I'm really pouting here today folks, its a gorgeous day for the end of Dec. The sun is shining, the birds are singing and my family is gambling. Mom, Cher, Paul and Nikki all took off this morning for the casino and I have to work today from noon to 8. Wahh! I sure hope they have fun and win lots and wish I was there!
On a brighter note, I'm finishing off the year with a good month at the store. I'm in second place for sales this month and thats with missing the first few days due to the car accident. Hope I can hold it there today and tomorrow yet.
Mike's treatments are going well and today is his last one for a few days so I'm anxious to hear how he's doing. The doctors do believe that they can put this into remission but with no guarantees. Keep praying please!
I'm still trying hard to live up to my goals physically and just did a half hour on the treadmill. Thanks again for that Hazel! We miss you!
Make it a great day everyone!
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