This blog is about the happenings in my life and those around me. It will contain information about fitness, health, web sites I enjoy, Relay for Life and other things of interest and importance to me. Please feel free to leave me a note in the guestbook or a comment on the page you are reading.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
A Blue Christmas
I took time tonight and updated the ticker for my exercise minutes. I have been slacking with that lately and it hadn't been updated in months. Tomorrow is the first so it felt like a good time to change it.
We've had sleet and rain today and were supposed to be at work tomorrow morning early for a meeting but they called and canceled it thankfully. Now, if they would just call and cancel work for the day it would be awesome. Well, I can hope right?
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Just for today
JUST FOR TODAY at a stranger ...listen to someone's heart ...drop a coin where a child can find it ...learn something new, then teach it to someone ...tell someone you're thinking of them ...hug a loved one ...don't hold a grudge ...don't be afraid to say "I'm sorry" ...look a child in the eye and tell them how great they are ...don't kill that spider in your house, he's just lost so show him the way out ...look beyond the face of a person into their heart ...make a promise, and keep it someone, for no other reason than to just say "hi" kindness to an animal ...stand up for what you believe in ...smell the rain, feel the breeze, listen to the wind ...use all your senses to their fullest ...cherish all of your TODAY'S
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
In Memory of Jimmie

Jimmie was my ex husbands girlfriend. I had never met her, she lived in Arizona, I live in Pa. When Mike passed away in April, she couldn't be there, she was in the hospital having chemo and being sick with cancer. I am the one who held the phone up to Mikes ear so she could talk to him when she called, I am the one who called her when he passed and she was still in a different hospital. To me that constitutes a friend.
We had talked a few times since then and had sent each other a text once in a while, not often but like Mothers Day etc. I thought about her yesterday with the upcoming Thanksgiving Holiday and wondered how she was doing. She had told me last time we talked she knew it wouldn't be long. I sent her a quick test tonight and within minutes my phone rang. It was her son answering the text I had sent. Jimmie passed away yesterday afternoon at 3:15.
I cried for this friend, this friend I had never met. I know she is in a better place and know that her and Mike are once again riding Harley's, this time across the sky. There in a better place pain free.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Check out this link
I need to start posting more here. I heard from our friend Hazel tonight and she is still following my blog. I feel like I let her down, I haven't posted much lately, but will do better. Sure was nice to hear from you Hazel, we miss you being here.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Blast from the past

Were we ever this young? Look at the hair on my son! Holy cow! My duaghter looks to be maybe about 5 or so, that has to be about 20 years ago.
I haven't written a blog in ages. Just haven't taken the time but decided to this morning. I have today off and my dear hubby is back on his weird Dupont hours which gives me more time home alone. Free time is good. I am planning on taking advantage of it today. I, as usual have about a thousand things I want done. The closet in the spare room really needs cleaned out, the fish tank needs done and I would like to start decorating for the holidays here sometime. Although I must say I am not much in the mood for Christmas this year. May put a Christmas cd in later and see if that helps.
Relay 50/50 raffle ticket sales are not going well, it seems that just my sister and I are the only ones selling them. And their isn't much $$ in the 50/50 yet. Think I am going to buy some for our kids, maybe they will get lucky, maybe not but it can be my contribution to the relay and the pot will be bigger for whoever does win.
i started a detox program yesterday, have never done one but my boss and some of the girls at work do, and they swear by it. I figured to give it a try and see what happens.
Guess I'll go get busy. Oh, its 13 here this morning and we still have the pond running, guess we better get those filters out of there soon.