Fall is definately in the air here in Pa. Leaves are dropping at an alarming rate in our backyard, we've been raking them as time allows, but there are alot of things that need to be done before winter sets in.
We have not had a frost yet, so the flowers outside are all still doing well. The bulbs will still need to be removed after the frost comes. The cannas flowers from dad have done very well and have spread like wildflowers this year. I know that my mom and Vicki both need some so hopefully will be able to divide them up. The mums pictured here have also done fantastic out under our little tree in the front yard. They have all grown and spread and I'm not sure if there will be room for impatiens next year or not.
The ponds need to be ready for winter also, the filters and fountains are all still running and those need to be taken out, cleaned and put away until spring. Again I hope the fish survive the winter months, but this year I do have a pond heater to keep a hole in the ice. Not thinking straight though, and I only bought one. We will have to move it from side to side in the little ponds to keep a hole open on both sides.
A very busy, but good day at work yesterday. I had people I had worked with in the past all come in for me yesterday. It just seemed like everyone was waiting for me. A good day for commissions with sales over $13,000. It helped to finish out a really bad, slow month.
Next week the new basement carpet will be installed and boy, am I excited about that. John has been busy working down there finishing a wall. He is putting in electrical outlets and covering over the brick with marlite and wood. It will sure look nice once its done.
A project that we are considering for next spring in enclosing the front porch in glass with possibly a skylight. I will be researching that! You can count on it.