Thought it would be neat the next few weeks to blog about my time at UPMC two years ago from June 15 to July 9. The next posts will include things happening today and thoughts and things from 2 years ago. going to be brief today because its gorgeous out and I want outside. the picture is of course from today, well actually yesterday but at least this year.
A few notes from last year would include first that I had been life flighted back down June 15. Same symptoms as last time, (March) but not as bad. Still, another heart attack. After over a week of testing the docs feel they have a grip on what is happening to me and are waiting for more test results to confirm it. I have a wonderful team of cardiologists, doctors, endochrine doctors and surgeons working on finding answers. As of now we believe I have a pheochromocytoma. A tumor an the adrenal gland and apparetnly some things cause it to release epenephrine and catacholymines into my system. A lot of tests have been run and we are still waiting for it to be confirmed.
I was in the hospital 22 days and was not allowed out of bed, this morning I walked 1.85 miles and have learned how much I enjoy aerobics ...
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