Friday, May 30, 2008

Developing a growth plan

Most of you know that I love to read inspirational and motivational books. Two of my favorite authors are Joel Osteen and Jeffry Gitomer.

The following is a quote I received via email from Joel Osteen's site:

Do you have a plan for personal growth? Are you doing anything intentionally and strategically to better yourself? Understand today that growth is not automatic. You can have success but that doesn’t mean you’ve reached your highest potential. There is always room for increase. There are greater mountains to climb and new frontiers to be explored in life! So many people fall into "destination disease" where they think they have arrived just because they reached a certain goal. They think that since they accomplished something, or got their degree, or a certain position, that they can just kick back and coast on what they’ve already learned. But, in order to continue advancing in life, we have to take responsibility for our own growth. We have to have the attitude, “How can I improve. What can I do to make myself better? We have to stir up that desire to learn. We should have a goal to grow and learn something new everyday. It can be as simple as, “I’m going to get up every morning and spend the first twenty minutes meditating on God’s Word and thanking Him for what He’s done.” “I’m going to listen to a teaching CD on the way to work.” “At night, I’m going to turn the TV off a little bit earlier and read a book for twenty minutes.” “I’m gong to hook up with my mentor twice a month and go out to lunch.” “I’m going to be at church every weekend.” That’s a growth plan. As you take responsibility for your personal growth, God will honor your efforts. He’ll give you the right breaks. He’ll give you the right opportunities and He’ll help you rise higher and higher. As you continue to grow, you’ll see every dream and desire God has put in your heart, come to pass!

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