This blog is about the happenings in my life and those around me. It will contain information about fitness, health, web sites I enjoy, Relay for Life and other things of interest and importance to me. Please feel free to leave me a note in the guestbook or a comment on the page you are reading.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Darn, darn, darn

Therapy is scheduled for early this morning. I am going to be done with this shortly. The script runs out next week and I am not going to see the doctor or get another one. I really think that we have done everything that can be done and this is as good as its going to get. It's good to know that they cannot find anything seriously wrong and I do believe its just going to take time. The therapist can show me the different exercises that may help and I will do them at home. the new stove should be here today and I am anxious to see how it looks, the big test will be in a few weeks when the counter tops are in though. the guys from there come in Friday to do the template. I am getting so excited about having this all done. |
Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Monday, February 26, 2007
Money Bucket
I forgot to mention that we dropped off a money bucket at Brenda's today. She is going to be collecting donations there for us. How awesome these people are. It just seems to be getting better and better. Everyone just seems to be so helpful and everyone wants to do whatever they can to help. I have noticed that at the store everyone seems to be working together and its great. |
Lunch and competition
We earned $30.00 for the relay today at the store. Laura cooked meatball sandwiches and we have $30 profit we are turning in. On the way home from work tonight, I stopped at the little pharmacy. I needed a gift for a co worker who has a birthday tomorrow. I had forgotten about the pharmacy selling the die cut relay cards. There they were on the counter. They had quite a few hanging on their coolers and the girl working there told me they were having a competition to see which area would sell the most, either the front registers or the back pharmacy counter. I bought one card in Mike's honor from the front and will stop tomorrow and buy one from the back just to keep it fair. I am wondering how many people work there, I would like to do some little thing for them. I am figuring for the pharmacy itself possibly advertisement hanging on our campsite at the relay. I really need to talk to Scott and Cheri, they are the both creative with signs and such.
Next relay meeting is march 8, and the money will be turned in then. so far, so good. this takes us to $429 not counting the money from the pharmacy.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Ice storm
We were supposed to get a bad storm today. It did storm for a while but I think its been done and not as bad as expected. I was kind of hoping it would be so bad that I'd have to call off work tomorrow, I could really use an extra day off. these days off go by so fast. It's already time to get ready for bed and get thinking about tomorrow and I'm just not ready to have this day be over with yet. It seems the older you get the faster they go to. My neck is a bit sore tonight and I think driving to and from Dubois today did that. I should have left John drive one way or the other, but he is still not feeling real well from the cold. I have therapy again on Wed and this will be almost the last one. I am not going back to the pain doctor either, figure there is nothing else they can do and most of the time it feels okay. Not good, not normal but okay. I can live with it, and have gone through enough testing to know that there is nothing they can do about it. They cannot find anything except for inflammation. So it just my hope that with time it will get better. I keep trying to stretch it out a bit and do the exercises from therapy but it doesn't seem to help much. Hopefully with time it will. Tomorrow is our first lunch for the relay, Laura is doing the meatball sandwiches. Hope this goes over well and hope that we make enough to make it worth while. i guess we will figure it out as we go. I want to get down to the pharmacy one day this week too and see how they are doing with the cards. Hopefully they are doing something with them. |
Turkey come to visit

Last night the elk was here. Just one and a big bull. We are hoping he sticks around also, would like to get one of those antlers and its about time they should be losing them.
We are supposed to get an ice storm today and it was sleeting, and hailing a while ago, but now looks like it has stopped. Maybe the worst of it is over with already. we went this morning and ordered our new stove, which will be delivered Wed and the guys come on Friday to do the template on the new counter tops. We even stopped and looked at our granite today while we were out doing some running around. it is absolutely gorgeous and I cannot wait to get it all done.
A much needed day off.
Ok, I reinstalled this program to give it one more try. Can't help it, I loved these backgrounds on the blog and can't find them anywhere else. this looks like my backyard today.. |
Friday, February 23, 2007
Getting it together

Thursday, February 22, 2007
New Program

We havea new fund raiser started at work. On Mondays we are going to take turns cooking lunch and selling it for either 2 or 3 dollars a plate. Proceeds to benefit the Relay, and the dollars are going to count towards the goal for the person who cooked that day. Laura is going to be the first and cook on Monday
Wednesday, February 21, 2007

February 21, 2007
Dear Friend,
We all know of someone who has been touched by cancer. Each year the American Cancer Society holds a Relay for Life. This is a 24 hour event which takes place locally. All monies collected and donated go towards fighting cancer. Together our dollars can eradicate this terrible disease.
I am asking local businesses for their help. We have available die cut cards, two different styles. One honoring survivors and one in memory of those deceased. We are asking businesses to offer these cards for donations of $1.00 to their customers. These cards are then signed, and hung in the windows of the local businesses to show their support for the Relay for Life and the victims and survivors of cancer.
I would like to ask you to participate in the sale of these cards to benefit the Relay for Life.
However, if you do not feel that this is possible for your business, I would also like to ask for any cash donations to the Relay or any donation of a product that could be chanced off in a gift basket. I am thanking you in advance for any help you can give us.
Relay for Life is scheduled from 8 am July 14 to 8 am July 15 in DuBois. If you’d like to attend or have any questions you can contact me at the above phone number, or email.
Peggi Yeager
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Also, tonight in the mail I received an invitation to the regional relay university in State College. Unfortunately, I cannot attend this due to work, but I did already email the girl here in Dubois about it, and asked her to get me any information I need.
I really miss the hotbar and the different backgrounds that I had on here and may try again to install it and hope not to have any problems. I am off tomorrow and may take time and try it.
Slept in
Tomorrow is my dentist appointment for a check up and I am really wishing I would have started with the dentist right down the street instead of over to Burg. I may end up changing that sometime but i guess for right now with only going once every 6 months its not that bad. Well, hopefully its only again in 6 months, unless they find a problem.
I may take some of the die cut cards along for the Relay to see if they would sell them over there for on their windows. Will have to think that one thru. I only have about 200 and think we may want them for our store. We are doing that next month.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Paths and Tracks

My horoscope
Your plans tend to drift today. It seems easier to go with the flow than to take an active hand in your fate. Avoid circumstances that put you in situations you would regret or can't get out of.
That is copied from my horoscope for today, scroll down and see what yours says. It seems to fit the way I feel today. I have been sitting here just playing on this computer for what seems like hours. Note the new glitter graphics on the left and below. I love new fun things. Found a clock page too, but haven't added that yet.
It is time to move, time to get up out of this chair and do something! You can only drift for so long and then you need to do something.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Self improvement
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Happy Valentines Day!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Still missing the snow Michelle?

Out of work early, car in garage
Monday, February 12, 2007
Design on Door
Core rythms
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Pileated woodpecker
Saturday, February 10, 2007
I want to talk to some of the local small businesses about selling the die cut cards for in their windows, we are doing this in March at our store also. Jen never did get the buckets over to me today. I also have an idea to talk to the area businesses and see if they would be interested in donating for a specific amount and getting advertising on our backs during the actual relay. We could do signs with the name of the business and then wear the signs around our walks on the track. Something maybe to the tune of $50.00 an hour. or so. Possibly even $300 for a sign on our tent the entire weekend advertising that company. Could work it so that any company selling the die cuts could get a half hour free or something to that effect.
I like the looks of this red, but the relay color is actually purple..I think from here on out any posts having to do with the relay will be written in purple and will make it easier for people to find.
We have one more person considering joining us. She had asked me yesterday if it was to late to still sign up. She is checking to make sure the date is okay and I will take her in a sign up sheet on Monday.
If any of you have any ideas for fund raisers please either email me or leave a comment here.
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Brief meeting
cowboy |
cowgirl |
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
One more member
Our cookie fund raiser is going well, we have orders for 39 dozen Valentine Day sugar cookies. Some of us have told Betty that if she needs to do ours later thats fine. I cannot believe that anyone in their right mind would willingly volunteer to do this. If it goes over well, she wants to bake one thing a month for the team.
Yesterday was a long day at work, and the heaters were blowing cold air. My neck is so sore now and yesterday I ended up taking the muscle relaxers again. this morning is therapy. Am anxious to see what I learn there and then am going for a haircut.
Really do believe that alot of this hair is coming off..something shorter and choppier seems to suit me right now.
A note from a friend.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Cookies for Relay
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Friday, February 02, 2007
Dr. Hook, Cher and Joan Jett
We have been getting one heck of a storm all day today, it took me about an hour to get home from work tonight. Mom and Dad got home from New York okay, thankfully and Chet and Cindy are married and in Pittsburgh. They leave tomorrow for their honeymoon in the Domenican Republic.
Hope the weather is better come tomorrow. It's awful tonight.
Birthdays and Weddings

Wow, alot going on today for mom. Her birthday and her and dad are going up to New York to be with Chet and Cindy, who are getting married today. Groundhog's day too. Hopefully, a very good day for all of them.
Relay is going well and we have 29 doz Valentine Day cookies ordered between the three stores so far. Betty will be busy baking up a storm. We are selling the cookies for $3.00 a dozen and the proceeds will go the relay. After Betty takes her due for supplies out. I received notice yesterday from the Relay and our first meeting is next Thursday at 6 pm in Dubois. I am planning on attending right after work.
Have a great day everyone