Wanted to let everyone know that we have a multifamily yard sale scheduled for June 29 here at my house. All proceeds to benefit the Relay for Life. I've received a few donations lately from friends, so all is not lost. Granted with the economy what it is this year we are not doing as well as we did last year. I've changed the ticker on here to reflect the donations we have so far but also to update the goal. I had it set for a team goal but with being co captain instead of captain i really do not know where we are with it. I changed this to just reflect that which I have collected. Please remember you can mail donations to me at home made out to the Relay for Life or go to http://main.acsevents.org/goto/peggi_yeager
That should hopefully take you right to my page with relay. Our relay is held this year July 12 -July 13. Everyone is welcome to attend. This is the luminaria I did in honor of Mike last year
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