This blog is about the happenings in my life and those around me. It will contain information about fitness, health, web sites I enjoy, Relay for Life and other things of interest and importance to me. Please feel free to leave me a note in the guestbook or a comment on the page you are reading.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
I wanted to call you today to say I love you, but your old number is no
longer in service. I tried the operator she said 'sorry I have no number
for you'. I tried to go to your house, but you don't live there
anymore. The post office has no forwarding address. I guess heaven is
just too far away. I Love You, I Miss You. Christmas is not the same without you, You are in my heart today... always. Loved ones are gone but not forgotten. Merry Christmas to all those in heaven..put this as your status if there is someone you love who is spending Christmas in heaven and you wish was down here with you ♥ Happy birthday Mike, we love and miss you!
Friday, November 25, 2011
First time ever
Never did this before, not sure I will ever again but Cheri and I are going shopping, Black Friday shopping. After all those years of working retail and working today I am willingly going into a store. I must be nuts..Should be interesting. will let ya know
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
lymes and mono update
I am back on the meds for both lymes and mono. Both are still extremely active and the doctor has me back on the medications. I do feel a bit better this time around, but still not back to normal. Now I am starting with a cold, doesn't surprise me. Resistance is low and everyone has had one. I am doubling up on all juice plus and hoping it helps.
One of my goals this year was to be debt free. I just made the final payment on my Discover Card. I have owed them $$$ for years. At least the last 20..They are done, over, and gone! What a great feeling. Onto the next one.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Feeling better. Done with the meds for lymes. finished them Wed night and am hoping that its gone and totally over with. Realise I could still have a few problems with the mono and will take it a bit easy yet. Sue and Betty are splitting the morning shift at the club and letting me have the morning off. it felt great. I go in this afternoon. I went out for an early morning run in the light drizzle, it felt great. Went about 2 miles, first time in ages. Then came home and worked on a zumba warm up and cool down I am adding to the routine. Maybe I am finally going to be over this.
Saturday, October 08, 2011
New York City
Our club ladies had a blast in NYC. One week later we are still talking about it. We left last Friday morning, got back Sunday. We saw Mamma Mia at the Winter Garden Theatre on Broadway. My first play ever and I loved it. The ladies have been talking about this all week and we are talking about another trip next fall. Plus maybe a day trip somewhere close. We stopped for dinner on the way home at a place about 2 hours away. it had shopping, gift shops, resteraunt etc.
I am finally starting to feel better and have hopes that this thing is going to be under control. Meds will be done this week. I still haven't decided when I am resuming Zumba. Supposed to this thursday but may postpone it a bit longer.
I am finally starting to feel better and have hopes that this thing is going to be under control. Meds will be done this week. I still haven't decided when I am resuming Zumba. Supposed to this thursday but may postpone it a bit longer.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Odds and ends
The business is going extremely well and keeping me very satisfied and busy. I am hiring two new staff members that are starting on Tuesday. I have completed my Curves Complete Certification and now coach and teach the new Curves Complete Weight Management Plan. that was fun to learn but time consuming.
I am also still teaching the Curves Circuit with Zumba Fitness and thanks to a facebook friend I recently learned to edit and create my own music with the zumba cues in it. That was a 5 hour long ordeal and quite an accomplishment.
I am still maintaining my weight but still have a few more pounds I want to lose. Yesterday sure didn't help. I am not allowed out in the sun, need to rest and think I layed around and ate most of the day. Back on track here today though.
I am also still teaching the Curves Circuit with Zumba Fitness and thanks to a facebook friend I recently learned to edit and create my own music with the zumba cues in it. That was a 5 hour long ordeal and quite an accomplishment.
I am still maintaining my weight but still have a few more pounds I want to lose. Yesterday sure didn't help. I am not allowed out in the sun, need to rest and think I layed around and ate most of the day. Back on track here today though.
What a week
This past week sure was a rough one, guess actually though its been the past two weeks. things are fuzzy in my brain which is part of the problem and has been for a while. this past week I was diagnosed with both lymes disease and mono. No wonder I have been feeling like crap for so long. It's been rough trying to run a business when I feel like I have been run over by a bus. I have been so out of breath that i haven't even been doing a full circuit, just to walk to the big pond has me huffing and puffing. My bones ache everywhere and my legs are to weak to hold me up for long. However, this week we got the test results back and know what is going on and now are treating it and on the road back to good health. Thank God!
We lost a lot of fish in our ponds. Not sure what got them, but something did. All of the big koi and the fancy butterflies are missing in the gardenpond. That was heartbreaking and alot of the fish in the big pond are gone too. However, at first we thought they were all missing and we have since seen that we do still have some. They were hiding pretty good. We are thinking it was either a mink or raccoon that got in there.
We are having a beautiful fall right now, yesterday was gorgeous but I am not supposed to be outside in the sun. The meds I am on for lymes warn against it. Darn it all, seems I just can't win.
We lost a lot of fish in our ponds. Not sure what got them, but something did. All of the big koi and the fancy butterflies are missing in the gardenpond. That was heartbreaking and alot of the fish in the big pond are gone too. However, at first we thought they were all missing and we have since seen that we do still have some. They were hiding pretty good. We are thinking it was either a mink or raccoon that got in there.
We are having a beautiful fall right now, yesterday was gorgeous but I am not supposed to be outside in the sun. The meds I am on for lymes warn against it. Darn it all, seems I just can't win.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
I know that changes aren't always bad, however, I also know that I am very resistant to change. Always have been. There are times when change can be very good. For example, starting a new healthy lifestyle is a change, for some people, deciding to eat healthy and following through is a change. Going back to school or learning a new job, or starting a new hobby, those are all changes and they are good. Getting married, getting divorced, or having a baby are all changes and I guess again depending on the circumstances could be either good or bad.
I am trying to think of some changes that could be bad and guess it all really depends on what lead to the change, what circumstances brought you to it and how is the change going to affect your life and the people in your life.
I do believe that we are all where we are meant to be at this moment in time and that all things lead us to where we are supposed to be.
Sometimes, even things that make us sad and unhappy can be for the good in the long run and I guess that's important to remember. Easy isn't always better. Alot of people are so afraid of change that they stay. They are afraid to move out of a bad relationship, a bad job, change locations, so they stay even though they are unhappy because its easier to deal with than change.
Change can be good, it can be scary, exhilarating, fun, and always different. Always remember you have options and keep those doors open. Sometimes, I guess we just have to close our eyes, plug our nose and jump in feet first! Have faith that you can do this!
My little girls divorce is final.
I am trying to think of some changes that could be bad and guess it all really depends on what lead to the change, what circumstances brought you to it and how is the change going to affect your life and the people in your life.
I do believe that we are all where we are meant to be at this moment in time and that all things lead us to where we are supposed to be.
Sometimes, even things that make us sad and unhappy can be for the good in the long run and I guess that's important to remember. Easy isn't always better. Alot of people are so afraid of change that they stay. They are afraid to move out of a bad relationship, a bad job, change locations, so they stay even though they are unhappy because its easier to deal with than change.
Change can be good, it can be scary, exhilarating, fun, and always different. Always remember you have options and keep those doors open. Sometimes, I guess we just have to close our eyes, plug our nose and jump in feet first! Have faith that you can do this!
My little girls divorce is final.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
One more..
There are moments in life when you wish you could bring someone down from Heaven...and spend the day with them just one more time, give them one more hug, kiss them goodbye or hear their voice again. One more chance to say I Love you. Gone but not forgotten!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
One more
There are moments in life when you wish you could bring someone down from Heaven...and spend the day with them just one more time,give them one more hug, kiss them goodbye or hear their voice again.One more chance to say I Love you. Copy and paste in remembrance of our loved ones who are not here...gone but not forgotten!
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Numerology Report
I had a free on line numerology report done the other day. It interests me and I found this kind of accurate. They send a small reading daily. Sure that eventually he will be wanting me to buy something but this to me is kind of interesting. This is part of what my report for today stated.
Peggi, I sense that you are a very busy person who is
always on the go. The more you have on your plate, the better. At
times you wish you had less to do, but you would be totally lost if
you woke up one morning and found nothing at all to do! This
couldn't happen, of course, as every time you get a space you seem
to fill it up very quickly. You'll be just as busy in late life as
well ... in fact you won't get time to grow old, you'll just simply
keep on growing!
I liked that.
Peggi, I sense that you are a very busy person who is
always on the go. The more you have on your plate, the better. At
times you wish you had less to do, but you would be totally lost if
you woke up one morning and found nothing at all to do! This
couldn't happen, of course, as every time you get a space you seem
to fill it up very quickly. You'll be just as busy in late life as
well ... in fact you won't get time to grow old, you'll just simply
keep on growing!
I liked that.
Great time

My daughter and her husband are home. They arrived last Tuesday night and it has been such a great week with them. Yesterday we went to Ohio and visited Mike's family. Unfortunately, it was very short notice and we didn't get to see everyone, but some of the sisters, his mom and the cousins showed up. How great to see them and everyone is doing so well. Brian was always a favorite of mine and he looks great. After some bumpy times, it looks like he is finally doing well. I met his 8 year old daughter, Celeste, who is really beautiful but quite a handful.
Sand and Dan totally gracious, as always, and it was just soo good but emotional too to see them all. Mom looks great and still seems to have those "illness" but is glad to be back in Ohio and close to her girls.
Today, is going to be a mother/daughter day along with Aunt Cheri and Grandma. The girls are off shopping and lunch. The weather has been great while the kids were home and everything has just worked out well.
Bo's dad is home too so these kids have been extremely busy running from family to family and trying to fit it all in. I understand the pressure of that, but if my daughter things she isn't coming home again she is nuts.
Saturday, July 02, 2011
My darling daughter sent me a text yesterday that I am slacking on my blog. she is right. Time seems to be at a premium lately. There is always so much to do and I do not understand how people can ever be bored. I love time home and alone and can always manage to find something to do.
today, I rediscovered an old unfulfilled goal that I am going to work on. I went down to the track to walk and ended up jogging. I had started intervals two years ago and learned that I love it. One of my goals two summers ago was to jog one entire time around that track. I never made it, then I bought Curves and time became very elusive. This year time is a bit easier to come by, although that may change if my sister takes the other job. I am going to again make this a goal. I really want to be able to jog one entire time around that entire track. I can do about a fourth, then walk, then another fourth, then walk so it is going to take some time and some effort.
However, I love challenges, goals and to do lists so this is going on my list of goals, and my to do list will carry this also. Check out for a great site to help with your goals and to do list.
We had a great day today, went to Hazen, first time in years, then over to My Garden. We are still having problems clearing up the pond and John loaned us his "Green machine" so hope it helps. It's been running since we got home and we have cleaned the filters twice already. We are hoping to wake up to a clean, clear pond tomorrow.
Have a happy and safe fourth!
today, I rediscovered an old unfulfilled goal that I am going to work on. I went down to the track to walk and ended up jogging. I had started intervals two years ago and learned that I love it. One of my goals two summers ago was to jog one entire time around that track. I never made it, then I bought Curves and time became very elusive. This year time is a bit easier to come by, although that may change if my sister takes the other job. I am going to again make this a goal. I really want to be able to jog one entire time around that entire track. I can do about a fourth, then walk, then another fourth, then walk so it is going to take some time and some effort.
However, I love challenges, goals and to do lists so this is going on my list of goals, and my to do list will carry this also. Check out for a great site to help with your goals and to do list.
We had a great day today, went to Hazen, first time in years, then over to My Garden. We are still having problems clearing up the pond and John loaned us his "Green machine" so hope it helps. It's been running since we got home and we have cleaned the filters twice already. We are hoping to wake up to a clean, clear pond tomorrow.
Have a happy and safe fourth!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
And Marie makes 3
Who would ever have thought that someday i would own and manage my own business? I have worked for so many "bad"bosses and the past few years it had become something I would often say to fellow co-workers. "If I am ever in a position to manage employees, the boss has shown me what I don't want to do." No mandatory meetings in a different town without pay. No walking past and not speaking. No taking someone elses word over theirs. No basically treating employees like dirt.
Who would think that for the past year I have owned my own business and had two employees and now three? Paula was there from day 1, Cheri started last summer and just this past week, I hired Marie, who is still training with me this week and will probably be on her own come Thurday.
What alot of changes in my life. I really do need to learn to think before I speak however, I sometimes make too quick of a comback answer and it sounds quite snappy. Did that with a member on Friday and not happy with myself over it at all.
Have a great day!
Who would think that for the past year I have owned my own business and had two employees and now three? Paula was there from day 1, Cheri started last summer and just this past week, I hired Marie, who is still training with me this week and will probably be on her own come Thurday.
What alot of changes in my life. I really do need to learn to think before I speak however, I sometimes make too quick of a comback answer and it sounds quite snappy. Did that with a member on Friday and not happy with myself over it at all.
Have a great day!
Wednesday, May 04, 2011
Celebrating Women Campaign
Today I received a letter from our hospital. It was telling me that I had been nominated by someone who knows me" for the hospitals Celebrating Women Campaign, this was designed to honor women throughout the region whose heart, courage and strength of character are an inspiration to others." It goes on to state that "Peggi has helped keep a lot of people healthier through her work at Curves. She showed great compassion and generosity by adopting a needy family for Christmas. She as also raised money for the American Cancer Society's Relay For Life. She is an inspiration to everyone who comes to Curves." You can imagine how honored I am at this.
This to me means the world. They are having a photographer go into the hospital center and I have to go in for a professional photo shoot and the photos will hang on a Wall of Honor inside the Women's Imaging Center to provide inspiration to women who come into the Center for Care.
This to me means the world. They are having a photographer go into the hospital center and I have to go in for a professional photo shoot and the photos will hang on a Wall of Honor inside the Women's Imaging Center to provide inspiration to women who come into the Center for Care.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Better at this
I really need to get better at keeping up with this. I miss posting. There has been so much going on. Life is fast and hard to keep up sometime. there are just so many things I want to do in a day.
Just finished a really good workout. Used the gymboss, which I love. Check out I set it for intervals of 2 minutes and 1 minute. Did eliptical 2 minutes, then strength for 1. Different strength exercises using weights and body weight. It felt awesome.
I am on a goal to lose some body fat. I know where I want to be and how to get there, its just a matter of doing it. If I track it better and have some accountability its going to happen sooner. I am in a position where I need to set an example, so this is good.
I've just recently become a dealer for juice plus. I have used their products for years and decided it makes sense to be a dealer and get my own discount even it I don't sell anything. You can investigate that here at
Make it a great day everyone!
Just finished a really good workout. Used the gymboss, which I love. Check out I set it for intervals of 2 minutes and 1 minute. Did eliptical 2 minutes, then strength for 1. Different strength exercises using weights and body weight. It felt awesome.
I am on a goal to lose some body fat. I know where I want to be and how to get there, its just a matter of doing it. If I track it better and have some accountability its going to happen sooner. I am in a position where I need to set an example, so this is good.
I've just recently become a dealer for juice plus. I have used their products for years and decided it makes sense to be a dealer and get my own discount even it I don't sell anything. You can investigate that here at
Make it a great day everyone!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Relay for Life

We held our 24 hour fundraiser over the weekend. Not sure of the exact totals we brought it but think its probably about $2500. What a fantastic time we had. Our ladies are absolutely the best. Lunch was fantastic, we served about 100 people and made $500. Chinese Auction, thanks to the generosity of the local individuals and businesses was amazing. Over 80 items to choose from.
Wasn't that bad staying awake that long at the club, we had heat, bathrooms, coffee, friendship, movies, food, popcorn, Zumba and the Circuit the entire time. We even took time to tan.
A great time was had. The salad eating contest was a riot and next year they want to do a spagetti eating contest. Should be interesting.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Kettle Bells
Time sure has a way of getting away from us. My life is so busy with the business and Zumba that my only real day off is Sunday anymore. I am working some half days since hiring my sister, Cheri, however, now we do Zumba on them. I am not complaining, I truly love my life. This morning I had time,finally, to go downstairs and do my kettle bell workout. I love still fitting in my own exercise at home even with Zumba and Curves.
That 30 minute cardio/strength with the 5 pounds Kettle bells is a real workout. Spring is coming and I need to fit in more time with this.
I have also recently become a beachbody coach and I am using Shakeology for either breakfast or a snack daily and that is really great.
This is my year to reach the health and fitness goals along with my business goals. Chalenes 30 day push challenge has really helped to bring alot of perspective to what I want to accomplish.
That 30 minute cardio/strength with the 5 pounds Kettle bells is a real workout. Spring is coming and I need to fit in more time with this.
I have also recently become a beachbody coach and I am using Shakeology for either breakfast or a snack daily and that is really great.
This is my year to reach the health and fitness goals along with my business goals. Chalenes 30 day push challenge has really helped to bring alot of perspective to what I want to accomplish.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Zumba Classes

Who would ever have thought? In the past year I have become a small business owner, a licensed Zumba instructor and am now participating in things around our community quite regularly. I am reading articles and books on running a business, becoming a better leader, fitness and nutrition and I am learning daily. God really does work in mysterious ways and I know that if it was not due to my becoming so ill 6 years ago and being lifeflighted, my interest in health, fitness and nutrition would never have developed.
At this stage of my life I finally feel like I am were I belong. Buying Curves is like coming home after being gone for years. It is a shame it has taken me 55 years to learn that, but better late than never.
I never really intended to become a business owner, it was not really a dream of mine, however, I have always liked the idea of a career more than a job, and this is definately that. Yesterday I was at the business expo and made quite a few contacts. We gave away free weeks to all the ladies that wanted them.
Next month we are having a 24 hour fundraiser for Relay for Life, that should be quite interesting, we are asking for donations for a Chinese Auction and of course cash donations to help our team. There will be a lot going on and we will be open to the public, should be quite a fun, interesting time. Come on down and visit us the weekend of March 18 and 19.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Zumba in the Circuit
Wow! The past year has been awesome! I am a business owner, and now a licensed Zumba Instructor and member of Zin. I taught my first class last night. We did two Curves Circuit with Zumba Fitness classes back to back! What a riot that was! The first class was full and very loud and they really worked it! We had tons of fun, the second class was supposed to have been full but a few people called that they were sick. It was a bit quieter, but still fun. I had thought I would be sore today, but am not.
this past year has just been amazing for me. I have doubled the size of the business, I absolutely love the women, the job and being able to help others get healthy and fit. We are going to be teaching Zumba classes every Thursday night and now we are going to add Tuesday mornings also.
I did forget a few of the steps, but just added some other ones in. I will keep getting better at this! We loved it and everyone had a great time, I am sure the ladies will be talking about it for quite a while!
this past year has just been amazing for me. I have doubled the size of the business, I absolutely love the women, the job and being able to help others get healthy and fit. We are going to be teaching Zumba classes every Thursday night and now we are going to add Tuesday mornings also.
I did forget a few of the steps, but just added some other ones in. I will keep getting better at this! We loved it and everyone had a great time, I am sure the ladies will be talking about it for quite a while!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Coming up..
Almost a year has passed since I decided to buy Curves. What alot of changes there have been in this past year. How much our club has grown and what a lot of fun we have had. I just got back from the weekend in Philly completing a Zumba Fitness workshop. Curves and Zumba have teamed up to offer the Curves Circuit with Zumba Fitness and I was not able to find an instructor. So went to learn it and be able to teach it myself. The class was intense, about 7 hours of Zumba Fitness/Dance and sitting on a hard wood floor in between. I passed and am now authorized to teach Zumba, once the instructor gets me registered on the Zin site I will be able to get on their and see what I need to do to get authorized for the circuit, I understand that is another class, but on line. Then comes the choreography and music. I will need to create play lists and put the dance steps together with it, this should be interesting. Will take some time I am sure and in the meantime need to keep practicing my own moves to make it better and more fun.
I am glad to have that workshop in and glad that Heidi went with me, about 65 of us there and I would have been really nervous without her. She made it more fun and easier.
I am glad to have that workshop in and glad that Heidi went with me, about 65 of us there and I would have been really nervous without her. She made it more fun and easier.
Saturday, January 01, 2011
Happy New Year!
I love firsts, always have! First days of new Months are always great, it gives you so much to look forward to. It always feels like new beginnings, first days of the New Year are even better. A whole, clean, fresh new year. things that went wrong in the past year are now totally behind us, we have a fresh, clean new slate to write on. Kind of like new notebooks, new journals. We can start clean and fresh. change what we don't like and start over.
I love starting the new year with a clean house and being organized, this year that is even more important, now that I am a business owner. I have so many goals for the business and for myself. I need to help the ladies get healthy and fit, need to help them lose weight. I need to increase our membership and think that Zumba will help with that. I need to lose the belly fat myself, need to be a great example for my ladies.
I need to get off my butt and get moving, its early, 7:09 am on New Years Day, I need to get in my workout. didn't do any yesterday and my body is crying out for some real movement.
Happy new Year everyone!
I love starting the new year with a clean house and being organized, this year that is even more important, now that I am a business owner. I have so many goals for the business and for myself. I need to help the ladies get healthy and fit, need to help them lose weight. I need to increase our membership and think that Zumba will help with that. I need to lose the belly fat myself, need to be a great example for my ladies.
I need to get off my butt and get moving, its early, 7:09 am on New Years Day, I need to get in my workout. didn't do any yesterday and my body is crying out for some real movement.
Happy new Year everyone!
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