Today is my baby sisters, Cheri's, birthday. She is 50, count them, FIFTY, years old today. I needed to do something to mark her birthday and this was the best I could come up with considering the day I had, which went something like leave home at 8:20 this morning, get home for one hour at 12 to 1, then leave again to start new job, have car that wouldn't start leaving the new job, then dinner at Red Lobster, and finally arrive back home at 7:30 tonight.
Anyway, I kind of thought everyone (except her of course) may enjoy seeing pictures through the years of my dear, sweet, sister..Love ya Cher!
Cheri's version of the story to this picture is a bit different than mine. Cher will tell you that I dared her to ride her bike down Barton's hill with her eyes closed..(LOL, when did she ever listen to me anyway??) My version is that I wasn't even there and she it a rock with the tire on the bike and skidded...Mom? any ideas on whose story is closest? Cher must have been what about 8 maybe in this picture? Eddie probably about 5. NEXT PICTURE.
Mom would probably have a better idea of ages in these pictures but I'm thinking I must be around 14 or 15, cher possibly 11 or 12? Cute picture, taken in the projects where we grew up, I believe on E 245 St?
Darn it, this program just moved the pictures out of context, the third picture of my baby sister is with my son in Emporium in 1976. That would make Howie almost 5 and Cher would be about 19. Where do these years go? Going to add a few more pictures just to make this interesting. I do have others, alot of them, but these ones are already on the computer so its easier. Just wish they'd go where I put them.
okay, this one of the three of us was taken on MY birthday, so I'm older, so what??
Two more pictures to go, or who knows maybe three? this is being done for all posterity you know. Sorry Trisha, no time to edit these pictures and i figured you were in it with Cher, you deserved to stay in it.
the last and final picture has got to be taken with her happy hubby, Jeff and what better picture than one including the bench he made for us to raffle off for the relay. OOps, I lied, thats not going to be the last picture because I just found one on here that has to be last. Going to apologize for it now sis. Good think I live aways away, your going to want to shoot me. Also, for anyone who doesn't know, Cher and jeff just celebrated their wedding anniversary on Aug 9 and i believe the year was 1974?? 33 years maybe?
One last picture and I'm out of here.
sorry sis, I had to do it..LOL
This last one was taken at the Relay for Life, Yard sale. Loved it, and doubt that Cher ever saw it. If anyone would like to leave a comment, simply click on the comment button and it will allow comments onto this page..
Thanks everyone, hope you enjoy reading this and looking at the pics as much as I enjoyed doing it.
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