Were we ever this young? Look at the hair on my son! Holy cow! My duaghter looks to be maybe about 5 or so, that has to be about 20 years ago.
I haven't written a blog in ages. Just haven't taken the time but decided to this morning. I have today off and my dear hubby is back on his weird Dupont hours which gives me more time home alone. Free time is good. I am planning on taking advantage of it today. I, as usual have about a thousand things I want done. The closet in the spare room really needs cleaned out, the fish tank needs done and I would like to start decorating for the holidays here sometime. Although I must say I am not much in the mood for Christmas this year. May put a Christmas cd in later and see if that helps.
Relay 50/50 raffle ticket sales are not going well, it seems that just my sister and I are the only ones selling them. And their isn't much $$ in the 50/50 yet. Think I am going to buy some for our kids, maybe they will get lucky, maybe not but it can be my contribution to the relay and the pot will be bigger for whoever does win.
i started a detox program yesterday, have never done one but my boss and some of the girls at work do, and they swear by it. I figured to give it a try and see what happens.
Guess I'll go get busy. Oh, its 13 here this morning and we still have the pond running, guess we better get those filters out of there soon.
1 comment:
Since I've been sick with the flu I've been trying to get things done around home. Every time I try, never comes out the way I want it to, though!
I'm still not in the Christmas mood yet. I put out a few things but nothing major.
It snowed like crazy last night and the roads weren't too bad but it's sill very cold and not pleasant to be out in.
I should be home for Christmas this year; Probably Tuesday until Friday and then we have to come back and get ready to move since our lease will be up. I'll keep you posted!
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