Saturday, April 16, 2011

Better at this

I really need to get better at keeping up with this. I miss posting. There has been so much going on. Life is fast and hard to keep up sometime. there are just so many things I want to do in a day.

Just finished a really good workout. Used the gymboss, which I love. Check out I set it for intervals of 2 minutes and 1 minute. Did eliptical 2 minutes, then strength for 1. Different strength exercises using weights and body weight. It felt awesome.

I am on a goal to lose some body fat. I know where I want to be and how to get there, its just a matter of doing it. If I track it better and have some accountability its going to happen sooner. I am in a position where I need to set an example, so this is good.

I've just recently become a dealer for juice plus. I have used their products for years and decided it makes sense to be a dealer and get my own discount even it I don't sell anything. You can investigate that here at

Make it a great day everyone!

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