Doubt I'll sleep much tonight. My kids leave Vegas at 1:00 am to come home for the week. They will be landing in Pitts at 11:30 and be here before I get home from work. Tried to get a half days vacation but there are only a few of us working tomorrow. Sharan is working at the other store, Scott is on vacation and Bev is off. No luck getting a half day off. Darn it.
The heron is back at the big pond. I have been trying to scare him away but he always comes back. Think we are going to put the net up again. Hate to have to do that but sure don't want him eating my fish.
I went grocery shopping today, the first time in about 4 years. John always does it, but I wanted all kinds of different things to do all the different salads for the cookout on Wed. It sure was weird being in the store, went to Shop and Save, took me a while to find everything. Hope I have all I need and really wonder what I am going to do with everything tomorrow night until Wed once its all cooked. Not enough room in the fridge.
Looking forward to the cookout though, hope the weather is gorgeous and its supposed to be, even with Howie being home.
1 comment:
Hi Peggi,
I found your blog by doing a search of bloggers located in PA.
I saw that one of your interests is fundraising. Thought maybe you could pass on some tips and ideas for raising funds for an international adoption.
Recently God has called my husband and I to begin taking steps to adopt a little girl from China. It is very costly so very soon we will begin brainstorming on how to raise the $18-22k needed to complete the adoption.
Thanks in advance for any help. God bless!
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