What an absolutely gorgeous fall day this was. I remember Halloweens past where we have had sleet, snow, freezing cold, etc. However, today we had about 56 for the high and it was beautiful. This is a picture of my walk. Didn't get very far today, didn't have much time before working at the Y and stopped to talk to the neighbors on the way. got about a mile in, but really wanted more.
Tonight for some reason I am remembering one particular Halloween when my son was just a baby, I bundled him up and put him in the stroller and we went out for a walk. Actually he would have been about 4 maybe, pushed him in that stroller all over town. About the time he had outgrown trick or treat and I could have relaxed and stayed home on Halloween my daughter was old enough to go and it started over again. I was luckier this time around and her dad took her often. I am grateful for that Mike! thank you!
Happy Halloween everyone!
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