As always on the New Year Eve I am thinking of things I want to do a bit differently, not resolutions so much as goals. For this year, I would like to cut back on unnecessary spending, use up things I already have and not buy things I don't need.
A boss years ago when times were tough, told us this. "Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without." I would like that to be my motto this year and see what I can actually save and in the meantime this would get rid of numerous perfume, shampoo, lipsticks, creams etc in the bathroom cupboards. LOL
I would also like my goal to bet better with the tracking, excerise and food. Use walkertracker, and fitness journal along with Spark and really keep track of what I am doing and when. This should help to lose those last few pounds.
Happy New Years Everyone, what are your goals?
This blog is about the happenings in my life and those around me. It will contain information about fitness, health, web sites I enjoy, Relay for Life and other things of interest and importance to me. Please feel free to leave me a note in the guestbook or a comment on the page you are reading.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Your Ideal Weight
Ever since starting my studies in fitness and nutrition I have discovered that I keep going back and looking things up. I keep going over the same things trying to drum it into my head. Almost daily I will have a thought about something I have read and want to remember and I go find the correct book and read it and write it down again. This is really helping me to learn. I am going to incorporate that one step further and ask the question here and write the answer.
Yesterday at work, one of the guys I hadn't seen in a while told me he lost 12 pounds. He is doing well and looks good. We discussed what he has been eating and I feel it is way to low. He is around 1000 calories and it is not recommended to go below 1200. In fact, my daily caloric allowance recommendation is 1200 to 1500 for my weight. A great way to determine the amount of daily calories needed is to add a zero to your desired weight. If you want to weigh 150, you should eat approximately 1500 calories a day. Remember calories in equals calories out and you need to create a deficit to lose that weight, either through eating or exercising. The best way is a combination of both.
I thought it may be helpful if he knew how they determine a person's "ideal" weight.
Your ideal weight is determined by your height. Women get 100 pounds for the first 5 ft of height. Add 5 pounds for every additional inch. Met get 105 pounds for the first 5 ft of height and then 5 pounds for every inch thereafter. To create a weight range add or subtract 10%. So a woman, like myself for example who is 5 ft tall, my ideal weight would be 100. Weight range would be between 90 and 110. Let me say here and now that I am a bit over this but working on it. LOL
A man who is 5 feet, 7 inches would have an ideal body weight of 140, with a range of 136 to 144 pounds.
Yesterday at work, one of the guys I hadn't seen in a while told me he lost 12 pounds. He is doing well and looks good. We discussed what he has been eating and I feel it is way to low. He is around 1000 calories and it is not recommended to go below 1200. In fact, my daily caloric allowance recommendation is 1200 to 1500 for my weight. A great way to determine the amount of daily calories needed is to add a zero to your desired weight. If you want to weigh 150, you should eat approximately 1500 calories a day. Remember calories in equals calories out and you need to create a deficit to lose that weight, either through eating or exercising. The best way is a combination of both.
I thought it may be helpful if he knew how they determine a person's "ideal" weight.
Your ideal weight is determined by your height. Women get 100 pounds for the first 5 ft of height. Add 5 pounds for every additional inch. Met get 105 pounds for the first 5 ft of height and then 5 pounds for every inch thereafter. To create a weight range add or subtract 10%. So a woman, like myself for example who is 5 ft tall, my ideal weight would be 100. Weight range would be between 90 and 110. Let me say here and now that I am a bit over this but working on it. LOL
A man who is 5 feet, 7 inches would have an ideal body weight of 140, with a range of 136 to 144 pounds.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
We remember!

Happy Birthday Mike! Bet your riding that Harley across that big blue sky. We have snow!
We love and miss you! We remember!
I registered with the NCSF yesterday for my Personal Trainer Certification. I have until Dec 2010 to take the test. It is getting harder and harder. I even bought Anatomy and Physiology for Dummies on the Kindle. Mike would have loved a kindle, boy did he love to read.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think, all the walks I want to take, all the books I want to read, and all the friends I want to see.
- John Burroughs, essayist and naturalist
I find this quote to be so true, more so than ever. It goes faster and faster the older I get and it is hard to realise that I will never have the time to do all the things I want to do. I would love to have about 8 hours more to my day and think about all the hours I wasted when I was younger. I remember napping for hours and that is definately a thing of the past and now it is something I regret. It cannot be changed however.
I am reading about 4 different books right now, all at once, while in the middle of my studies. I have really been good at making lists lately. I find that if it is on my list it gets done. I love the start of a new year and bought a new appointment type calender book for at home, and one for at work also. Its big and has plenty of room for notes and plans and appointments.
Some days my list includes stupid things like make a salad for work and fill ice cubes and study. Other days it may include all the errands that need done or to pay bills and balance the checkbook.
There is not enough time for everything but with a list the things that are important to remember to do get done.
- John Burroughs, essayist and naturalist
I find this quote to be so true, more so than ever. It goes faster and faster the older I get and it is hard to realise that I will never have the time to do all the things I want to do. I would love to have about 8 hours more to my day and think about all the hours I wasted when I was younger. I remember napping for hours and that is definately a thing of the past and now it is something I regret. It cannot be changed however.
I am reading about 4 different books right now, all at once, while in the middle of my studies. I have really been good at making lists lately. I find that if it is on my list it gets done. I love the start of a new year and bought a new appointment type calender book for at home, and one for at work also. Its big and has plenty of room for notes and plans and appointments.
Some days my list includes stupid things like make a salad for work and fill ice cubes and study. Other days it may include all the errands that need done or to pay bills and balance the checkbook.
There is not enough time for everything but with a list the things that are important to remember to do get done.
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Little girl
It must have been the summer of 62 or 63. I had to be about 7 or 8, somewhere in there. It is so funny the things we remember years later. It was a hot, sunny day in Ohio. I grew up in the suburbs of Cleveland, in the projects, in Euclid. I remember standing in the back yard, think we still lived on Clark Ave. Wasn't doing much, just standing there by myself, wearing the little pink sundress Aunt Jo had made me. She always made us some really pretty outfits and that little pink sundress was a favorite of mine. I am almost positive Cheri had one identical to it. However, I was maybe 7 at the time so that is a bit fuzzy. The next part isn't however.
I remember a tall, thin man walking down the sidewalk that connected all the backyards of the houses. Think he had a leather jacket slung over a shoulder, and he had dark hair. He was maybe all of 17 or 18 but at the time I sure thought he was old. He spoke to me, the little girl standing there all alone. His words? "Little girl, whatever are you doing?" "Pulling out my eyelashes." was my reply. "Why are you doing that?" My reply, "Because I like to." He told me then "Little girl, someday you are going to be really sorry you did that." He was right. I am still sorry I did that, have been sorry for years and have thought of that guy often throughout the years. We lived in Euclid and in that same area until I was about 15, if I ever saw him again I never knew it and didn't know who he was. I wonder if he ever thought about the little girl standing by the sidewalk in her pretty pink sundress pulling out her eyelashes.
People come and people go in our lives, and they all make an impact. This man made an impact on me and has stayed with me for over 35 years.
I remember a tall, thin man walking down the sidewalk that connected all the backyards of the houses. Think he had a leather jacket slung over a shoulder, and he had dark hair. He was maybe all of 17 or 18 but at the time I sure thought he was old. He spoke to me, the little girl standing there all alone. His words? "Little girl, whatever are you doing?" "Pulling out my eyelashes." was my reply. "Why are you doing that?" My reply, "Because I like to." He told me then "Little girl, someday you are going to be really sorry you did that." He was right. I am still sorry I did that, have been sorry for years and have thought of that guy often throughout the years. We lived in Euclid and in that same area until I was about 15, if I ever saw him again I never knew it and didn't know who he was. I wonder if he ever thought about the little girl standing by the sidewalk in her pretty pink sundress pulling out her eyelashes.
People come and people go in our lives, and they all make an impact. This man made an impact on me and has stayed with me for over 35 years.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Movie link
Check out this awesome 3 minute motivational movie a friend sent me. I signed up for the emails from them.
Gorgeous day
I don't think I could have asked for a better day off. Got to the gym for a game of racquet ball and weight training early this morning with my sister. Had lunch and came on home to get some stuff done. Went out later for a 2.5 mile walk/jog. Loved it! It has been such a gorgeous fall. I normally don't even like Fall, but if it would stay like this till spring I would be so happy!
Took a test last night for my class and scored 93%, two more books to finish for Penn Foster, then on to the NCSF class. What fun. Think I am going to need an extension. Looking into it tomorrow.
Took a test last night for my class and scored 93%, two more books to finish for Penn Foster, then on to the NCSF class. What fun. Think I am going to need an extension. Looking into it tomorrow.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
I have so many things to be thankful for. I truly don't know where to even start. My life is so full of so many good things. My parents are still healthy, active, busy people and I am grateful for that. My children are active, busy, wonderful kids who give me so much to be proud of. My daughter graduates in May with her Masters degree. Imagine that! She has done it all on her own, with maybe a bit of help from her dear hubby,Bo. I am grateful for him too. He has been such a rock for her in these past years. My son, Howie, who has recently moved to Mississippi and is trying to find a new job. I know that great things are in store for him. My own husband, where would I be without him? He has been my rock. I wish I could be more like him sometimes. He goes with the flow, nothing seems to phase him. Unlike me. Things can get to me and I try to learn from him. Our health. After the past few years I have come to understand how important that is and how much control we do have over it. Our nutrition and exercise habits do affect our health so very much and I am thankful for my class and all I am learning from that. I want to be able to help people with that so much. I am so upset at seeing all of the obese children and adults out there who do not understand what they are doing to themselves. the problem I do have with this is how do I go about helping someone who doesn't ask for it? How do I keep my mouth shut and let it continue? I beleive if you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem. I can lead by example, and can talk to people who want to talk about it. I am thankful for that. I am thankful for the fact that it is 34 in Pa. right this minute and not snowing. It looks like a gorgeous morning for a walk and I may go do that shortly. I am thankful for the fact that I can do that. I can walk, my legs are strong and I love to walk. I am thankful for my ipod which will be going with me on that walk, and my heart monitor. I do no exercise without it. I am thankful for that also. I am thankful for my sister, she is my best friend and my exercise buddy. She is my gym partner and my racquet ball partner. Woo hoo sis!I am thankful we have the strength and ability to play racquet ball.
What are you thankful for today? I am thankful for life. I am thankful for friends, family, and I am thankful for you. Happy Thanksgiving!
What are you thankful for today? I am thankful for life. I am thankful for friends, family, and I am thankful for you. Happy Thanksgiving!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Your health
He who cures a disease may be the skillfullest, but he that prevents it is the safest physician.
- Thomas Fuller, British clergyman and author
Are you paying attention to your health?
If you want to be around to enjoy your growing family, it's never too late to start taking care of your body. Whether or not "skillfullest" is a word, Thomas knows the value of prevention versus treatment. You have a better chance of survival by using the doctor that keeps you out of the hospital in the first place. Why wait for symptoms to show up before you start paying attention? By then, it may be too late. Remember the major goals and the people that you're living for. Are you really willing to risk missing out because you didn't take precautions? You'd be amazed at how some basic, simple everyday nutrition and fitness choices and actions make a big difference in staying on your feet. Injuries and disease are a steep price to pay when many can easily be avoided.
This was from an email I received from Sparkpeople. I am working towards my certificationas Personal Trainer. I will actually receive two certs. One from Penn Foster In Scranton, Pa as fitness and nutrition expert and one from the NCSF, National Council on Strength and Fitness. Hopefully, I should have this accomplished come spring of 2010
You can probably expect to see many more articles on Health and Fitness to follow. I am trying to learn and by sharing it and typing info here I am hoping to get it through my thick skull. LOL
- Thomas Fuller, British clergyman and author
Are you paying attention to your health?
If you want to be around to enjoy your growing family, it's never too late to start taking care of your body. Whether or not "skillfullest" is a word, Thomas knows the value of prevention versus treatment. You have a better chance of survival by using the doctor that keeps you out of the hospital in the first place. Why wait for symptoms to show up before you start paying attention? By then, it may be too late. Remember the major goals and the people that you're living for. Are you really willing to risk missing out because you didn't take precautions? You'd be amazed at how some basic, simple everyday nutrition and fitness choices and actions make a big difference in staying on your feet. Injuries and disease are a steep price to pay when many can easily be avoided.
This was from an email I received from Sparkpeople. I am working towards my certificationas Personal Trainer. I will actually receive two certs. One from Penn Foster In Scranton, Pa as fitness and nutrition expert and one from the NCSF, National Council on Strength and Fitness. Hopefully, I should have this accomplished come spring of 2010
You can probably expect to see many more articles on Health and Fitness to follow. I am trying to learn and by sharing it and typing info here I am hoping to get it through my thick skull. LOL
Sunday, November 15, 2009
I love November
Out for a gorgeous walk at the park today. A high of 59 and beautiful sky. I had the entire park to myself. A shame no one out to enjoy such a gorgeous fall day. they are few and far between this time of year in Pa. I got to thinking about my friend, Dianne, who has since moved to N. Carolina. She once told her kids November meant No. No you could not go out without a coat. I went out today without one. Wore a long sleeve flannel shirt but had that tied around the waist part of the way through my walk/jog. wish this weather would last till spring and then it can warm up. 

Saturday, November 14, 2009
Doctor's visit
Last Thursday was my regular scheduled appt in Pittsburgh at UPMC for my yearly checkup. this is an ongoing procedure ever since 4 years ago when they found the pheochromocytoma and I was life flighted twice. They check my metanephrine and epinephrine levels, thyroid, cholesterol etc. This time I had them also check my electrolytes, potassium, magnesium, calcium, vitamin D etc. When I was in UPMC they had me on large doses of potassium, and magnesium. Since coming home I have been taking those daily. Although not large amounts. They called yesterday my levels of those are fine, so they want me to quit taking them for 2 weeks, then go have it checked again. Sounds good to me, I don't want to be taking it if its not necessary.
My cholesterol came down about 10 points, so that was good news too. I hopefully am doing something right. Vitamin D levels good also, and they apparently are sending me a letter in the mail so I may know more then. At any rate, I am good to go for another year.!
My cholesterol came down about 10 points, so that was good news too. I hopefully am doing something right. Vitamin D levels good also, and they apparently are sending me a letter in the mail so I may know more then. At any rate, I am good to go for another year.!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
6 months
I've got about 6 months to finish my class and take the test to be Certified. I will have to decide where and when to go, either Erie or Pittsburgh offers the test along with various other places across the US. I need to step up the studying a bit and ensure that I know it all, actually know it.
I've decided 6 months is also a good time to reach another goal, my own personal fitness goal. This time of year in Pa we are all wearing layers of clothing, although it hasn't been to bad yet, it is coming our way. Out will come the hats, gloves, coats, sweaters, sweatshirts etc and we will be bundled up in them for months. What better time than May to throw off all those layers and reveal the new toned, ripped me hidden underneath. right in time to take my test! HMM, lets try to keep that picture in mind.
I read an interesting article today on healthy snacks vs treats. A treat would be a muffin, donut, cookie, pastry etc and should be extremely limited to one or less a day. Preferably about 3 a week, whereas a healthy snack would be an apple, fruit, yogurt, nuts, etc and can be planned for in your daily caloric allowance. I thought it was interesting in that I have always considered a candy bar, or cookie a snack. I will be changing my thinking on that this minute. and trying to limit them to three a week. Anyone with me?
I've decided 6 months is also a good time to reach another goal, my own personal fitness goal. This time of year in Pa we are all wearing layers of clothing, although it hasn't been to bad yet, it is coming our way. Out will come the hats, gloves, coats, sweaters, sweatshirts etc and we will be bundled up in them for months. What better time than May to throw off all those layers and reveal the new toned, ripped me hidden underneath. right in time to take my test! HMM, lets try to keep that picture in mind.
I read an interesting article today on healthy snacks vs treats. A treat would be a muffin, donut, cookie, pastry etc and should be extremely limited to one or less a day. Preferably about 3 a week, whereas a healthy snack would be an apple, fruit, yogurt, nuts, etc and can be planned for in your daily caloric allowance. I thought it was interesting in that I have always considered a candy bar, or cookie a snack. I will be changing my thinking on that this minute. and trying to limit them to three a week. Anyone with me?
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy Halloween
Monday, October 26, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Gym day

It's off to the gym this morning for my sister and I. We are really enjoying our Sunday and Wed mornings at the gym. Wed was great, we played our game of racquet ball, worked out in the ladies gym and then even went for a walk down at the park. It was such a nice day, we finished with lunch at Hoss's and had the soup and salad bar. Unfortunatly we ruined that great workout with dessert. LOL, it was great!
The shadow of sisters picture was taken in front of the gym, I'm the short one. LOL, looks pretty chubby here to. Darn it.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
A short story
My husband has been laid off for a while now, most of the summer actually and he's been home quite a bit. I've been working and if you know me at all you know how much I enjoy my time at home and some time alone once in a while. I am never bored, let me say that right up front. I always have so many things that I want to do whether it means playing on the computer, studying, reading, exercising, cleaning, laundry whatever. There is always something I want to do and not enough hours in the day to do it.
My husband, his son, and his brother had plans for camp this weekend. Leaving Friday morning, coming home SAturday night. I was scheduled to work 9 to 5 on Friday and noon to 8 on Saturday, so at least I kept thinking I have Friday night to Sat morning to myself. Whatever I wanted, peace and quiet and just some quiet, alone, me time. I could play on the computer, study, workout, etc all without feeling guilty. Mind you, I do these things even when he is home but its different!
Let me tell you I looked forward to that all week. It did not turn out that way. Yesterday afternoon around 2 the phone rang at work and it was a customer who wanted to bring her husband in to look at the furniture she wanted, they couldn't be there before 6. I ended up staying, her husband didn't come with her, her daughter did and I got out of there at 5 minutes to 8. This happens to me more often than not. Our schedule is either Friday or Saturday till 8, the other to 5. Every time I am scheduled out at 5. I end up there late. To make it worse she didn't order the furniture yet, she has to get the "script" from the school. The pay for the furniture through the school, and then they get discount on their tuition.
I surely hope this lady does come back in to make last night all worthwhile. I gave up my night at home alone for her.
My husband, his son, and his brother had plans for camp this weekend. Leaving Friday morning, coming home SAturday night. I was scheduled to work 9 to 5 on Friday and noon to 8 on Saturday, so at least I kept thinking I have Friday night to Sat morning to myself. Whatever I wanted, peace and quiet and just some quiet, alone, me time. I could play on the computer, study, workout, etc all without feeling guilty. Mind you, I do these things even when he is home but its different!
Let me tell you I looked forward to that all week. It did not turn out that way. Yesterday afternoon around 2 the phone rang at work and it was a customer who wanted to bring her husband in to look at the furniture she wanted, they couldn't be there before 6. I ended up staying, her husband didn't come with her, her daughter did and I got out of there at 5 minutes to 8. This happens to me more often than not. Our schedule is either Friday or Saturday till 8, the other to 5. Every time I am scheduled out at 5. I end up there late. To make it worse she didn't order the furniture yet, she has to get the "script" from the school. The pay for the furniture through the school, and then they get discount on their tuition.
I surely hope this lady does come back in to make last night all worthwhile. I gave up my night at home alone for her.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
5:00 AM
Don't know what is up with this, but for this past week I have been getting up at 5:00 AM. I seem to be done sleeping and raring to go. Bedtime is 11 to 5 and it seems to be enough sleep for me. What happened to the years when I'd sleep in, and take a nap? Now it seems I hate to sleep at all. I know life is short and don't want to waste it sleeping. I do know how important sleep is to our bodies. We need sleep to heal and refresh ourselves, but I do feel great and am sleeping better than I ever have. Perhaps cutting back so much on the coffee and more water has something to do with that. Speaking of the water, we were talking about that at work just yesterday. I used to drink coffee all day long, from morning to night. A few years ago I started with water and carry a water bottle with me all day, every day. I have recently restudied water in my class. Our bodies are 60 to 70 percent water. Fat tissue has about 20 percent water. The body cannot conserve or store water. Water helps to regulate body temperature. It takes about 600 calories to evaporate 1 qt of persperation. Water helps dilute waste products and helps to move the products out of the body. Water is a large portion of your blood supply and other body fluids such as lymph. You lose water even when you breathe so its important to keep replenishing your supply. Caffeine and alcohol are the enemies of water, they are diuretics . Diuretics tell the body to get rid of water even though they it is needed. I believe the water I drink daily is what keeps me going and part of the reason I am sleeping so well. I know of quite a few people at work, who never drink a glass of water, yet they complain constantly about constipation. They will take a pill and wait for that to work, when something as simple as adding more water to their daily intake can help to move that along and help them to feel better in the long run. So pour a glass or a bottle and have a drink with me!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
This came in an email from Sparkpeople this morning. I enjoyed it, hope you do to.
Here are 11 things children can teach you about healthy living:
1. Everything can be a game. Why slog through the same workout routines in boredom, when you can add a little fun? Make up rules, shoot for personal records, and regain your competitive spirit.
2. Don't walk when you can run. Every day is full of opportunities to increase your fitness. This rule is closely related to "don't drive when you can walk."
3. If you don't like it, don't eat it. Chances are, your eating habits won't stick around long if you hate what you're eating. Healthy eating involves balance and moderation.
4. Laughter feels good. Kids seem to inherently know that laughter can ease blood pressure, help your brain function, give you energy, and help you reach your goals.
5. Playtime is important. We get so caught up in work, and "have-to's" that we forget to take time for ourselves. Not only does relaxing make life worthwhile, it has real health benefits.
6. The world should be full of color--especially on your dinner plate! Splash it with as many colors as possible; paint it like a rainbow with food. It's more fun to look at, the most colorful produce options often pack the most nutrients, and chances are you'll be eating a healthy, balanced meal.
7. It's always more fun with friends around. Children tend to gravitate toward other children. It gives them spirit and makes them want to play all day. Working out with other people is almost like having your own little playgroup.
8. Adventures are found outside, not inside. Every kid knows that the good stuff is in the great outdoors--fresh air, wide open spaces, limitless possibilities. You can't find those things cooped up in a tiny, stale gym. Open the door and start a new adventure every day.
9. It's important to use your imagination. You can be Major Fantasia or Stupendous Woman any time you want. Give yourself permission to believe in your own super powers and let your mind take you wherever it wants to go.
10. Anything is possible. No fear, no self-doubts, no negative self talk, no self-criticism, no worries, no destructive anxieties or thoughts of failure. To a child, he/she can do anything. And do you know what? They're right.
11. You have your whole life ahead of you. Here's your chance to do it right.
Here are 11 things children can teach you about healthy living:
1. Everything can be a game. Why slog through the same workout routines in boredom, when you can add a little fun? Make up rules, shoot for personal records, and regain your competitive spirit.
2. Don't walk when you can run. Every day is full of opportunities to increase your fitness. This rule is closely related to "don't drive when you can walk."
3. If you don't like it, don't eat it. Chances are, your eating habits won't stick around long if you hate what you're eating. Healthy eating involves balance and moderation.
4. Laughter feels good. Kids seem to inherently know that laughter can ease blood pressure, help your brain function, give you energy, and help you reach your goals.
5. Playtime is important. We get so caught up in work, and "have-to's" that we forget to take time for ourselves. Not only does relaxing make life worthwhile, it has real health benefits.
6. The world should be full of color--especially on your dinner plate! Splash it with as many colors as possible; paint it like a rainbow with food. It's more fun to look at, the most colorful produce options often pack the most nutrients, and chances are you'll be eating a healthy, balanced meal.
7. It's always more fun with friends around. Children tend to gravitate toward other children. It gives them spirit and makes them want to play all day. Working out with other people is almost like having your own little playgroup.
8. Adventures are found outside, not inside. Every kid knows that the good stuff is in the great outdoors--fresh air, wide open spaces, limitless possibilities. You can't find those things cooped up in a tiny, stale gym. Open the door and start a new adventure every day.
9. It's important to use your imagination. You can be Major Fantasia or Stupendous Woman any time you want. Give yourself permission to believe in your own super powers and let your mind take you wherever it wants to go.
10. Anything is possible. No fear, no self-doubts, no negative self talk, no self-criticism, no worries, no destructive anxieties or thoughts of failure. To a child, he/she can do anything. And do you know what? They're right.
11. You have your whole life ahead of you. Here's your chance to do it right.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
agonist? antagonist?
OMG, I am having a rough time with the class on Flexibility. It talks about agonist and antagonist muscles. I have read it, reread it, looked up the words, read it again and may still call and talk to my instructor on this one. I understand it has something to do with the muscles working in conjunction with each other, example would be the hamstrings and the quads. One is agonist one is antagonist. Yikes. It apparently has to do with the stretch being done and the agonist muscle can become the antagonist muscle depending on the stretch. Okay, maybe if I read it once or twice more I'll have it. Not quite ready to move on yet, however, maybe if I do and come back to it I'll understand it?? This is one of those times when I wish I was sitting in a classroom learning this stuff.
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Still running
Did some running on the treadmill today, it felt wonderful. Used the gymboss, check it out here. Set it for 2 minutes walk/ 1 minute run and did that for about a half hour, it felt wonderful. Walk was at 3.3 mph and run was at 5 mph, I liked running on the tread and will keep that up for the rest of the fall and winter. Got some recording done for my class. Some of you may know that I am trying to record my class books so that I can listen to them while doing other things. I am behind on it, but recorded sections on Protein and different diet plans today. Quite interesting reading about the Dash, Ornish, South Beach diets etc. I found it quite interesting to learn about the role protein plays in our body systems. I usually do have a bit of a problem keeping my protein levels in range, its one thing I do watch closely. We are not big meat eaters and I eat a lot of complex carbs. They really don't recommend protein powder drinks but yet I do use them at times. Like today after workout when I just needed something. Had a chocolate protein drink after my fruit and yogurt. Still need to get my pushup, situps, squat challenge done today. I have been doing that for weeks now and have recently incorporated intervals of cardio on the bike or eliptical in between. I am loving it. I have a new interest also, would really like to be a WATP Walk Leader and may take the class for that when I am done with my certification.
Running and running
Ok, there are different kinds of running and today I am focusing on two of them. The first one is running errands. I did that starting at 7 am this morning. I needed my blood work done,, I am back to UPMC next month for my yearly checkup for the pheochromocytoma. Please say a prayer that all is well. Had a hair appt at 8:30 and decided to run and get groceries in between, didn't need a lot, thankfully John had gone the other day. Needed to stop at the credit union also, so all those errands and finally got home somewhere around 11. Tried to get a self portrait of the new hair but somehow keep cutting off the top of my head so that is going to have to wait. I want to do the other running. My hair is finally longer than its been in years, not long by any stretch of the imagination but longer, its at least chin length finally and growing.
To windy, wet and cold to get outside so I am heading down to the treadmill and with the use of my gymboss, check out I am going to run on the treadmill for a while. I can't believe how much I miss it. Also today is the day for the pushup, situp, squat challenge so that will be happening sometime later today with intervals on the bike or eliptical in between. I am missing the gym, my sister and racquet ball today. Cher had to work so no gym today, darn it. We will be there Sunday.
Ok, enough for now, I can't sit still need to get moving, want some study time later today too, my book right now is on Flexibility.
To windy, wet and cold to get outside so I am heading down to the treadmill and with the use of my gymboss, check out I am going to run on the treadmill for a while. I can't believe how much I miss it. Also today is the day for the pushup, situp, squat challenge so that will be happening sometime later today with intervals on the bike or eliptical in between. I am missing the gym, my sister and racquet ball today. Cher had to work so no gym today, darn it. We will be there Sunday.
Ok, enough for now, I can't sit still need to get moving, want some study time later today too, my book right now is on Flexibility.
Sunday, October 04, 2009
I promise to..
Lose the gut! Eat cleaner! Stay within calorie range and lose the gut by spring. How can I be a Certified Personal Trainer and expect to help people lose weight and get healthy if I cannot do it myself? You know what you need to do, now Just do it! The gut is the only place with fat on my body. The last place to lose it but it shouldn't be this damn hard!
I took the test last night for Upper and Lower Body Strength. I was a bit disappointed that I missed two questions. I got 95% for that test and that is what I am carrying for the class. Guess thats not to bad but still wanted to do better. I am about finished with the course for the fitness and nutrition, have about 3 more tests to do before I start on the certificiation for Personal Trainer. That is going to take a while. I have until May to finish it and be certified without needing an extension so hopefully can finish it up in time. I do think it should be abit easier to find study time with winter coming. Winter is coming fast to Pa this year. Its cold here already. Dark and gloomy too.
I am considering taking on some duties with the Relay committee this year. They suck at advertising and I have often thought about volunteering my time to help with this. I am considering it still. Just not to sure that its what I want to do.
Gotta run, we are off to the gym this morning for a good workout and some racquet ball too! Enjoy your day everyone! Here is another pic from the dog races at Wheeling.
Thursday, October 01, 2009
Racquet Ball Rule #3
Rule #3 for racquet ball is that the ball must be hit with the hand holding the racquet. It does no good to hit it with your bare hand. It doesn't go far and it hurts!
Here is a picture from our trip to Wheeling W. Va. We left on Sunday and got back on Tuesday. Had fun, wish I would have thought to get pictures from the Meadows also. They race the horses. We didn't get to see the races, they race at 6:20 at night and we weren't staying that long. This picture is from Cracker Barrel. We had a great big wonderful breakfast there, I ate grits. Never had before, not bad. It had some neat toys, Mom and John played checkers. Cheri was playing with one of those board games where you move the pegs. WE had fun.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Personal Trainer News
Ok, did I tell any of you that I was about half way through my class? If I did forget it. I must have been nuts. I was under the assumption that I was halfway through until the other day. In the mail came my last packet of books. Or what I had thought would be my last set of books. However, come to find out and I really should have realised this, what I had been taking up to this point was for the certification in fitness and nutrition and really has nothing to do with the certification for Personal Trainer. The last packet of books I just received is huge, 3 big books, and 2 dvd's. this last packet is what I need to learn to pass the test for Certification. All that has gone before will surely help but this last set puts it down to the wire. I haven't started it yet, I am still finishing up the rest of the other classes. Once I finish the rest of the fitness and nutrition, then I do the Personal Trainer Course, then go away for the final test. I still have to May to finish. Going to need it I believe. I am really enjoying it though.
Promise to myself
Often, while walking or doing some quiet things around the house, I think of things I want to do in the future, things that may help benefit my family, my health, our home, etc. I've decided to categorize them using the label of Promise to Myself.
The first one under this heading is this: When getting my spring and summer clothes out of storage next year, if they do not fit, they will be gone! I have got the entire fall and winter to lose the gut and it is my goal for these seasons. If the shirts, pants, skirts etc are to tight around the midsection when they come out of storage there will be no saving them! They will be gone! This is a Promise to Myself!
The first one under this heading is this: When getting my spring and summer clothes out of storage next year, if they do not fit, they will be gone! I have got the entire fall and winter to lose the gut and it is my goal for these seasons. If the shirts, pants, skirts etc are to tight around the midsection when they come out of storage there will be no saving them! They will be gone! This is a Promise to Myself!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
My son
Today is my son's birthday, he is in Vegas, I am in Pa. and I miss him. I miss both of my kids terribly right now. He will be moving next week, so now I will have two places to visit I guess. I'm not good with numbers, anyone who knows me knows that but I am thinking he must be 38? God, when did he get to be this old? How can I still be so young? LOL I wish I could just turn back time. I wish I could go back and do it over again, I'd do things a bit differently and a bit better. If Only I knew then what I know now. Isn't that always the case?
Love you Howie! Happy Birthday.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Postal Service
I received an invitation in the mail today to a baby shower. Its for a niece in Ohio who I have not seen in years. Actually, Angie was probably a teenager the last time I saw her. I have fond memories of her. I particularly remember a time when her mom, Laura, and I took our kids shopping. Angie and my son, Howie were "debating" the pros and cons of Nike versus Reebok. I can't really recall which of the kids preferred which shoe but it was a pretty loud, ongoing discussion. Another fond memory of Angie was at Sea World when her and Howie were very young and playing in a childs area climbing on rope swings. I think I actually have those pictures still downstairs.
I don't know that I would have gone to the shower. I was her aunt by marriage. Her blood uncle and I divorced years ago, however I was her aunt for years and years and in my heart I always will be. However, I am upset that the decision to go was taken out of my hands. I had nothing to say about it. Yes, I received the invitation today, however the shower was last month, on the 30th of Aug. The postal stamp is dated July 24. Yet, it took 3 days short of 2 months to find me?? It has the correct address, the correct zip code, and the correct name. This is our postal service?? It is stamped all over Missent to 1-19 IN. Missent to 1-330, another missent to 1-19IN. Whatever that is. I may yet take this to our post office. If for no other reason than to complain.
I pray that Angie and Jim have a healthy, happy baby.
I don't know that I would have gone to the shower. I was her aunt by marriage. Her blood uncle and I divorced years ago, however I was her aunt for years and years and in my heart I always will be. However, I am upset that the decision to go was taken out of my hands. I had nothing to say about it. Yes, I received the invitation today, however the shower was last month, on the 30th of Aug. The postal stamp is dated July 24. Yet, it took 3 days short of 2 months to find me?? It has the correct address, the correct zip code, and the correct name. This is our postal service?? It is stamped all over Missent to 1-19 IN. Missent to 1-330, another missent to 1-19IN. Whatever that is. I may yet take this to our post office. If for no other reason than to complain.
I pray that Angie and Jim have a healthy, happy baby.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Get Up, Get Moving
What did you do for exercise today? Aim for 30 to 45 minutes of cardio daily.
Mine was an hour of racquet ball, a half hour walk, strength training on the cybex machines for 45 minutes, 10 minutes on the stepper at the gym, 45 minute walk around the neighborhood. Just keep on moving!
Mine was an hour of racquet ball, a half hour walk, strength training on the cybex machines for 45 minutes, 10 minutes on the stepper at the gym, 45 minute walk around the neighborhood. Just keep on moving!
Racquet Ball
Rule #1 If you stand close to the wall and hit the ball straight at the wall, the ball is going to come straight back at you.
Rule #2 Do not stand within 5 feet of the wall and hit the ball straight at the wall. See Rule #1
I need to practice my backhand. However, we are getting better at the rally's. We can keep the ball going for a while and we played for an hour today. What fun!
Rule #2 Do not stand within 5 feet of the wall and hit the ball straight at the wall. See Rule #1
I need to practice my backhand. However, we are getting better at the rally's. We can keep the ball going for a while and we played for an hour today. What fun!

I'm excited. My last class for the Personal Trainer course I am taking was mailed out the other day, it should be getting here Monday or Tuesday. I am not ready to take the last class yet. I am only about a half way through the entire course but I am so anxious to see this last set get here, it includes the studies for the NCSF test. I've bought a few books recently to use for reference and they have been a big help along with the one Nikki gave me. I'm learning so many different things and at my age it is hard to keep all this in my head, so its good to keep refreshing my mind on these things. Recording it does help and when I hear something I am not sure about I can stop and look it up again and again, so it keeps it in my mind a bit longer. Some of these books are good for that because they are all worded a bit differently. I hit paydirt with a few health books. The church next door had a yard sale over Labor Day and I got like 5 books for a few dollars. Thursday I stopped at the book store and they had a few on clearance, I bought 3 for $16. One of them has different workouts in it. One has alot of info from Leslie Sansone and the other is "How the body works." Who would ever have known I would be so into all this health and fitness years ago?
I am really working on cutting out the wheat products from my diet, or at least reducing it quite a bit. I still believe its a big part of the problem with my gut, so am back to watching the intake of that.
Fall is here in Pa, and my workouts have changed. From being outside and all the walking and running I am back into the eliptical, treadmill and dvd's a bit. Yesterday I did intervals on the eliptical, I forgot what a workout that thing is. Wed I did a Leslie Sansone watp dvd with weights and had to use the 4 pounds, couldn't do the whole thing with 5 pounds. Funny how different things work different muscles. With the fall here and winter coming I am really stepping this up and hoping to see spring bring forth the abs. I miss the beach and am hoping we got to go again next year sometime. Here is a sunrise on the beach picture. Isn't it beautiful.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
I am considering volunteering for the advertising committee for the Relay for Life. They have not done such a good job the past few years. I am not sure I could do any better but If I don't try I will never know. I am not sure about doing it because I would have to see if I could change my works hours the first thursday of every month to attend the meetings. Still its up for consideration.
Racquet ball and the gym tomorrow. YEAH!
Racquet ball and the gym tomorrow. YEAH!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Well, today should prove interesting. Cher and I are off to the gym to get in our strength training and try our hand at racquet ball. she has been wanting to try this since our days at the Y, so last week we stopped and bought racquets and balls. Today is the day. Pray for me to come home with my teeth, bones, eyes all still intact. LOL
Thursday, September 10, 2009
The gym
I can't believe I haven't blogged about this yet, must be slipping. Last WEd my sister and I went to check out a gym between our two little towns. We took the tour through and although small were pleased to see it had most of the equipment that we had used at the Y. We decided after a few hours there to join it for three months and see how often we used it. With time constraints due to work, families, and travel we are giving it a chance before joining and paying for a full year. The gym is small but it has the cybex machines plus a few new ones, it has the womans circuit room set up like curves and the Y. It has a real nice, small walking track, that has a rubber floor, perfect for jogging, has a weight room and has racquet ball courts!
My sister has wanted to try racquet ball for years. Yesterday we watched two guys play and we decided to give it a try. I stopped on the way home and bought us racquets and balls. Nothing fancy, just inexpensive ones from walmart until we see if we even like it. There is really no one around to teach us how to play so I am checking it out on line for pointers. I am sure we will be checking this out on Sunday. Wish us luck.
My sister has wanted to try racquet ball for years. Yesterday we watched two guys play and we decided to give it a try. I stopped on the way home and bought us racquets and balls. Nothing fancy, just inexpensive ones from walmart until we see if we even like it. There is really no one around to teach us how to play so I am checking it out on line for pointers. I am sure we will be checking this out on Sunday. Wish us luck.
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Love, Love, Love
Let me say first off that I love my husband, however I also love days off and I love days off when my dear husband is AT WORK! Finally I have a day off to myself. I don't mean for that to sound selfish and I am sorry if it does. he has been off for the past three weeks and has been here whenever I am home. Some of you ladies, I am sure, can understand when I say I love having the house to myself sometimes. Not all the time mind you, but once in a while it is nice, darn nice. Here it is 8:30 in the morning. I am sitting here still in pj's drinking coffee and playing on the computer and no need to feel guilty! I am about to get moving, going to pickup the kitchen, hop into some clothes and go out for my run. Then can get home and get busy with the laundry, housework, whatever and can turn on and up sirius radio to play along and keep me entertained.
Cher and I are checking out the Fitness Connection this afternoon so I need to meet her at walmart by 1:00, then picking up a few things at the store afterwards. I love days off with plans.
Cher and I are checking out the Fitness Connection this afternoon so I need to meet her at walmart by 1:00, then picking up a few things at the store afterwards. I love days off with plans.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
In case you didn't know this already, I loved the beach! I have been dreaming about it daily since we got home. Truthfully I am not sure if its because of the beach itself or the fact that I didn't have anything I had to do or anywhere I had to be. Time was free, it was lazy and it was ours. We have decided we will do another beach vacation, longer and probably to the south. We are considering Florida for a vacation next year.
Here is another beach picture. Sunrise on the beach how wonderful!
I found this site on line the other day and was quite taken with the idea. I knew I was going to participate in this challenge along with the 200 squats and 200 situps, but wasn't sure what day I would get started. Today was the day. I did Day 1 of the pushups, squats and situps challenge. I am so pumped about this. Check out this link.
With studying to be Certified Personal Trainer I don't believe I can ask people to do these things without doing them myself. How can I help someone get more fit if I haven't done it first? This can be a really good challenge for me to use with clients down the road. I am really thinking I would like to specialise with people a bit older. Not the youngsters but a bit older who really need help learning to eat and exercise correctly. Not that I wouldn't help the younger generation but I think I could be more beneficial to the older population who doesn't want to compete with a bunch of young kids. They may feel more comfortable with someone of my age.
I, of course, also got in 45 minutes of cardio. Today was an easy day, just walking, no jogging. 10 times around the track at the school.
Kids go back to school tomorrow here in our area by the way.
With studying to be Certified Personal Trainer I don't believe I can ask people to do these things without doing them myself. How can I help someone get more fit if I haven't done it first? This can be a really good challenge for me to use with clients down the road. I am really thinking I would like to specialise with people a bit older. Not the youngsters but a bit older who really need help learning to eat and exercise correctly. Not that I wouldn't help the younger generation but I think I could be more beneficial to the older population who doesn't want to compete with a bunch of young kids. They may feel more comfortable with someone of my age.
I, of course, also got in 45 minutes of cardio. Today was an easy day, just walking, no jogging. 10 times around the track at the school.
Kids go back to school tomorrow here in our area by the way.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Happy Birthday Sis!
Today is my little sisters birthday. I remember years ago when I considered her a pain. Now she's my best friend. I remember one time we called her a "brownie" it was a slang term at the time, for someone who was a "goody two shoes" always doing things right. she replied that no, she was a girl scout. I wish I had time to write more here but I don't. So this is going to have to be enough for this morning. Anyways, sis. Hope your birthday is wonderful!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Correction to the previous post. Must be getting older. Possibly Alzheimers or a brain fart or something. Last apartment number was 213. Not 219. My daughter corrected me on this. Sorry. Here is a picture of a stingray that a fisherman caught on the beach our last morning there, was awesome to see it.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Fenwick Island

We got home from the beach last night. How wonderful our trip was and how much we enjoyed it. We got to talking about how we had never done these things when our kids were young. Our families had never really taken us on vacations, we never really did our kids. When I was young our vacations were always coming back to Pa. to see family. When my kids were little our vacations were always going to see family in Ohio. I guess maybe its true that we learn and teach what we know. We took day trips often when my kids were little. Kenneywood was a favorite, Geneva Lake, Geauga Lake, Cedar Point, the zoo, etc. I wonder why we never took the kids to the beach. They would have loved it. Turns out my son has gone many times and my daughter and her dad went a few years ago, before he passed away. To bad we couldn't have done it once as a family. We would have loved it. Yesterday morning while turning in our room keys I realised our room number was 219. That is the house number of the last apartment we had before buying our little house. Kind of a bittersweet reminder
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Perfect size

I love water bottles. You may know that about me, you may not. However, truth be known I have about 20, all sizes, all colors, different types, some stainless, some plastic, some with sippy lids, some with guzzlers. All different and I love each and every one of them. I have often gotten to the track for my run and wish I had remembered to take water with me. I take it everywhere else. I even carry water to work and we have a Brita pitcher there. This morning I remembered to take water, was glad I did too, got thirsty on that run. Anyways, this water bottle my daughter bought me at the Hoover Damn when we were in Vegas a few years ago. It is the perfect size and the perfect water bottle for my run at the track, not to big to carry to the park, has the sippy lid so it can stay closed while it sits on the bench and it holds about 12 oz. Perfect amount for my run. Thanks Michelle.
A really good day

The day sure didn't start out all that great but it got better as the day went on. I had a real nice couple in the store today. They ended up buying over $9000. That was awesome. Haven't had one that big in quite a while. John's at camp so I decided to stop and get my nails done tonight instead of going over tomorrow while I am off. That means I can stay home tomorrow and get some stuff done. I got my first ever pedicure and it matches my manicure. Designs on the big toes and the ring fingers. Here is a picture and hope it stays nice throughout the vacation. Then more good news, I took the next test tonight for my class and passed with 93%. I have a 96 for the course so far and am on the 6th lesson out of 14. I may actually finish this course someday.
I am still in the process of recording it and have gone backwards to catch up everything I have done, still have 5 more classes to record. Wish I would have been doing this all along, but guess its a good refresher.
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Rain, rain go away
Imagine this! Its my day off and its raining again. How depressing. Dark, gloomy, thunder, pouring down rain. Yuck! Today was to have been our neighborhood party. I hope they cancel it. Don't much want to be out there in this.
Workouts will be inside today too. Oh well, maybe it will get nicer yet today. I am going to go make some jello salad to take along just in case. I had volunteered to do a jello salad and a fruit salad. Will at least do that in case. I am sure it will get eaten if we don't go.
Workouts will be inside today too. Oh well, maybe it will get nicer yet today. I am going to go make some jello salad to take along just in case. I had volunteered to do a jello salad and a fruit salad. Will at least do that in case. I am sure it will get eaten if we don't go.
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
Early morning again
its my day off work and I woke up early again. I am enjoying getting up around 5 am and never thought I would say that. Didn't get any exercise in yet, have errands to run today and wanted some housework done. Plus I recorded another part of my text book. I am working right now on recording Anatomy and Physiology 1. I am hoping to be able to get the entire course or most of it on the recorder. I have it playing in the background while I type this. I am hoping it helps me to learn more, quicker, and better.
Exercise planned today is hulahoop. haven't done that in a while, and strength and possibly a walk this after if the rain holds off. Think hubby and I are going out for dinner tonight though
Exercise planned today is hulahoop. haven't done that in a while, and strength and possibly a walk this after if the rain holds off. Think hubby and I are going out for dinner tonight though
Sunday, August 02, 2009
Coffe, coffee, coffee
I've learned alot on the 7 day detox diet. Actually its fairly close to how I eat anyways. Lots of fruits and veggies, 8 glasses of water. those were not a problem, the water is easy for someone with an addiction to water bottles. I think I must have 20 of them. One of these days I am going to post a picture just for the hell of it. We all felt great on the detox. I think the first day without coffee was the worst. From there we drank decaf coffee and the smell and taste of it gave us the feeling that we were having a coffee. That helped me so much. I didn't crave the sweets at all the way I had thought we would. We all did good even with cookies and cake showed up at the store and I almost think its easier to eliminate them than it is to just cut back. I am going to be keeping a close eye on the sweet consumption.
I think this diet helped more than anything to realise how we regularly eat. We were not hungry and when I tracked on sparkpeople, I was always in calorie range. Quite unusual for me, so that is something I am going to watch more closely than I have lately.
My first coffee this morning is fine, but I drank it with 2% milk instead of creamer. I have used creamer for years but have learned its for convenience that I do rather than health.
Another rainy day here on my day off. Figures.
I think this diet helped more than anything to realise how we regularly eat. We were not hungry and when I tracked on sparkpeople, I was always in calorie range. Quite unusual for me, so that is something I am going to watch more closely than I have lately.
My first coffee this morning is fine, but I drank it with 2% milk instead of creamer. I have used creamer for years but have learned its for convenience that I do rather than health.
Another rainy day here on my day off. Figures.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Have been thinking of a few different things I wanted to blog about so this one is just that. Tidbits of different things.
First off, let me say to my darling daughter that I cleaned out partially, some of my closets. I didn't do them good, but I did them. She was getting on my case while she was home, Michelle, yep, the same daughter who we didn't know the coloring of the carpet in her room until she married Bo and left home. Fact is I don't think we knew if she had carpet. Bo will testify to that I am sure. Anyways, like I said I got rid of a few things, took some to Val at work and have a bag here ready to go to Goodwill. Problem is I need to go through that bag, I looked for a shirt I wanted today and can't find it. Afraid its in the bag. LOL, I learned some things while going through those closets. I cannot through out things with sentimental value. I am a sentimental person and cannot bring myself to get rid of a jacket my mom bought me, although I outgrew it and wore it out long ago. I have a short set that I was wearing the day I bought my little red convertible, that was in 98. What do you suppose the chances are of me wearing that again? its now in my cedar chest. Speaking of the cedar chest I don't think either of my kids knows this but my grandma bought me a sleeper when my son was born. She bought it in red and blue, its quite unusual. We didn't know if he was going to be a boy or girl and my gram was really sick, she died 3 weeks to the day after he was born. Anyways, its in my cedar chest too. Both of my kids wore it and maybe someday a grandchild will get it, but for now its safe. Back to the closet. I have mine and my daughters wedding dresses in there. I have a dress Michelle bought but never wore, the tags are still on it. Michelle hasn't lived here in what? About 8 years? Anyways its a start. Like I said I gave somethings away. I was reminded of my daughter who when cleaning out her closets once when she was little wouldn't let me through out her favorite dress. She had gotten to big for it, but I wasn't allowed to give it away. I am really not sure but that could be in the cedar chest too. Okay, enough on the closet. Oh shoot, lets not forget my son, I have a variety of his winter coats, Leather jackets, mustang white jacket, Rusty Wallace etc. Just can't seem to part with things. Going to have to work on this.
Next thought, I am doing extremely well with this detox we have been on. Don't miss the sugar, the meat, or anything except maybe the coffee and am doing well with a cup or two of decaf. I even had the energy to run 2. 62 miles tonight. While down there I watched a man get out of his car with a little boy, I am thinking his grandson. I watched him light a cigarette and go over the playground with this child. I am thinking this used to be me. I would sit and smoke while the kids played. Up until 4 years ago when I got sick and started to eat healthier and exercise more. I just want everyone to get up off their butt, turn off their computer, put down their book and go move, just move.
His grandson couldn't sit still, he was on the swing, on the slides, on the merry go round, he knew that bodies are made to move, this little 2 year old knows more than most of us adults. I am going to turn off this computer now, go eat and then am going to move some more people. Get up and get moving!
First off, let me say to my darling daughter that I cleaned out partially, some of my closets. I didn't do them good, but I did them. She was getting on my case while she was home, Michelle, yep, the same daughter who we didn't know the coloring of the carpet in her room until she married Bo and left home. Fact is I don't think we knew if she had carpet. Bo will testify to that I am sure. Anyways, like I said I got rid of a few things, took some to Val at work and have a bag here ready to go to Goodwill. Problem is I need to go through that bag, I looked for a shirt I wanted today and can't find it. Afraid its in the bag. LOL, I learned some things while going through those closets. I cannot through out things with sentimental value. I am a sentimental person and cannot bring myself to get rid of a jacket my mom bought me, although I outgrew it and wore it out long ago. I have a short set that I was wearing the day I bought my little red convertible, that was in 98. What do you suppose the chances are of me wearing that again? its now in my cedar chest. Speaking of the cedar chest I don't think either of my kids knows this but my grandma bought me a sleeper when my son was born. She bought it in red and blue, its quite unusual. We didn't know if he was going to be a boy or girl and my gram was really sick, she died 3 weeks to the day after he was born. Anyways, its in my cedar chest too. Both of my kids wore it and maybe someday a grandchild will get it, but for now its safe. Back to the closet. I have mine and my daughters wedding dresses in there. I have a dress Michelle bought but never wore, the tags are still on it. Michelle hasn't lived here in what? About 8 years? Anyways its a start. Like I said I gave somethings away. I was reminded of my daughter who when cleaning out her closets once when she was little wouldn't let me through out her favorite dress. She had gotten to big for it, but I wasn't allowed to give it away. I am really not sure but that could be in the cedar chest too. Okay, enough on the closet. Oh shoot, lets not forget my son, I have a variety of his winter coats, Leather jackets, mustang white jacket, Rusty Wallace etc. Just can't seem to part with things. Going to have to work on this.
Next thought, I am doing extremely well with this detox we have been on. Don't miss the sugar, the meat, or anything except maybe the coffee and am doing well with a cup or two of decaf. I even had the energy to run 2. 62 miles tonight. While down there I watched a man get out of his car with a little boy, I am thinking his grandson. I watched him light a cigarette and go over the playground with this child. I am thinking this used to be me. I would sit and smoke while the kids played. Up until 4 years ago when I got sick and started to eat healthier and exercise more. I just want everyone to get up off their butt, turn off their computer, put down their book and go move, just move.
His grandson couldn't sit still, he was on the swing, on the slides, on the merry go round, he knew that bodies are made to move, this little 2 year old knows more than most of us adults. I am going to turn off this computer now, go eat and then am going to move some more people. Get up and get moving!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Day 1 of 7 Day Detox
I did okay with the food yesterday, it actually follows a lot of what I eat anyways. Had cereal and fruit for breakfast but used the rice milk, had a large salad for lunch along with rice cake and peanut butter, fruit and yogurt for a snack, fish and veggies for dinner. Not hungry a bit. However, doing without the caffeine is another story. I have a headache, had one yesterday too. Took 2 Aleve at work and another 2 last night. couldn't seem to stay awake and keep goiing. John is working nights and I fell asleep on the couch. He woke me up when he got home and I went to bed. Slept great all night too. I knew the caffeine would be the thing that would bother me the most and guess I was right. I didn't have the energy to get a good workout in, so did a short walk. That bothers me too, but its only 7 days and the diet did say that you energy levels will slow a bit. Here is the link to the detox. change detox
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Freaky Accident
I had quite an upsetting thing happen today. I was downstairs working out, John was outside cooking ribs on the grill when we heard a loud crash, it sounded like pots and pans falling so we both came running. It took a while to find out what happened, but the top shelf in my glass curio fell down. It broke most of the knick knacks on the two top shelves. A few of my Mrs. Albee dolls broke, some of the porcelain hummingbirds my daughter had bought me and most of my Australian Lead Crystal pieces. It shattered the crystal castle Mike and I bought years ago when we bought the house. It broke the crystal bird bath with two little birds and the red heart. It broke the peacock, and another red crystal heart.
There is no earthly reason why that shelf should have fallen. That curio cabinet has been there in that room since we moved into this house. John glued some of the pieces together to see what we can save, but the crystal was to far gone.
There is no earthly reason why that shelf should have fallen. That curio cabinet has been there in that room since we moved into this house. John glued some of the pieces together to see what we can save, but the crystal was to far gone.
Holy Cow! Is my daughter
Is my daughter really 29 years old today?? How can this be possible? Where the hell did these years go and I want them back! I need to back to the time Uncle Rob and I took her and Robbie and Gina to Sea World and Michelle was soooo sick. I need to go back to her first day of school, or the day she graduated. I just need to go back. I want to do it all over and I want to do it better this time. I want to be the parent who is the perfect parent and I want her to have the perfect family. In my mind like Marcy at work or Margie and marty next door. I just want to turn back time and keep her little and with me.
I love you and miss you dolly!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Detox diet
Sharan, The Mother Superior at work has decided we are doing a 7 day detox diet starting Monday. I am going along with it. I had a nutritionist look at it yesterday and it actually looks pretty interesting. Starts out the first day with eliminating all caffeine for the week, eliminate sugar, foods processed with white flour. Add 8 glasses of water, add 20 minutes of exercise.
The second day, you add more fresh fruit and veggies, but avoid tomatoes, peppers, and a few others. Avoid citrus fruits. Third day is tough, eliminate all dairy. Includes eggs and soy milk. What do we eat?? Fourth day you eliminate all grains, well not all, you can have brown rice, amaranth, oats. Did you ever eat oatmeal without milk? Oh! We can have rice milk or almond milk. Wonder if you can buy that in our little town? I may have to find out.
I call Sharan the Mother Superior, because she likes to be in charge and to boss us around. I've decided I'm just the novice in training. We have decided to try this for the 7 days starting on MOnday. Today I had them all doing planks and side planks so we have decided that I will teach them one new exercise a day during these 7 days. Sounds like fun. I want to hit all muscle groups.
I'm thinking I will be the one that has the easiest time with this because alot of it I already do. A few of them are going to give me problems though. Should be interesting.
The second day, you add more fresh fruit and veggies, but avoid tomatoes, peppers, and a few others. Avoid citrus fruits. Third day is tough, eliminate all dairy. Includes eggs and soy milk. What do we eat?? Fourth day you eliminate all grains, well not all, you can have brown rice, amaranth, oats. Did you ever eat oatmeal without milk? Oh! We can have rice milk or almond milk. Wonder if you can buy that in our little town? I may have to find out.
I call Sharan the Mother Superior, because she likes to be in charge and to boss us around. I've decided I'm just the novice in training. We have decided to try this for the 7 days starting on MOnday. Today I had them all doing planks and side planks so we have decided that I will teach them one new exercise a day during these 7 days. Sounds like fun. I want to hit all muscle groups.
I'm thinking I will be the one that has the easiest time with this because alot of it I already do. A few of them are going to give me problems though. Should be interesting.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Been a while
Its been a while since I've taken time to update this. The kids have both been here and gone. 10 days with howie and Anton and then later 10 with Michelle, Bo and Zoey. I miss the hell out of them. We've done two cookouts, one for each group. My poor husband doesn't enjoy them at all, but has gone along with it extremely well.
Its strange getting back to normal. Last night I took time and did my test. 95% which gives me 96% average, so thats good, however I am so far behind on my timeline to finish it. I really need to pick it up.
I started reading a good book that my daughter sent me. Its called My Sisters Keeper and I started it last night. I need balance and have decided to take some time and read for fun. I have been saying for years I am going to do that again. Lets see if I finish it. I also ordered " The Five People You meet in heaven" from Amazon. Pretty neat, the book was used, cost $.01 and $3.99 for shipping. Hopefully these two will get me back into the joy of reading for fun. Just have to figure out where to fit it into my schedule.
Here is a picture taken last week, the four of took off and went shopping for the day, what fun!
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
My darling daughter, her husband and my grand puppy arrive tonight for a 10 day visit. Late tonight, I wonder why she chooses the times she does to come and go? My best nephew, Paul, is riding to Pitts with me to pick them up. I remember the first time we had to go get them and Paul and I went and it was the middle of the night that time too. I'm going to have to discuss the time changes with her.
I am so excited to have them home! I can't wait. Couldn't even sleep last night.
I am so excited to have them home! I can't wait. Couldn't even sleep last night.
This is an article written by Dean Anderson from Sparkpeople, I wanted to share it with you. What are you grateful for? I am grateful for my parents, my children, my husband, my siblings. I am so fortunate to have them all be in good health and to have my daughter coming home today for a 10 day visit.
Dean Anderson : 12/16/2008 12:09:25 PM : 265 comments
Would you be willing to spend two minutes doing a special exercise that could improve your mood and make your life a little (or a lot) easier?No, this isn’t a gimmick that will get you off the hook for the kind of exercise that makes you breathe hard and sweat a lot. You’ll still have to do that. And it’s not going to make it a breeze to pass up temptations and stick to your food plan.But this exercise might help you appreciate and enjoy these things–and the rest of your daily duties--a lot more, and avoid feeling sorry for yourself.You don’t need an expert to tell you that a good mood is like money in the bank. It helps you let the many minor irritations and problems of your daily life roll off your back like water, and gives you the optimism, creativity, and stamina you need to handle whatever life throws at you.But how do you get yourself into a good mood when you wake up on the wrong side of the bed, or so many little things are going wrong that you’d have to be unconscious or really snockered not to feel pretty anxious and upset?The answer is simple: practice gratitude.The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. And if you’re trying to go from feeling down about your situation to feeling good about it, the shortest path is to be grateful for what you’ve got.I have to admit that, for many years, this kind of claim drove me crazy. I was stuck in a very long, deep, and unpleasant struggle with major depression and PTSD that had already wrecked my marriage, my business, and left me living on disability benefits with 3 kids to support. To have someone tell me that I should find something to be grateful for struck me as either ignorant or cruel.Then one day I was sitting in the lobby at my therapist’s office, running through all the problems I wanted to talk with her about that session, when a another client came in. She was carrying a baby, had a toddler in hand, and asked me if I could watch them for a second while she got the other kids out of the car. She came back in with two more young kids, sat down and started crying a little bit while trying to get the kids interested in playing with a few toys. She apologized and explained that she and the kids had just lost their apartment and were living in the car, after her husband had gone to jail for child and spousal abuse.Well, I’m sure you can guess the rest of the story. I ended up telling my therapist I felt pretty silly getting all caught up in my own worries after hearing about this woman’s troubles, and was feeling grateful that my life wasn’t really as difficult as it could be.I can’t tell you that this single incident “cured” my problems with depression and anxiety, but it definitely did change my thinking about the power of gratitude, and gave me a great tool I still use whenever I’m starting to feel a little down.It’s incredibly simple. Just sit down for two minutes and think about what you have to be grateful for today. Come up with 3-5 things that make your life better than it would otherwise be at that moment, and write them down. These don't have to be big things--in fact, this will probably work better if you focus on little things that change from day to day. Putting the same things on your list every time will make the exercise less effective. So you might include something like being grateful for not having a headache, or enjoying your morning coffee that day, or having a pleasant moment with a family member or friend.If you have the time, think for a minute or two about how and why you have those things in your life, and how to keep them there. If what you’re grateful for is having certain other people in your life, think about how you can let them know how you feel.If life is pretty hard right now, this may feel a little artificial, trivial, or phony at first. But do it at least once a week anyway–fake it until you make it, if you have to.If life is really hard today, and things to be grateful for don’t spring to mind, go spend an hour volunteering at the local food bank, soup kitchen, or homeless shelter–or anyplace where you’re likely to find other people having a hard time. Or get on the message boards at Sparkpeople or another site you’re involved in, look for someone else having a hard time, and say something encouraging to them.The distance between a bad mood and a good mood often isn’t nearly as far as we think it is, and the shortest route is often to practice a little gratitude for what you already have.You don’t have to take my word for it–there is lots of scientific research supporting the practice of gratitude. And there is a pretty large and active community of gratitude practitioners on the SP message boards you can talk to about this.Why not give it a try yourself, right here, right now. What do you have to be grateful for today?
Dean Anderson : 12/16/2008 12:09:25 PM : 265 comments
Would you be willing to spend two minutes doing a special exercise that could improve your mood and make your life a little (or a lot) easier?No, this isn’t a gimmick that will get you off the hook for the kind of exercise that makes you breathe hard and sweat a lot. You’ll still have to do that. And it’s not going to make it a breeze to pass up temptations and stick to your food plan.But this exercise might help you appreciate and enjoy these things–and the rest of your daily duties--a lot more, and avoid feeling sorry for yourself.You don’t need an expert to tell you that a good mood is like money in the bank. It helps you let the many minor irritations and problems of your daily life roll off your back like water, and gives you the optimism, creativity, and stamina you need to handle whatever life throws at you.But how do you get yourself into a good mood when you wake up on the wrong side of the bed, or so many little things are going wrong that you’d have to be unconscious or really snockered not to feel pretty anxious and upset?The answer is simple: practice gratitude.The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. And if you’re trying to go from feeling down about your situation to feeling good about it, the shortest path is to be grateful for what you’ve got.I have to admit that, for many years, this kind of claim drove me crazy. I was stuck in a very long, deep, and unpleasant struggle with major depression and PTSD that had already wrecked my marriage, my business, and left me living on disability benefits with 3 kids to support. To have someone tell me that I should find something to be grateful for struck me as either ignorant or cruel.Then one day I was sitting in the lobby at my therapist’s office, running through all the problems I wanted to talk with her about that session, when a another client came in. She was carrying a baby, had a toddler in hand, and asked me if I could watch them for a second while she got the other kids out of the car. She came back in with two more young kids, sat down and started crying a little bit while trying to get the kids interested in playing with a few toys. She apologized and explained that she and the kids had just lost their apartment and were living in the car, after her husband had gone to jail for child and spousal abuse.Well, I’m sure you can guess the rest of the story. I ended up telling my therapist I felt pretty silly getting all caught up in my own worries after hearing about this woman’s troubles, and was feeling grateful that my life wasn’t really as difficult as it could be.I can’t tell you that this single incident “cured” my problems with depression and anxiety, but it definitely did change my thinking about the power of gratitude, and gave me a great tool I still use whenever I’m starting to feel a little down.It’s incredibly simple. Just sit down for two minutes and think about what you have to be grateful for today. Come up with 3-5 things that make your life better than it would otherwise be at that moment, and write them down. These don't have to be big things--in fact, this will probably work better if you focus on little things that change from day to day. Putting the same things on your list every time will make the exercise less effective. So you might include something like being grateful for not having a headache, or enjoying your morning coffee that day, or having a pleasant moment with a family member or friend.If you have the time, think for a minute or two about how and why you have those things in your life, and how to keep them there. If what you’re grateful for is having certain other people in your life, think about how you can let them know how you feel.If life is pretty hard right now, this may feel a little artificial, trivial, or phony at first. But do it at least once a week anyway–fake it until you make it, if you have to.If life is really hard today, and things to be grateful for don’t spring to mind, go spend an hour volunteering at the local food bank, soup kitchen, or homeless shelter–or anyplace where you’re likely to find other people having a hard time. Or get on the message boards at Sparkpeople or another site you’re involved in, look for someone else having a hard time, and say something encouraging to them.The distance between a bad mood and a good mood often isn’t nearly as far as we think it is, and the shortest route is often to practice a little gratitude for what you already have.You don’t have to take my word for it–there is lots of scientific research supporting the practice of gratitude. And there is a pretty large and active community of gratitude practitioners on the SP message boards you can talk to about this.Why not give it a try yourself, right here, right now. What do you have to be grateful for today?
Saturday, July 04, 2009
You can run..
..but you can't hide. I had a funny experience at work today. I was helping a single gentleman choose living room furniture. He stated he had been looking for years and couldn't find what he wanted. I was showing him various sets and pieces and after about 20 minutes he commented that I looked familiar and that back in the years he rode a Harley was I married to Mike B? I was and he was someone we rode with only occasionally. I personally didn't recognise him, but the name rang a bell and we had mutual friends.
This had to have been at least 15 years ago or maybe longer. I am wondering how he ever recognised me and am hoping that I was a nice person to him and that is why he remembered me? My last name isn't even the same.
I think this just reinforced my belief that we always need to be on our best behavior because we truly never know who we may meet or come into contact with.
I do think his memories must have been good because he bought a living room! YEAH, after years of looking we found one he liked and he had to have enough faith in me to buy it from me.
This had to have been at least 15 years ago or maybe longer. I am wondering how he ever recognised me and am hoping that I was a nice person to him and that is why he remembered me? My last name isn't even the same.
I think this just reinforced my belief that we always need to be on our best behavior because we truly never know who we may meet or come into contact with.
I do think his memories must have been good because he bought a living room! YEAH, after years of looking we found one he liked and he had to have enough faith in me to buy it from me.
Friday, July 03, 2009
Ideal weight
I am learning some really interesting things in class right now, like how to determine someones ideal weight and their weight range. Simple really once you know the formula to follow. I love learning new things and am looking forward to putting it to use.
On the other hand I ate a huge, amish made fresh cream filled donut today. I took my lunch as usual, a very healthy lunch, yogurt for a snack along with a large veggie filled salad for lunch. One of the guys bought the donuts for us. I had no will power. How can I expect to help a client lose weight when I cannot fight the temptation sometimes myself? I do really well with the goodies at home, but work is something else. At home I can get busy and do something, but at work, its like right there in your face. I need to come up with something to help me fight temptation and hard as this is, I think I may have found it.
I was waiting on a woman tonight at work, and I know her, she is about my age, maybe a bit younger, she had on a real tight pair of jeans and tight shirt and her shirt kept riding up, and her jeans down. I could see rolls. Not really trying to see them, believe me, she kept pulling her shirt down a bit, but they were there. The picture in my mind should help me say no to donuts, to cookies, to all sweets. I am hoping to hold that picture in my mind. I came home and did 40 minutes on the treadmill, intervals of faster, slower, hills and then did 5 minutes of ab work too. Lets keep on moving, work off those donuts
On the other hand I ate a huge, amish made fresh cream filled donut today. I took my lunch as usual, a very healthy lunch, yogurt for a snack along with a large veggie filled salad for lunch. One of the guys bought the donuts for us. I had no will power. How can I expect to help a client lose weight when I cannot fight the temptation sometimes myself? I do really well with the goodies at home, but work is something else. At home I can get busy and do something, but at work, its like right there in your face. I need to come up with something to help me fight temptation and hard as this is, I think I may have found it.
I was waiting on a woman tonight at work, and I know her, she is about my age, maybe a bit younger, she had on a real tight pair of jeans and tight shirt and her shirt kept riding up, and her jeans down. I could see rolls. Not really trying to see them, believe me, she kept pulling her shirt down a bit, but they were there. The picture in my mind should help me say no to donuts, to cookies, to all sweets. I am hoping to hold that picture in my mind. I came home and did 40 minutes on the treadmill, intervals of faster, slower, hills and then did 5 minutes of ab work too. Lets keep on moving, work off those donuts
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Dreams+Plans=Goal 1/1/11
I believe I do my best thinking either walking or in the tub. My favorite alone time. Today while walking ( in the rain) I realised that I need a goal and a plan to get there. My dream is to complete my course and be a fitness and nutriton expert, with my certification as Personal Trainer. I would like to be able to quit working full time at the furniture store and work at the Y, a gym, or out on my own as Personal Trainer.
The time frame to complete the course was 15 months, however, they had informed me that I could get an extension and they felt that with me working full time I would probably need that.
My goal is to complete my course, receive my ceriifcation and be ready to use it by 1/1/11. This entails me actually taking more time to study. I can do that.
I would also need to be financially able to quit working at my current income level so to that end I need to curtail spending on "frivolous items" I can do that.
I am sure I will come up with some other ideas and plans eventually but these are the two biggest obstacles to my reaching my goal by 1/1/11. So those are the two things to work on now. Wish me luck
The time frame to complete the course was 15 months, however, they had informed me that I could get an extension and they felt that with me working full time I would probably need that.
My goal is to complete my course, receive my ceriifcation and be ready to use it by 1/1/11. This entails me actually taking more time to study. I can do that.
I would also need to be financially able to quit working at my current income level so to that end I need to curtail spending on "frivolous items" I can do that.
I am sure I will come up with some other ideas and plans eventually but these are the two biggest obstacles to my reaching my goal by 1/1/11. So those are the two things to work on now. Wish me luck
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Doctors Appt
At my yearly exam today I had some good news and some bad news. The good news is that I am 7 pounds lighter than last year. I thought that was great considering the scale has gone up a bit lately due to my kids being here, no exercise and sitting and eating to much. I was not expecting that at all. I must have been really heavy last year! LOL, I was complaining about my weight when the nurse started laughing and said I was 7 pounds lighter! YEAH ME! Bad news is that I have to go again for an ultrasound. He sends me every so often due to a fibroid that he is keeping an eye on. guess I prefer him to be cautious.
Tomorrow is our Relay for Life, we have earned over 10% of the amount collected this year. I think that is doing pretty darn good. I am leaving work early tomorrow and going over. They changed the times this year and its from noon on Friday till noon on Saturday. Makes it rough with me scheduled to work both days. I am going over about 4 or 5 tomorrow and not staying the night this year. I'll miss that.
Thanks everyone for all your donations!
Tomorrow is our Relay for Life, we have earned over 10% of the amount collected this year. I think that is doing pretty darn good. I am leaving work early tomorrow and going over. They changed the times this year and its from noon on Friday till noon on Saturday. Makes it rough with me scheduled to work both days. I am going over about 4 or 5 tomorrow and not staying the night this year. I'll miss that.
Thanks everyone for all your donations!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Why is it that we are resistant to change? WE are afraid of the unknown, we dread doing something different and its easier to just keep things the way they are. Why is it that instead of trying a different hair cut we'll keep the same one we had 10 years ago? Instead of trying to quit smoking we will sit and talk about how we want to but its to hard. Instead of trying to lose weight we will put down someone who has? Why is it that we will stay at home or go to the same place on vacation year after year instead of trying something new? I realise I am speaking very generally here and not everyone is like this but it seems to me that the majority of the human race is.
These are all thoughts on my walk late this morning after running errands in town. First off let me say I have been trying to grow my hair longer for the past year. My hair stylist doesn't like it but I am going to try it anyways. She prefers it short like I have it worn it for at least the past ten years. I want something new and up to date. Next stop I ran into an old neighbor I hadn't seen in years, almost didn't recognise her, she has a new hair style. Its in style, fitting the times and looks nice on her. Not afraid there, however, she made the comment that she had quit smoking for 3 months, felt great but started smoking again because she was always hungry. I mentioned I had quit 4 years ago, her comment was that I hadn't gained weight, she didn't listen long enough for me to tell her of my ongoing battle. She started smoking again because she was afraid of gaining weight. 3 months isn't much time to adjust to changes. Let me say here that her son just moved back home after living out west for one month. One month. Not much time to adjust to changes either.
My turtles come to mind here also and they point out one of my faults, my new red earred sliders are in a 3000 gallon pond. These two turtles are staying in a small area probably no bigger than maybe 4 feet across by about 2 feet wide. Not much space at all going by what they could have available. They are afraid of the unknown. Kind of like me I guess. They have free rein in the pond, nothing to stop them or hold them back but yet something does, could it be fear or resistance to change?
What do you resist changing? What would you like to do that you have never done? What would you like to change most about yourself?
I am working on the new hairstyle, finishing my class to be cerrtified personal trainer, and learning yoga. Still thinking on some other changes too. I think we need to learn that not all change is bad, alot of it can be for the good.
These are all thoughts on my walk late this morning after running errands in town. First off let me say I have been trying to grow my hair longer for the past year. My hair stylist doesn't like it but I am going to try it anyways. She prefers it short like I have it worn it for at least the past ten years. I want something new and up to date. Next stop I ran into an old neighbor I hadn't seen in years, almost didn't recognise her, she has a new hair style. Its in style, fitting the times and looks nice on her. Not afraid there, however, she made the comment that she had quit smoking for 3 months, felt great but started smoking again because she was always hungry. I mentioned I had quit 4 years ago, her comment was that I hadn't gained weight, she didn't listen long enough for me to tell her of my ongoing battle. She started smoking again because she was afraid of gaining weight. 3 months isn't much time to adjust to changes. Let me say here that her son just moved back home after living out west for one month. One month. Not much time to adjust to changes either.
My turtles come to mind here also and they point out one of my faults, my new red earred sliders are in a 3000 gallon pond. These two turtles are staying in a small area probably no bigger than maybe 4 feet across by about 2 feet wide. Not much space at all going by what they could have available. They are afraid of the unknown. Kind of like me I guess. They have free rein in the pond, nothing to stop them or hold them back but yet something does, could it be fear or resistance to change?
What do you resist changing? What would you like to do that you have never done? What would you like to change most about yourself?
I am working on the new hairstyle, finishing my class to be cerrtified personal trainer, and learning yoga. Still thinking on some other changes too. I think we need to learn that not all change is bad, alot of it can be for the good.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Cooks Forest
It figures that I am off today, it is a gray, gloomy, rainy day and we have plans to go over to Cooks Forest. Yesterday was nice and tomorrow is supposed to be too, but I am off today.
Howie suggested Cooks Forest, we think Anton will really enjoy it if we are not in a downpour. She sure does love the animals we have around here.
I haven't been to Cooks Forest in years but do have a lot of really good memories from there when the kids were littler. A few years ago John and I went over and had lunch there and it was wonderful. Hope the resteraunt is still as good.
We went for a ride last night and did get to see a few elk, no bulls and we didn't have a camera. But at least she got to see a few of them.
Wouldn't you think the weather could cooperate some of the time?
Howie suggested Cooks Forest, we think Anton will really enjoy it if we are not in a downpour. She sure does love the animals we have around here.
I haven't been to Cooks Forest in years but do have a lot of really good memories from there when the kids were littler. A few years ago John and I went over and had lunch there and it was wonderful. Hope the resteraunt is still as good.
We went for a ride last night and did get to see a few elk, no bulls and we didn't have a camera. But at least she got to see a few of them.
Wouldn't you think the weather could cooperate some of the time?
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
My son and his girlfriend are due to arrive home tomorrow night around 5. We are picking them up at Pitts airport. Today while cleaning house and doing laundry I am reminded of other times with other people coming to visit. Times change, life goes on. My son and daughter were young at the time and now they are the ones who come to visit. How strange is that.
I remember times with friends and ex in laws would come to stay a while, I always looked forward to it and always wanted the house cleaned and ready for company. I remember times when it was rough coming up with the money to even get groceries. I remember times when we even borrowed the money to get the groceries for people coming.
My next thought was that some of those people I will never see again. At least its more than likely I will not see them again. I have lost touch with so many of them and some of them have gotten married, divorced, or possibly even passed away.
People come and go in our lives and its sad really that people who once meant so much to us are now not even known to us. There is a friend I haven' t heard from since 1980. I don't even know her last name anymore and she doesn't know mine. She doesn't know we lost Mike this past year and I never met her son. He would be a year younger than Michelle I believe.
I don't do well with staying in touch with people and I think I have gotten worse with it the past years. Thats sad but I'm not sure I know how to change it. Or even if I can.
I remember times with friends and ex in laws would come to stay a while, I always looked forward to it and always wanted the house cleaned and ready for company. I remember times when it was rough coming up with the money to even get groceries. I remember times when we even borrowed the money to get the groceries for people coming.
My next thought was that some of those people I will never see again. At least its more than likely I will not see them again. I have lost touch with so many of them and some of them have gotten married, divorced, or possibly even passed away.
People come and go in our lives and its sad really that people who once meant so much to us are now not even known to us. There is a friend I haven' t heard from since 1980. I don't even know her last name anymore and she doesn't know mine. She doesn't know we lost Mike this past year and I never met her son. He would be a year younger than Michelle I believe.
I don't do well with staying in touch with people and I think I have gotten worse with it the past years. Thats sad but I'm not sure I know how to change it. Or even if I can.
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
The Little People
OMG, Look what we found in our yard today. It had been well hidden, behind a tree by the gazebo. I wonder how long its been there, looks well used but we haven't seen "the Little People" yet. John says they like to stay hidden.
The door is on the back side of the tree so its not somewhere we would normally have noticed it. A very out of the way location.
Sunday, June 07, 2009
A good thing
Its a good thing I don't eat like this every day. I am studying to be a fitness and nutrition expert and certified personal trainer for heaven's sake. Yet today I had McDonalds for breakfast, a half a cream filled donut for snack at my mom's and then a frozen yogurt cone on the way home. Its a wonder I haven't gained 10 lbs today, only good thing is that I did get in a lot of exercise too. Also a good thing that I don't do this often.
Usually I am very careful and eat very well. I spent part of the day out in the gazebo today studying, I have learned that iron makes it difficult for your body to absorb calcium, so don't eat spinach with a glass of milk. You should wait a few hours between your foods with iron and your foods for calcium. Caffeine also negates calcium. So the iced and green tea I drink so often helps to destroy the calcium stores I work so hard to build up. I am really enjoying this part of the class on healthy eating.
Usually I am very careful and eat very well. I spent part of the day out in the gazebo today studying, I have learned that iron makes it difficult for your body to absorb calcium, so don't eat spinach with a glass of milk. You should wait a few hours between your foods with iron and your foods for calcium. Caffeine also negates calcium. So the iced and green tea I drink so often helps to destroy the calcium stores I work so hard to build up. I am really enjoying this part of the class on healthy eating.
Saturday, June 06, 2009
LOL, left hip, thigh, calve and buttocks had been sore the past two days. I couldn't figure out why? what had I done? Then I realised the only thing I have done differently is yoga. I thought it wasn't real exercise, but I have been doing one new pose a day for this month and then carrying over the other poses, day three for example, I learned the third pose, then did the two previously learned. I think maybe it is real exercise, just different! LOL
Sunshine today and I am on my way to work noon to 8. Won't get to enjoy it, and tomorrow they are calling for rain again. They changed the forecast just this morning. I am so sick and tired of our weather.
Sunshine today and I am on my way to work noon to 8. Won't get to enjoy it, and tomorrow they are calling for rain again. They changed the forecast just this morning. I am so sick and tired of our weather.
Thursday, June 04, 2009
A quick update on my course. I just took the test for Fitness Anatomy and Physiology 1 and 2 and passed with 98%. Only missed one, darn it. And it was one I should have known considering it was talking about adrenalin and epinephrine, hormones from my hospital stay 4 years ago. Anyways, so far I am carrying a 97% on the entire course.
I am on to Nutrition Basics now and hope to get more into what I want to learn. The next few books are Nutrition Basics, Developing Healthy Eating Habits, Muscles in Motion and Posture, Balance and Proper Alignment. Bet my chiropractor will be glad to hear about the last one.
I am on to Nutrition Basics now and hope to get more into what I want to learn. The next few books are Nutrition Basics, Developing Healthy Eating Habits, Muscles in Motion and Posture, Balance and Proper Alignment. Bet my chiropractor will be glad to hear about the last one.
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Thoughts from the track
Had some strange and true thoughts while at the track this morning. While walking and jogging around there it hit me, how many times I had driven past this track and elementary school in the past 40 years or so. How many times had I driven past the house where I now live? I never gave a thought that some day I would live here in this house with a new husband.
We moved here about 4 years ago, used to live 20 miles to the north. How many times had I been to memorial day celebrations at this school and never realised that some day I would be living here, walking that track? I remember standing at the school and watching my daughter march in the parade this little town has. I never once thought someday I will live here, or someday I will walk around that track almost daily.
Isn't this life? How strange it is when something you do years ago can come back to haunt you years later. My daughter is now married and living in Vegas, she was just a little girl when we came down to this little town for a parade. I am nt sure if that was when she was a girl scout or when she was a cheerleader in highschool. Maybe both. I know my ex husband was alive and now he is gone. We lost him to cancer last year. Never once while standing there watching that parade did I think someday I will live here. Someday Mike will be gone, someday my kids will live across the country. I am not sure what I wish to accomplish with this blog, but I think I just want people to think about how our lives are intertwined with every day things that we never give a second thought to.
While walking the track this morning in the rain, I passed a man walking. It was my last trip around when he showed up. He looked to be in his 70"s and carrying an umbrella, we spoke for a just a minute, he kept walking and I came on home. My thought was that I hope to still be walking this track when I am 70, but will I? I want to finish my course and hope to be able to help people but especially the elderly, but will I?
WE never know what the future holds, all we can do is the best we are capable of today. We never know where we will be tomorrow.
We moved here about 4 years ago, used to live 20 miles to the north. How many times had I been to memorial day celebrations at this school and never realised that some day I would be living here, walking that track? I remember standing at the school and watching my daughter march in the parade this little town has. I never once thought someday I will live here, or someday I will walk around that track almost daily.
Isn't this life? How strange it is when something you do years ago can come back to haunt you years later. My daughter is now married and living in Vegas, she was just a little girl when we came down to this little town for a parade. I am nt sure if that was when she was a girl scout or when she was a cheerleader in highschool. Maybe both. I know my ex husband was alive and now he is gone. We lost him to cancer last year. Never once while standing there watching that parade did I think someday I will live here. Someday Mike will be gone, someday my kids will live across the country. I am not sure what I wish to accomplish with this blog, but I think I just want people to think about how our lives are intertwined with every day things that we never give a second thought to.
While walking the track this morning in the rain, I passed a man walking. It was my last trip around when he showed up. He looked to be in his 70"s and carrying an umbrella, we spoke for a just a minute, he kept walking and I came on home. My thought was that I hope to still be walking this track when I am 70, but will I? I want to finish my course and hope to be able to help people but especially the elderly, but will I?
WE never know what the future holds, all we can do is the best we are capable of today. We never know where we will be tomorrow.
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
We are hoping that the rain holds off tomorrow. We have plans to add more rocks to the pond and to work out in the yard. My day will start with a jog around the track if it isn't raining while John runs to town for rocks and a few things at the store. I am so lucky that he does the grocery shopping.
It has been such a cool, wet spring and next week my son will be home. The weather is never nice when he is here. I don't think it has been nice ever when he comes home. Although last summer may not have been to bad. The way the weather has been this year it could snow with him here next week.
I'm off to study a bit, right now I am learning about the endocrine system. this one is very interesting to me considering my sickness 4 years ago was due to a tumor on the adrenal gland. Some of this stuff is rough. I wish I would have done this years ago when maybe my brain remembered better. Next is the circulatory system. Still I am enjoying the learning process and do think its very helpful for me. I have found that reading before bed helps it stick with me and also talking to John about what I have read the next day helps to keep it real for me. I doubt that I will have it done in 15 months though, it is taking me longer than I thought to get through any of the classes. I seem to read and reread each book. This would be so much quicker if I didn't work full time. However, at this point I am just glad to have a job.
I've talked to some old friends lately, Karen, Rosalie, Mary, etc. Avon friends and boy, it makes me realise how much I miss Avon, and all of those wonderful women. I really enjoyed the years where I sold Avon and that was my job and I was the boss! Oh well, life changes, time goes on.
It has been such a cool, wet spring and next week my son will be home. The weather is never nice when he is here. I don't think it has been nice ever when he comes home. Although last summer may not have been to bad. The way the weather has been this year it could snow with him here next week.
I'm off to study a bit, right now I am learning about the endocrine system. this one is very interesting to me considering my sickness 4 years ago was due to a tumor on the adrenal gland. Some of this stuff is rough. I wish I would have done this years ago when maybe my brain remembered better. Next is the circulatory system. Still I am enjoying the learning process and do think its very helpful for me. I have found that reading before bed helps it stick with me and also talking to John about what I have read the next day helps to keep it real for me. I doubt that I will have it done in 15 months though, it is taking me longer than I thought to get through any of the classes. I seem to read and reread each book. This would be so much quicker if I didn't work full time. However, at this point I am just glad to have a job.
I've talked to some old friends lately, Karen, Rosalie, Mary, etc. Avon friends and boy, it makes me realise how much I miss Avon, and all of those wonderful women. I really enjoyed the years where I sold Avon and that was my job and I was the boss! Oh well, life changes, time goes on.
Monday, June 01, 2009

After 4 years here, I finally certified our yard as a National Wildlife Habitat. I have been going to do this for the past 4 years and just hadn't taken the time. I finally did it and am now anxiously waiting for the certificate and yard sign to get here. It looks pretty neat. I am sure alot of people wouldn't think so, but I love it here and I love our animals. This was something I really wanted to do. So here is our sign.
It will be going in the side flower bed and will be listed in the National REgistry of wildlife habitats. How neat is that!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
A wonderful day off
Started out with one of my favorite workouts, walking and jogging intervals at the track, been doing 2.25 miles down there. It comes out to 10 times around the track. I jog on the corners and my goal is to be able to jog one time around the complete track by the end of summer. Just one time! Today was not a good workout however, it just didn't feel good. Think I went to early without enough water in my system. Legs, and joints just didn't feel like working, it was just harder than usual.
We planted flowers, played in the pond and took a ride with the top down to eat a quick bite with my family.
A wonderful day off, back to work tomorrow. All too soon though.
We planted flowers, played in the pond and took a ride with the top down to eat a quick bite with my family.
A wonderful day off, back to work tomorrow. All too soon though.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Abundant Sunshine
Happy Days are here again! I am off, there is abundant sunshine, high around 70, its 43 now and I am planting flowers, flowers, and more flowers! Will be outside this entire day, no housework here today! I am decorating the outside!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
55 degrees stinks
It is really hard to believe how cold it has been this spring, so far it shows no signs of changing. I planted flowers today in pots and had to move them back under the carport for fear of frost getting them. Had to bundle up in sweatshirt and pants out there to even plant them. 55 degrees the middle of May is a bit hard to deal with.
I've been studying today, stayed up last night studying too for the first time in a long time. Have been slacking on those books, just not enough hours in the day. Took the books out by the pond to relax for a while, it felt great. I'm reading right now about the joints, and muscles. This book is a real butt kicker. Will be glad to get these next two done and onto the nutrtion and healthy eating that is coming up next. I wonder sometimes if I really should have done just the personal trainer instead of the nutrition and fitness expert too, but guess there is no hurry to get it done. I just want to learn it all and it seems to be taking forever sometimes. Guess I'll get there eventually.
Relay is coming up next month, they moved it to June this year instead of July which cuts us short a month on fundraising, plus they are doing it Friday from noon to Saturday noon this year. That is a real pain too, usually its Saturday to Sunday. We've raised $1000 so far this year. We are doing an Avon fund raiser this month, it will go till the 8th. Hope we make a nice amount with that. Plus raffle tickets with 12 different prizes, chances are only $5.00 a ticket.
I've been studying today, stayed up last night studying too for the first time in a long time. Have been slacking on those books, just not enough hours in the day. Took the books out by the pond to relax for a while, it felt great. I'm reading right now about the joints, and muscles. This book is a real butt kicker. Will be glad to get these next two done and onto the nutrtion and healthy eating that is coming up next. I wonder sometimes if I really should have done just the personal trainer instead of the nutrition and fitness expert too, but guess there is no hurry to get it done. I just want to learn it all and it seems to be taking forever sometimes. Guess I'll get there eventually.
Relay is coming up next month, they moved it to June this year instead of July which cuts us short a month on fundraising, plus they are doing it Friday from noon to Saturday noon this year. That is a real pain too, usually its Saturday to Sunday. We've raised $1000 so far this year. We are doing an Avon fund raiser this month, it will go till the 8th. Hope we make a nice amount with that. Plus raffle tickets with 12 different prizes, chances are only $5.00 a ticket.
Saturday, May 09, 2009
This was in an email from Sparkpeople today. I don't know who wrote it, but wanted to share it with all of you.
Don't put off living the life you want There is no lesson for today.
You have permission to stop thinking for a moment and just enjoy yourself. Stop looking at your computer right now and go look at the world. Rediscover the natural wonders that you walk past every day. How can there possibly be that many shades of green? Let your mind be grateful for a break. Don't think, don't strain. Let the memories of loved ones remind you of your favorite times. Close your eyes and try to smell the sunshine. Listen to your heart beat in your ears. If it's raining, smile at the thought of the flowers that will soon follow. If you're surrounded by buildings, celebrate the creative genius of human beings. See the hope, the alarm, the love, the grief in faces that stream by. Thank whomever you'd like to thank for the chance to even be here. For a moment today, don't worry about being better. Just be.
Don't put off living the life you want There is no lesson for today.
You have permission to stop thinking for a moment and just enjoy yourself. Stop looking at your computer right now and go look at the world. Rediscover the natural wonders that you walk past every day. How can there possibly be that many shades of green? Let your mind be grateful for a break. Don't think, don't strain. Let the memories of loved ones remind you of your favorite times. Close your eyes and try to smell the sunshine. Listen to your heart beat in your ears. If it's raining, smile at the thought of the flowers that will soon follow. If you're surrounded by buildings, celebrate the creative genius of human beings. See the hope, the alarm, the love, the grief in faces that stream by. Thank whomever you'd like to thank for the chance to even be here. For a moment today, don't worry about being better. Just be.
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Plans, plans, plans
Good morning everyone, its a day off and boy, do we ever have plans for the day. First off is my workout. This morning is going to be Turbo Sculpt. Cardio later this afternoon or early evening. I have an appointment to tan at 9:30 and from the looks of our spring, that may be the only time I see "sunshine" for a while. Its been very cold and wet here. My dear hubby has an eye appt and when he gets back we are off to do some errands and some shopping. Bushes, shrubs and flowers for the front yard, we have a new project we are working on. I'll post pics later when its done. We need to upgrade his cell phone, stop for mothers day gift and birthday gift for the granddaughter and make a quick stop at walmart or kmart. Then hopefully home for the day before it gets to late.
Sounds like a full day, should be a fun one though. Hope you enjoy your day whatever your plans are.
Sounds like a full day, should be a fun one though. Hope you enjoy your day whatever your plans are.
Sunday, May 03, 2009
computers, lists and nonsense
its a day off, I love days off,
I am making lists, I love making lists.
My list is a list of things I want to do today, it includes stuff like playing on the computer, which I am obviously doing. It inclueds getting in a walk at the track, Ijust did that, 10 times around jogging on the corners, I love it and may start that before work in the morning. My list includes getting in a turbo jam workout, been a while since I've done that and I miss it. Of course, the obvious day off things are on this list, laundry, clean house, change the sheets,etc. The list goes on.
Somewhere through this day is study time, I am on Fitness Anatomy and Physiology 1 and really want to get through this one this week. Next is part 2, then the course goes on to healthy eating.
I am really enjoying this course. Have a great day everyone.
I am making lists, I love making lists.
My list is a list of things I want to do today, it includes stuff like playing on the computer, which I am obviously doing. It inclueds getting in a walk at the track, Ijust did that, 10 times around jogging on the corners, I love it and may start that before work in the morning. My list includes getting in a turbo jam workout, been a while since I've done that and I miss it. Of course, the obvious day off things are on this list, laundry, clean house, change the sheets,etc. The list goes on.
Somewhere through this day is study time, I am on Fitness Anatomy and Physiology 1 and really want to get through this one this week. Next is part 2, then the course goes on to healthy eating.
I am really enjoying this course. Have a great day everyone.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Birthday present
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
29 and holding
My God, how many years ago was that? I remember being 29 over and over and over again. Long enough in fact that my son caught up and passed me by over and over again. LOL
had a good birthday. My dear hubby bought me a new waterfall fountain for out by the gazebo, I need to get a picture of that and should have done it today, he also surprised me with a gift certificate to a month at the tanning bed. I went already today once. I didn't do much today, just what I felt like doing when I felt like doing it. I actually sat down and watched the Natalie Holloway movie from Lifetime that I had dvr'd. I followed that closely when she came up missing in Aruba, it was about the time that I was in UPMC for that month. that poor family, my heart goes out to them still.
Anyways, it was a good, lazy birthday. I am now the speed limit, I can't drive 55 but guess I can be 55. LOL
Happy Birthday
Its my birthday and a day off work. A much needed day off work, no sunshine, looks like rain but I'll take it.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
I went down to the track at the elementary school this morning to get in one of my favorite workouts. It involves walking quickly around the track 10 times and jogging on two diagonal corners. Sometimes I take time on the benches and do different ab workouts, leaning on the bench works well for plank twists, or sitting on the bench and doing leg raises. This morning was a beautiful morning and I was enjoying the peace and quiet and the music on my ipod. The sun was out and no breeze, quite a calm morning.
A car pulled in and two little kids got out to play at the playground, the track goes around it. Their parents were both quite heavy and they sat on the benches. I couldn't help but think about the choices we make. I kept thinking those parents were so young, and so heavy. I kept wishing they would get up and walk the track or play with the kids, even push them on the swing. Do something! Instead the mom sat and read and the dad was playing video games or texting on a cell phone.
I continued my workout even though I am very self conscious about the jogging, I don't do it well or for long, but it really boosts the calorie burn and I am getting better. I kept thinking about this young family and as I watched, the kids and the parents walked over to the tennis courts carrying a volley ball or beach ball. I kept thinking maybe the parents were going to play, however, they sat back down and watched the kids.
I wanted so badly to go talk to them, to tell them to get up and move about a bit, throw that ball with those kids and enjoy having them there. I didn't, of course. Could you imagine what they would have thought if I had? LOL
I want to be able to help people, I want people to consider me as knowing what I am talking about when it comes to fitness and nutrition. I want to finish this course and want an A in it. I also need to know that not everyone is going to want or appreciate help. I need to know that I cannot help everyone, that it is enough to help ones who ask for it and to not offer my advice where it is not asked for.
A car pulled in and two little kids got out to play at the playground, the track goes around it. Their parents were both quite heavy and they sat on the benches. I couldn't help but think about the choices we make. I kept thinking those parents were so young, and so heavy. I kept wishing they would get up and walk the track or play with the kids, even push them on the swing. Do something! Instead the mom sat and read and the dad was playing video games or texting on a cell phone.
I continued my workout even though I am very self conscious about the jogging, I don't do it well or for long, but it really boosts the calorie burn and I am getting better. I kept thinking about this young family and as I watched, the kids and the parents walked over to the tennis courts carrying a volley ball or beach ball. I kept thinking maybe the parents were going to play, however, they sat back down and watched the kids.
I wanted so badly to go talk to them, to tell them to get up and move about a bit, throw that ball with those kids and enjoy having them there. I didn't, of course. Could you imagine what they would have thought if I had? LOL
I want to be able to help people, I want people to consider me as knowing what I am talking about when it comes to fitness and nutrition. I want to finish this course and want an A in it. I also need to know that not everyone is going to want or appreciate help. I need to know that I cannot help everyone, that it is enough to help ones who ask for it and to not offer my advice where it is not asked for.
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