Saturday, August 12, 2006


This eliptical is a killer. I read on sparkpeople where one of the girls can do 12 miles in 90 minutes..I can't even get a mile in a half hour. I did manage to do .347 miles in 15 minutes and 13 seconds on resistance 6. Thats the pitts and gave me a new goal. I want to get to one mile in 15 minutes, but on resistance 5. should give me something to work towards.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


All elliptical machines are different, I've been on a variety and they all read different mileage, speed and calories burnt (with basically similar results according to my professional heart rate monitor & chest strap). The important part is that you're making strides toward a healthier lifestyle!

Keep up the great work, and keep Spreading the Spark!

-SparkPeople Member GrantM