This blog is about the happenings in my life and those around me. It will contain information about fitness, health, web sites I enjoy, Relay for Life and other things of interest and importance to me. Please feel free to leave me a note in the guestbook or a comment on the page you are reading.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Friday, June 29, 2007
From 2005
Chuckling over notes from my journal from 2 years ago today...I wasn't laughing that day when I wrote " Ok, Dr. Follansbee and I need to have a discussion. Got on the scale today and have gained 8 pounds in 1 day! Woke up to sore kidneys and fat, bloated eye lids but didn't realize how bad it was until getting on that damn scale. 130 lbs! Yesterday was 122 which was bad enough. I know its just water but it cannot be good for me.
Note: Dr. F was in later that day and cut back on my iv fluids, a slower drip rate and only 1 flourinef instead of 2. I told him this day that I looked 9 months pregnant. John told me later I looked like a giant orange beach ball. he came in while I was standing on the damn scale. He actually thought it was quite funny.
Two years later I am still working on losing the weight. With having quit smoking in these two years it seems the weight is harder at getting off. I no longer take a coffee and cigarette break, now its a food break. Still, I am home and doing well. Next month we do the blood work and aug is back to Pitts. Bon Jovi video on CMT gotta go!
Note: Dr. F was in later that day and cut back on my iv fluids, a slower drip rate and only 1 flourinef instead of 2. I told him this day that I looked 9 months pregnant. John told me later I looked like a giant orange beach ball. he came in while I was standing on the damn scale. He actually thought it was quite funny.
Two years later I am still working on losing the weight. With having quit smoking in these two years it seems the weight is harder at getting off. I no longer take a coffee and cigarette break, now its a food break. Still, I am home and doing well. Next month we do the blood work and aug is back to Pitts. Bon Jovi video on CMT gotta go!
Thursday, June 28, 2007
and my most favorite song right now..added to the site. You can click on the arrow in the middle of the screen and watch the video! I love it!
Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Thought it would be neat the next few weeks to blog about my time at UPMC two years ago from June 15 to July 9. The next posts will include things happening today and thoughts and things from 2 years ago. going to be brief today because its gorgeous out and I want outside. the picture is of course from today, well actually yesterday but at least this year.
A few notes from last year would include first that I had been life flighted back down June 15. Same symptoms as last time, (March) but not as bad. Still, another heart attack. After over a week of testing the docs feel they have a grip on what is happening to me and are waiting for more test results to confirm it. I have a wonderful team of cardiologists, doctors, endochrine doctors and surgeons working on finding answers. As of now we believe I have a pheochromocytoma. A tumor an the adrenal gland and apparetnly some things cause it to release epenephrine and catacholymines into my system. A lot of tests have been run and we are still waiting for it to be confirmed.
I was in the hospital 22 days and was not allowed out of bed, this morning I walked 1.85 miles and have learned how much I enjoy aerobics ...
Monday, June 25, 2007
I've been on a search lately for the perfect walking/fitness shoe. Actually, it doesn't even have to be perfect, just darn near. I have bought and returned more shoes in the past two months than most people buy in a lifetime. I am reminded of my son, and taking him shoe shopping for school in years gone by. We ended up on a search convering three counties to find him one pair of sneakers. Invariably he would pick the most expensive pair at the most far away place. It would take weeks for him to find the perfect pair, he was to young to drive and we would take quite a few shopping trips trying to find exactly what he as looking for. Then I am reminded of an argument he got into with his cousin Angie, they spent hours debating which was best, Nike or Reebok. Well, Howie I am 53 years old and bought my first pair of Nike today. I think I like them just fine, but I actually bought two other pair also, one is Avia and the other is Sketchers. Trying to find something good, lightweight and comfortable. Relay is coming and I do alot of walking and aeroobics also. Hopefully a pair of these will work without my heel slipping. I never realised till now how hard it is to find the perfect sneaker.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
The Mind
I realised last night how strange the mind can be and the tricks it can play on you. Something so simple and yet so complex. Last night after work I had a hair appointment. I stopped at Big Lots on the way home from work to do a return, then got home, had a quick coffee, refilled my water jug and left for my hair cut. Part way there I realised my water jug had tipped over, spilled and my water was gone. This upset me terribly, not because it was all over the seat, it was after all only water, but I am never without ice cold water. I carry that jug to work and back, carrry it around the yard, carry it upstairs and downstairs, when its empty I refill it, when I go to work, I carry a frozen bottle of water along to refill the jug. I even bought an insulated bottle holder on a strap for when I walk. Although I was upset to be without my water, I didn't waste any time thinking about it. I had to gas the car, get my hair cut and I wanted to be home. Somewhere along the way, I realised the reason I am never without water was because of those times when I was so sick, when I had been life flighted to UPMC, when I was so terribly thirsty and was NOT ALLOWED WATER or anything else for that matter. I remember and still have the tube of "mouth mosturizer" they gave me. Thats all I was allowed and sometimes for hours as they ran test after test. Anyways, maybe now that I know why that jug of water is soooo important to me, maybe it won't be quite as important. But I'll bet that jug still goes every where with me and that I am not without it! I have learned through those two years how very important water is to me. Hav eyou drank yours today??
Sunday, June 17, 2007
You know how sometimes I post here something I have read and thoroughly enjoyed. This piece came through and I really thought it worth repeating here.
Seeing the wonder in the smallest detailsWhat do you appreciate and what do you ignore? Is a sunrise any less special because its image wouldn't make it on a magazine cover? Is any day less precious because, in your mind, "nothing special" happened? For some reason, it's hard to be impressed with anything these days. Driving a car is a source of strain instead of wonder. The internet is already old news. Quick--when was the last time you paid attention to a space shuttle flight? Remember when that was all people could talk about? Once you take something for granted, you also take the life out of it. When nothing is "special," boredom and gloom aren't far behind. Look around where you're sitting right now, and try to see it for the first time, like a child would. Think about the human potential that created the stuff in the room. Think about the miracles of nature right outside your window. Think about how amazing it is that you're even here to see it.
There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as if everything is.- Albert Einstein, physicist
Seeing the wonder in the smallest detailsWhat do you appreciate and what do you ignore? Is a sunrise any less special because its image wouldn't make it on a magazine cover? Is any day less precious because, in your mind, "nothing special" happened? For some reason, it's hard to be impressed with anything these days. Driving a car is a source of strain instead of wonder. The internet is already old news. Quick--when was the last time you paid attention to a space shuttle flight? Remember when that was all people could talk about? Once you take something for granted, you also take the life out of it. When nothing is "special," boredom and gloom aren't far behind. Look around where you're sitting right now, and try to see it for the first time, like a child would. Think about the human potential that created the stuff in the room. Think about the miracles of nature right outside your window. Think about how amazing it is that you're even here to see it.
There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as if everything is.- Albert Einstein, physicist
Fathers Day today, of course we are going down to see my dad and how great that Mike is in Vegas with the kids and they get to spend part of it with him. He is flying home sometime today however. John's kids will be here sometime this afternoon too, I am sure. rissy's dance recital was great. How those little kids can do all of that is just amazing. There are so many of them and some are really young. She teaches even 3 and 4 year olds. I wonder where they get the costumes and will have to ask Jen when we see her today. some of them were really neat.
Am gong to try to get the house cleaned up a bit before leaving for mom and dad's. Want to be outside this afternoon instead of in here.
Enjoy the day everyone.
Am gong to try to get the house cleaned up a bit before leaving for mom and dad's. Want to be outside this afternoon instead of in here.
Enjoy the day everyone.
Friday, June 15, 2007
2 years ago today

It is so hard to believe how fast the time goes some time. Two years ago today I was life flighted for the second time in three months. Now we know it was due to a rare pheochromocytoma. A tumor on an adrenal gland, however at the time we had no idea what or why this was happening to me. thanks again to those wonderful doctors at UPMC. Without them I would not be here today. It still comes back to haunt me and next month I do the tests and the following month back to UPMC for my yearly checkup. I feel great but the thought is always there that it could have spread.
I like my schedule this week, I worked nights yesterday and today, days tomorrow then off on Sunday and nights on Monday for a change. Saturday we are going to Rissa's dance recital. that should be fun.
Have a great day everyone! Another pond picture is here.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007

We found some wild west decorations that will work well for Relay. Well, actually Betty found them. Note the little red cowboy hat pin, and earrings, and necklace..also a Sheriff badge, cowboy gun etc. Plus signs to decorate the tent. HMM, do we have a tent or canopy yet? Remind me to check with Cher.
We now have candy bars for a fund raiser, I picked up and paid for 192 of them today. Well, I actually sold one already too, (if you call me buying one sold.) I knew it wouldn't be good having them here in the house especially after getting on the scales at the doctors office. 119 freaking pounds...thats almost as much as two years ago in UPMC. speaking of which, that was 2 years ago tomorrow that I had my second heart attack and was life flighted again. I have the tests for that coming up again in August. I also now have a mamogram scheduled in the next few weeks, along with a colonoscopy and a sonogram of my ovary. I guess its better to be safe and have these things checked out.
I picked up a few big koi at the pet 4 to be exact, pretty neat ones too. One big yellow butterfly one, one yellow one that looks like its wearing orange lipstick, a gold headed one with black and white body, and one orange and white striped one. All totally different. They all had fun today swimming around and it looks like they are playing follow the leader. I haven't seen the little ones much at all, they must be hiding pretty good. Hopefully they adjust soon and come out to play too. Would like to see them all get nice size.

new songs are going onto the ipod today while I'm off too if I have time. They are "Photograph" and "Far Away" by Nickleback, and "Who Knew" by Pink, also possibly "Say it Right" by nelly Furtado.
Stay tuned for next post with pics of props and decorations for Relay. shirts are in also but I forgot them at work yesterday.
Enjoy the day everyone! Love ya!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Winter and spring

Neighbor lady took both of these pictures for me, one of the pileated wood pecker in my back yard in the winter time, the pond is the new pond taken today and emailed to me. she took a different view of it than I normally do and it shows much of the yard. Will do me good to look at this during the upcoming winter, God I hate to think aobut that and having to shut down this new pond then for the months upon months of cold. so for now I am not going to think about it, am going to buy new fish. YIPPEE
Saturday, June 09, 2007
I've added fish to the new pond. From the pet store, 2 comets red and white, 4 koi 2 are yellow 2 are orange, and 2 fantail gold. Those i purchased and added a few days ago, they are doing well, but not real big. Today I added 5 large sarasa comets, 3 are orange and 2 are red and white, they are about 8 inches long. I am so excited about being off tomorrow and having some time to do the plants, I bought another lily and still have a few more that need planted, and want to play with the hyacinths too. the pond is looking gorgeous and I will add another new pic tomorrow I am sure.
Friday, June 08, 2007

This is where I go when I need to unwind, when I need to destress, when i need to take a break, when I need to calm down, when I need to think, when I want to not think about anything, this is where I go when I need to relax, when I need a break from the day, a break from work, or just a break from the way life is going. This is my backyard, this is my piece of heaven. this is my pond. I love it and most days its where I can be found if I'm not at work. Still needs a bit of work, still needs more rocks, but the plants and fish are in, the rest just needs "tweaked" a bit. Most days its the most perfect place to be, a place to dream and to not think about anything. I have learned that since we put the pond in I can again sit and relax a bit, and have started a book, the first one I've read in years. I love to sit on the lounge chair and read by the waterfall. Now, If I could just figure out how to get out of work to do that it would be perfect!
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Well, its finally here. The yard and bake sale to benefit the Relay for Life! We have cookies, brownies, rice krispy treats and more coming yet this morning.
We have hot dogs for lunch along with a drink for $1.00
We have raffles, the loveseat bench made and donated by Jeff, and the console and mirror donated by Miller Brothers, along with second and third place prizes.
Items being sold include Avon products, (all new) lamps, shutters, clothing, stereo (like new) games for the kids, bb gun, etc etc.
Come spend some time, a few $$ and help fight cancer!
We have hot dogs for lunch along with a drink for $1.00
We have raffles, the loveseat bench made and donated by Jeff, and the console and mirror donated by Miller Brothers, along with second and third place prizes.
Items being sold include Avon products, (all new) lamps, shutters, clothing, stereo (like new) games for the kids, bb gun, etc etc.
Come spend some time, a few $$ and help fight cancer!
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Friday, June 01, 2007

I brought home another car load of stuff tonight for the yard sale. Georgeanne, a cancer survivor who used to work at the store, came in today with an entire car load of stuff for us to sell. She quit working there before I started so i don't really know her very well, but have talked to her a few times. I was very surprised when she came in today and told me she had a car full of items to donate to our relay. More surprised when she told me she may come over to spend some time during the sale.
Would sure love to have her come spend some time though. this is the console table and mirror donated by the store for our raffle. it is going to be the top prize in our drawing starting on sunday and ending at relay. I started to make up tickets for it today, so will hopefully have everything ready for Sunday.
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