Wednesday, October 31, 2007


What an absolutely gorgeous fall day this was. I remember Halloweens past where we have had sleet, snow, freezing cold, etc. However, today we had about 56 for the high and it was beautiful. This is a picture of my walk. Didn't get very far today, didn't have much time before working at the Y and stopped to talk to the neighbors on the way. got about a mile in, but really wanted more.
Tonight for some reason I am remembering one particular Halloween when my son was just a baby, I bundled him up and put him in the stroller and we went out for a walk. Actually he would have been about 4 maybe, pushed him in that stroller all over town. About the time he had outgrown trick or treat and I could have relaxed and stayed home on Halloween my daughter was old enough to go and it started over again. I was luckier this time around and her dad took her often. I am grateful for that Mike! thank you!
Happy Halloween everyone!


This is afrom a recent news letter from spark people. Again, I thought this one was worth sharing with you.

Another Fitness Myth Debunked Somewhere along your journey to fitness, whether in the gym, reading the latest books, or talking with your friends, you'll hear a lot of advice about exercise--not all of which is true. Fitness Myth If you can't exercise hard and often, there's really no point. TruthEven moderate activity is shown to reduce your risk for heart disease and stroke. If you don't have 30 minutes in your day to exercise, try splitting it up into 10-minute segments instead. Everyone can find 10 minutes to spare sometime during the day! There are simple things you can do to increase your activity without having to go to the gym: take the stairs instead of the elevator, jump rope or do body weight exercises (push ups, crunches) at commercial breaks, take a short walk after lunch. Remember that any exercise is better than none!

Exercise Extra: Clip on a pedometer and aim for 10,000 steps daily, which equals about 5 miles.

Make it a great day!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Final Payment

I made the final payment on the Aztec today. It's funny how something like that can take you back years to the day you bought it. I remember walking into that garage years ago to deliver an Avon order and there it was, that big, blue, brand new vehicle sitting on the showroom floor. I just fell in love with it then and there. I ended up looking at them at a few other places, considering if i really wanted it or not, trying to be patient. I had just started a brand new job less than a month before and wasn't to sure about anything at this point. A few days later on a Saturday morning I went over to look at it again, ended up test driving one on the lot. didn't want to take "mine" out of the showroom because when i bought it I wanted it with zero miles on it..Monday afternoon it was mine.

the first trip in it was to a city hours away for training class for the new job. Can't even remember the name of the city now but sure that i will eventually. It was in a bad area of town and I was there for a few days. Darn glad that the doors locked on this vehicle automatically.

less than a month later I had my first accident ever with my brand new vehicle, didn't even have the payment book yet. How ironic is that? Hit the first deer I ever hit. A year later to the day my dear son in law hit another one with the other bumper..think that was the Christmas that my brother bought me the deer whistles that are still on the front of it. I've taken a lot of teasing over this car, been told it looks like a pregnant roller skate among other things. there were times I wasn't sure I was going to be able to keep it. When I lost my job at Lowe's I didn't have a clue how I would make the payments but somehow i did and managed to keep on making them. I remember people used to stop at my house when I was outside washing it and wanted to know did I like it? did they think i would buy one if i didn't?

Anyways, its paid for, over and done. Mine, totally , completely and paid for and now...what next? Most people don't much care for my taste in cars. John hates the thought of us ever having to shop for one together...I'm liking the thought of no car payment for a while, a little while, a long while, the meantime though I'm still thinking solstice hmmmmm

How fast

I cannot believe how fast this month has just flown by. We had our first frost last night which was actually quite late for our area, I had flowers up till yesterday.

We took off a few days last week and went and got some Christmas shopping done and also got to the casino for a bit. I lost way to much as usual. LOL The pic is of mom and Cher as we are packing to leave, that little camera phone sure does take nice pictures and my sister should be darn glad I didn't use the one of her sticking her tongue out at me. the truck was a lot fuller coming home, should have gotten pics of that to I guess. Was nice to get a start on the shopping. The weather really cooperated, its a lot nicer to shop when its not freezing and snowing. I really enjoyed this mall and the casino and we are going back up in about two weeks for the day.
My fitness goals for this month are sadly lacking however. Haven't come anywhere near my step count for the past week or so, and am going to miss my monthly goal. Also my exercise minutes are way low. I miss that and need to get back on track. Kept thinking it would settle down a bit now with the colder weather and being indoors more but so far it hasn't. Hopefully it does soon. I have got two new magazines sitting her I want time to read and have this vision of being curled up by the fire in my new velour lounge outfit just relaxed and reading..wonder when that time will come? If ever?

Sunday, October 21, 2007


Off to play bingo with my mother and sister. Wearing my lucky "renew the wealth" bracelet. Am I superstitious? You betcha! :)

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Theraputic Magnetic Jewelry

Hey! Have any of you seen this? I went into the mall to do some shopping the other day. One thing I had been wanting was a bracelet made out of hematite. It's a natural grayish black stone and according to the paper I found at a store at the airport it is supposed to help your memory...grin, grin, grin. (The fluorite bracelet I bought does help renew wealth. LOL) Anyway, at the mall they had an entire booth set up for magnetic therapy jewelry made out of guessed it HEMATITE.. they have a web site..its check it out. I bought a necklace, supposed to help reduce pain due to migraine headaches, shoulder pain, NECK PAIN! And a bracelet just because they are pretty. Then went back and bought two more and Michelle will be getting those. Hoping it can help mom with her back and Michelle with the headaches and sinuses but even if not they are pretty and can be worn with anything. to get the "healing powers" they need to be worn 24/7 I love mine and some of you may get them for Christmas gifts.

The next paragraph is a quote again from I sure love that site.
If you can do your best and forget your worst, you've already got a head start on tomorrow. As long as you lay it out there every day, you can relax when yesterday is behind you. Of course, the only way this will happen is if you give yourself permission to forget. You can use this approach in anything: Pick up a problem, do what you can with it, and then put it down. Work your tail off at the office, then leave it there (the work, not your tail). Deal with a personal crisis by finishing off one day at a time. There's a great deal of satisfaction in leaving things be for a moment. There's a great deal of freedom in knowing that you could do no more. And there's a great deal of success awaiting the person who gives it her all, no matter what.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Article from Sparkpeople

I received this article this morning in an emailed news letter from I really enjoyed it and so am using it here.

Sometimes the Littlest People Know the Most Forget about talk radio, research labs, late night TV, or a magazine rack full of scantily clad cover models. Everything you need to know about fitness and nutrition, you can learn from your kids. Here are 11 things children can teach you about healthy living:
1. Everything can be a game. Why slog through the same workout routines in boredom, when you can add a little fun? Make up rules, shoot for personal records, and regain your competitive spirit.

2. Don't walk when you can run. Every day is full of opportunities to increase your fitness. This rule is closely related to "don't drive when you can walk."

3. If you don't like it, don't eat it. Chances are, your eating habits won't stick around long if you hate what you're eating. Healthy eating involves balance and moderation.

4. Laughter feels good. Kids seem to inherently know that laughter can ease blood pressure, help your brain function, give you energy, and help you reach your goals.

5. Playtime is important. We get so caught up in work, and "have-to's" that we forget to take time for ourselves. Not only does relaxing make life worthwhile, it has real health benefits.

6. The world should be full of color--especially on your dinner plate! Splash it with as many colors as possible; paint it like a rainbow with food. It's more fun to look at, the most colorful produce options often pack the most nutrients, and chances are you'll be eating a healthy, balanced meal.

7. It's always more fun with friends around. Children tend to gravitate toward other children. It gives them spirit and makes them want to play all day. Working out with other people is almost like having your own little playgroup.

8. Adventures are found outside, not inside. Every kid knows that the good stuff is in the great outdoors--fresh air, wide open spaces, limitless possibilities. You can't find those things cooped up in a tiny, stale gym. Open the door and start a new adventure every day.

9. It's important to use your imagination. You can be Major Fantasia or Stupendous Woman any time you want. Give yourself permission to believe in your own super powers and let your mind take you wherever it wants to go.

10. Anything is possible. No fear, no self-doubts, no negative self talk, no self-criticism, no worries, no destructive anxieties or thoughts of failure. To a child, he/she can do anything. And do you know what? They're right.

11. You have your whole life ahead of you. Here's your chance to do it right.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Self timer

I had fun tonight playing with the tri pod and self timer for the camera. Never knew how to use it before, but John showed me this morning, here is a picture of me taken after work. I've been sitting here a while now and I really need to get busy. We had a busy day at work and it was late when i got out. Late when I got home too, had to go to the bank and wanted to stop at walmart for a few things including gingko biloba, want to see if it will help improve my memory. think I'm going to go get the summer clothes put away and the winter ones out. God, I hate that chore, never mind so much getting the summer ones out but this stinks. Want it done in time to relax a bit, so need to get moving. Today was Susan's last day at the store, were all going to miss her a lot. We celebrated with pizza and pumpkin desserts for her last day.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

New machine

Forgot I wanted to put the picture of our new resistance machine on here for my sis to see. She really needs to come up and try it out. going down on it now for a while.


This was one of the roads on my walk this morning. I took my cell phone along and took a few pictures that will be showing here. I've been wanting a small digital camera to take along and realised I could use that and send them to the computer. It seems to have worked. it is a gorgeous fall day in Pa today and I am glad to be off and home for a while. I do work at the Y at 4 today though. If you look far to the end of the road you can see the house and the township building. it is a tiny white dot and is where I walk to. The walk today was over 2 miles. Speaking of walking, my darling daughter, Michelle just did the 4 mile breast cancer walk. That was this past weekend in Vegas. funny thing, it was "Only 60" there and freezing..her words. LOL

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Haven't outgrown.

I haven't outgrown my love affair with little red convertibles yet. You would think maybe that at my age, and after having my little red convertible since 1998 that I would but I haven't. Here is a picture of my new dream car.
Check it out, it is a Pontiac Solstice, darn the picture is little, lets try the yellow one. Heree is another view. I'm done playing with this. Okay, thats better. Now, I have it here anyway. A funny story for you all today. I drove over to work at the Y, punched in and was there a few minutes when I looked at the schedule to realise they had changed it and I was actually off today, and have to work next week when I should have been off. What fun. So, I stayed and worked out a bit, then went shopping and came on home.

Thursday, October 04, 2007


Look to the left, click on the cartoon! Enjoy and let me know feedback, it should update daily!


Hey everyone, check out the map at the bottom of the page. It tells of my virtual walk across the United States. I started this virtual journey on 11/17/2006 and almost there. This "walk" started in San Francisco, California and ends in Washington, D.C. a total of 2830 miles. So far, I have walked 2574.2 miles Yeah me! At work at the Y last night my boss informed me that they want to train me to do the fit evalutions, and to get me more involved with setting up the fitness plans for the members. That would be awesome! Also, she gave me free day passes for Cher! It sure is a lot more fun when she is there and were working out instead of just working!

Going down on the eliptical for a bit before work. My new resistance machine kicks butt, its harder at 10 pounds than the cybex at work are on 35 or 40. Wish i had someone who enjoyed the fitness close by that would like to work out here once ina while.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Absolutely gorgeous

It is an absolutley gorgeous day in Pa. today. 75 and sunny with a slight breeze and leaves gently falling down. All the beautiful colors and smells of fall. Just got back from a nice long walk, 1.75 miles, had to cut it a bit short, have to finish some housework and get ready to work at the gym tonight. Am thinking today that I must be nuts..why would someone actually take another part time job when they already work full time and don't really need to do it? Can't think of any other answer except that I must be nuts. Saw a beautiful black squirrel on my walk today, have often wondered why with all the squirrels around here we don't have a black one. We still don't have one here but there is one down by the senior apartment complex. If our weather would stay like this always I wouldn't think again about moving south or west. Unfortunately we know winter will be coming, it always does.

Apologetix concert

The picture was actually taken with my cell phone so not a real good one. the concert however, was very good and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. The band is Apologetix and they do parodies of popular songs, all kinds, including rock, country, the blues etc using bible stories, versus etc. Check it out at
Back to work at the Y today, haven't been there in a week. Not real sure why I am there anyway. A gorgeous fall day today, going to get busy and get some housework done here and get outside for a good long walk, been a while since I've had the time to do that.