Total raised so far by all teams is over $54,000. That is awesome!
We got rained out and most everyone packed up and went home. I got home about 2:15. Figuring Cher did about 3 am. Not as many teams this year and alot of people left even before the rain came. I like to stay the entire 24 hours but sure didn't want to in a storm.
We are already discussing options for next year. ARe we doing it again? More than likely I think.
Cher won the Miller Brothers furniture card. Kind of ironic and I won a real nice gift basket from gourmet kitchen which includes all kind of tea. thats actually kind of ironic too, it has a lot of green tea and I had been reading where that is so healthy to help fight cancer. I drink at least two cups a day and had been pushing it on Mike and Michelle that past year.
It was so nice having Paul and Nikki there. Enjoyed the heck out of that and hope they don't get mad but here is a picture..or maybe two.
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