You sure can tell its fall here in Pa. The leaves are almost all off the trees in the backyard and on the mountain side. I spent a good part of Sunday raking them out of the yard and skimming them out of the little ponds. Today is a day off and supposed to be a nice one, I think this afternoon will be spent doing outside work and raking leaves is on the list again. Along with digging up the cannas and glad bulbs. I hate the thought of winter coming and being stuck inside for months and months.
I am glad that we got the basement carpeted and it looks so nice down there, I have been spending even more time there and really think once winter sinks in and we cannot be outside we will be down there even more often. It stays nice and toasty warm down there and I really do enjoy all the exercise equipment.
This morning I have a hair appt and am getting it just trimmed and frosted again. I really am trying to let it grow out a bit and now its long enough that it keeps my ears warm..Thats always a good thing.
Enjoy the day everyone!
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