The darn bear scared the daylights out of me last night. I had gotten home from work late, and took a coffee and went up to the pond to feed the fish. Heard a noise in the woods, but thought it was the kids down at the pavilion for the church. Thankfully, I soon remembered and thought about the bear we had seen around the neighborhood and realised I had maybe better look around. As I started down towards the house I looked around and saw him..sitting under the tree and watching me..got to the house and called the neighbors, grabbed the camera and got some pictures. You can bet I will be paying attention when I am outside from now on. Margie from next door called later that it was in her yard and she got some good video of it, then later on another neighbor, Peggy, emailed that it was at her house..He is making the rounds and all of us hope he gets tired and moves on soon.
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