We found some wild west decorations that will work well for Relay. Well, actually Betty found them. Note the little red cowboy hat pin, and earrings, and necklace..also a Sheriff badge, cowboy gun etc. Plus signs to decorate the tent. HMM, do we have a tent or canopy yet? Remind me to check with Cher.
We now have candy bars for a fund raiser, I picked up and paid for 192 of them today. Well, I actually sold one already too, (if you call me buying one sold.) I knew it wouldn't be good having them here in the house especially after getting on the scales at the doctors office. 119 freaking pounds...thats almost as much as two years ago in UPMC. speaking of which, that was 2 years ago tomorrow that I had my second heart attack and was life flighted again. I have the tests for that coming up again in August. I also now have a mamogram scheduled in the next few weeks, along with a colonoscopy and a sonogram of my ovary. I guess its better to be safe and have these things checked out.
I picked up a few big koi at the pet store..got 4 to be exact, pretty neat ones too. One big yellow butterfly one, one yellow one that looks like its wearing orange lipstick, a gold headed one with black and white body, and one orange and white striped one. All totally different. They all had fun today swimming around and it looks like they are playing follow the leader. I haven't seen the little ones much at all, they must be hiding pretty good. Hopefully they adjust soon and come out to play too. Would like to see them all get nice size.
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