Sharan and I both ordered these bracelets. They should hopefuly be here in a few days. Sharan is wearing hers in memory of her deceased husband. I am wearing mine in honor of my ex husband and the reason for this relay.
We are doing a fudge fundraiser right now. The sign up sheet will be going up at work tomorrow and Betty is making 4 different kinds of fudge for $6.00 a pound. The fudge will be ready to be picked up on March 19.
This coming Monday, Pam is cooking hot sausage sandwiches for our Lunch for the relay. Everyone is doing great.
Therapy this morning and my arm again went numb. Next week is my last one. It is feeling somewhat better and I just am tired of this, there is really nothing else that they can do. I can do the stretches at home and lets just see if that helps.
John is baking a cake in the new stove. 52 years old and I have never had a new stove. This is the first time. What a sheltered life I have lived. LOL
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