Wednesday, February 03, 2010


The open sign at my place died the other day. I ordered a new one last night, can't wait for it to get here. Its bigger and oval, its an animated, flashing Led light and I love it! Hope it looks really cool in the window! Supposed to be the brightest kind and can be seen in day light from a distance. I am so excited over the stupidest little things. The paperwork is with my attorney, who had some questions so is calling Sandy and the accountant and hopefully we can get that squared away and mailed out. Should take roughly 3 to 4 weeks once that is mailed. My ladies are all so excited about the changes taking place. They are so wonderful. I managed to catch one heck of a cold through all of this. Figures, I guess, haven't had one in years, but lately I haven't been eating my yogurt, or taking my vitamins. Haven't had any real amount of exercise either. Its hard to eat at 4:30 in the morning. Going to change all that starting today though.

I am thinking I may stay home after lunch today and take it easy, the girls are leaving after this week so it may be my last chance for a while for any time off.

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