Well, tomorrow i will be front page news. I had called to have a reporter come do a story for us about the food bank. we are collecting donations for the Christian Food Bank and anyone who joins Curves this month can do so without a sign up fee. I wanted that out there. I did not expect them to include a feature story on Curves in general, but they ran it all together, including a picture and will be front page on Monday. I am kind of nervous about that but guess it can't hurt. Hopefully it all sounds okay.
I am thinking it should all be final this week or next week at the latest. Melanie and Ashley were days late mailing back their final papers so it could hold it up a bit. Curves should have them hopefully the beginning of the week. All that is needed is for them to assign me a new franchise number and mail our copies back. Then its done, signed, sealed and delivered. Hopefully soon. I am still thinking of a party for my ladies.
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