53 Years old, when did I ever reach that age? HOnestly, I think it happened in the blink of an eye. Looking back, It is like another lifetime. I don't feel 53, but then again what does 53 feel like? I actually think I feel better now than I have at any other age. That probably is due to the no smoking, the exercising and the health kick that I have been on for the past almost 2 years now. then again it could just be all the clean living here in the valley.
I've got a gorgeous day for a day off, sunny, warm and gorgeous. Mom and Cher are coming up this morning to visit and I am really looking forward to that. John got me some really neat gifts, new solar lights for the garden, a garden face for the tree, I'm sure a pic of that will be posted soon, new garden flag, new garden gloves, gee, is there a theme here?? And a new hummingbird mobile feeder..that needs filled and hung..speaking of which, think I'm going to make them some hummingbird food. they should be coming back soon. Today is definately going to be an outside day.
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