Sunday, October 07, 2007

Haven't outgrown.

I haven't outgrown my love affair with little red convertibles yet. You would think maybe that at my age, and after having my little red convertible since 1998 that I would but I haven't. Here is a picture of my new dream car.
Check it out, it is a Pontiac Solstice, darn the picture is little, lets try the yellow one. Heree is another view. I'm done playing with this. Okay, thats better. Now, I have it here anyway. A funny story for you all today. I drove over to work at the Y, punched in and was there a few minutes when I looked at the schedule to realise they had changed it and I was actually off today, and have to work next week when I should have been off. What fun. So, I stayed and worked out a bit, then went shopping and came on home.

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