Wednesday, April 04, 2007


My ex sister in law, Sue, (God how she hates being called that) is in Arizona with her brother Mike, (my best ex) this week. I am sure that they are having a grand old time..I don't know the last time they saw each other and Michelle is going out this weekend also, so am sure that they will be having fun chatting with each other and catching up on old times. One story that I am sure they may remember is the time when we were about 13 years old, Sue and I were walking home from school thru the field when some pervert flashed us..Mike came flying over the fence and hit him. Just punched him and knocked him right down. Always a favorite story for Sue and I for years after that. I wonder if either of them remember that???

Enjoy the day everyone! I'm trying to get started with some housework and then some exercise. We took off and did a bit of running errands this morning, then a nice long nap this afternoon. Now to play catch up with stuff.

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