Saturday, March 07, 2009

New Books

My next four study units arrived finally yesterday, wow, does this first one ever look tough. They are Medical Terminology, Excerise Science Terminology, Fitness Anatomy and physiology 1 and 2. Should keep me busy a while.

For Medical Terminology they recommend a lot of memorizing. There are 7 different sections just full of prefixes, suffixes, roots, and other things to memorize. They said this is the book we will keep coming back to. I am making flash cards for each of these 7 sections. This unit is going to take a while but looks fascinating, it starts getting into the body parts, systems, etc. Looks fascinating, but I sure didn't realise this class would include so much detail on some of this. I have been taking a test every few days but this one is going to take a bit longer I think. Even the book says this one you will probably go through 4 or 5 times before getting it all.

4 years ago today I was lifeflighted to Pittsburgh with my first heart attack, at that time though we didn't know what was wrong, didn't know until about 5 months later. That began my fascination with the health and fitness information that has carried over to this point.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well thank goodness you're back at home now and healthy. Good luck with your new material to study!