Saturday, January 30, 2010


The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live.

- Flora Whittemore, author

This past week has been hectic, a blur really. Learning that Curves was up for sale on Tuesday, looking at and deciding to buy it Wed, turning in notice at work on Thursday. Starting at Curves on Tuesday night. Wow! What a ride its been.

It's about to take another turn, hold on tight! The current owners have decided they want this coming week to be their last week there even though its not officially mine yet. They will both be available if I need something but they want off the schedule. I knew the day would come but didn't expect it to be this soon. I am actually okay with it. I can learn most of what I need from the Curves training manual, cd's and website. I am wondering if I should maybe check with my lawyer for the legalities of it though. Speaking of that, I talked to the accountant yesterday and the money I have spent so far for supplies etc we can expense once I take it over. I placed my first ad yesterday. Nothing major but the Press is doing a Wear Red for Women for Heart Health ad on Feb 4. They called yesterday and Melanie gave me the phone. It will run one day, cost $45 and their won't be any mention of my name, but I had them run a Guest Pass ad for me. Hopefully maybe it will pull some new members. People are all abuzz around town, everyone seems to know its been sold and I guess I should have been prepared for that. I think its all a good thing. My ladies are so excited and it shows. Word of mouth is the best advertising I can get.

My life is about to change again and its going to be one wild ride. My body is starting to adjust for these changes already. Bedtime has been earlier the past few days and wake up time earlier also, which is exactly what I need with the hours I am keeping. That may make it all a bit easier, which is why I got out of bed at 5 on a Sat.

Come for the day, stay for life. I still like that for a motto!

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