and some racquet ball too! Enjoy your day everyone! Here is another pic from the dog races at Wheeling.
Thursday, October 01, 2009
Racquet Ball Rule #3
Rule #3 for racquet ball is that the ball must be hit with the hand holding the racquet. It does no good to hit it with your bare hand. It doesn't go far and it hurts!
Here is a picture from our trip to Wheeling W. Va. We left on Sunday and got back on Tuesday. Had fun, wish I would have thought to get pictures from the Meadows also. They race the horses. We didn't get to see the races, they race at 6:20 at night and we weren't staying that long. This picture is from Cracker Barrel. We had a great big wonderful breakfast there, I ate grits. Never had before, not bad. It had some neat toys, Mom and John played checkers. Cheri was playing with one of those board games where you move the pegs. WE had fun.
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